u wat mate



Steven Universe Future
Little Fires Everywhere

This show is the kind of series that I hope never has a season two not because it was bad but because it was so perfect as is. My wife wanted to watch it so I was along for the ride but it was instantly luring me in. Both leads are solid actresses playing good characters. The kids were doing believable kid stuff without stooping to obvious manufactured drama that were a series of bad decisions. Instead the story gives difficult situations to navigate without a clear "good guy vs bad guy".

Here there be SPOILERS...

Watching Reese play the entitled white savior was amazing. Seeing how obsessive feud consumed her weakening her already failed family bonds was riveting. Mia was a perfect example of a good person making mistakes and owning up to them but damn she had no problem going on a warpath. Both sides were written well enough to care about and agree with. I could speak about all of the great characters in this drama. Love it

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BASTARD‼ -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy-

We were all 12 once. This would have been the coolest thing ever back in the day. It may be trash, but it's high quality trash.

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Shout by u wat mate

Absolutely phenomenal! The main cast carries this show well. The effects and action stay decent. The writing can get a bit fuzzy but still works throughout the whole series. The ending is perfectly bittersweet. If you like time travel, then watch it. This show touches on everything time travel can do.

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Shout by u wat mate

This show is a perfect example of a train wreck too gory not to watch. Each person was so incredibly awful that it was enjoyable to watch them be awful. Having them break apart at the end was definitely the best ending . It's honest. It's gross. It's mediocre. Never have I seen reality depicted on screen so accurately.

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One Piece

I didn't like this show to begin with so a decade later I decided to give it another shot. I wasn't impressed but determined to push past the parts that I have seen before in hopes that it would get better as the fanbase let on. It really didn't and with over 900 episodes to slog through just waiting for it to be good I gave up again. I'm sure those that love this series have their reasoning but sadly I don't get it. From what I saw the animation was okay but the design choices were garish. The characters were flat. The writing was...basic. Honestly it seemed absurd enough to be almost satire of anime in general without committing. I am unsure how this endured over the years.

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Sailor Moon

Shout by u wat mate
BlockedParent2023-09-04T02:03:31Z— updated 2023-10-06T02:48:22Z

I think watching this for the first time 30 years late was not the best decision. I can see why this had such a huge impact on anime culture. The canned animations were top notch. The costuming is so over the top in a great way. What they decide to attach to boobs for a gag is crazy. Chibiusa is fantastic. Your childhood opinions were wrong. I have unusually strong feelings about season 5 Sailor Moon's red skirt looking so garrish. This show could use a full reboot. There's a lot of potential here.

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Code Lyoko

I picked this back up after missing it here and there when it was on TV. Now that I'm on the final season I can say that this last season is the best of an upper-mid show. The mix of 2d and 3d was used in a cool way. The 3d animation quality jumped in quality in the final season. It's a great episodic kids show. It's nice to see a French animation in a market monopolized by two countries. It's worth a watch for older kids and adults who want neat background noise.

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Yu Yu Hakusho


This niche genre is filled with Firefly and Cowboy Beebop. Trigun excels in crafting wonderful and loveable characters. Vash the Stampede is a hyper accurate gunslinger that refuses to kill. This post apocalyptic new world will test his will to survive vs his will to protect. This animation is detailed and stylish. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll eat copious amounts of donuts.

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Parasyte -the maxim-

Fantastic, Superb, Amazing, there aren't words to describe how good this is. The animation is fluid and detailed where it matters. The story is well thought out. The characters are interesting and believable.

This gory horror rips flesh with style. The parasyt is both terrifying and oddly cute. It was interesting to see how the idea of humanity is pushed around into whatever the author wants regardless of the character being human or not. It's great to see a show with a satisfying story arc including an end, a rare sight in an IP driven industry. This is a must watch for any horror or anime fan.

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Marvel's Cloak & Dagger

This was excruciating to watch. I barely made it through season 1 and won't give season 2 any shot. The actor playing Tyrone was wooden in the worst way. The light/dark young romance was done better in Runaways. The writing was bland, the editing was sometimes jumbled and confusing, and the effects were decent if underutilized. I really wanted to like the bad cop drama but it was killed by my dislike for Tyrone.

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The Walking Dead
Locke & Key

It was a fun kids fantasy. It was fun seeing how the keys worked especially when they crawled through eachother's minds. The magic is definitely the star of the show. The main kids were believable, a difficult task. the villain was kinda stock big bad evil guy. the plot twists were a bit predictable. I laughed hard as the youngest used a friggin bear trap with absolutely no effect. I am a bit story savy so it wasnt fantastic for me, but if you want an entertaining family horror fantasy in between stranger things seasons then this is your show.

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There are only 5 episodes but. I couldn't stomach past 4 1/2. The animation was bible cartoon level quality. The voice acting was aweful. The story and characters were hollow. The gore and nudity were an obvious attempt to put a bandaid over a broken leg. Just shoot the horse.

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