

Sheikhupura, Pakistan


THIS...IS....SPARTA!!!.....kick!!! Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh ppphhhffrrrrttt

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The Cloud-Capped Star

Reply by Fazeel

The original title of the film is Meghe Dhaka Tara.

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You are here!

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Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You

Reply by Fazeel

The plot's really cool, but I was wondering if they'd follow their "route" if they didn't tell the other what to say in the future or what will they do next day.
Also, a little fail in the timeline: how do they live in both worlds but not know things from the other world? Like Emi came from that other world with all her memories, she also knew she is gonna disappear (or what) midnight, but she didn't know anything about her future (Takatoshi's past). (I can't really explain this, but it's bugging me so much. xD)

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They didn't wanna risk it so they told the other about the future.

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Threads - Our Tapestry of Love

This was a rollercoaster of a ride!

This film had a similar tone to Kimi No Na Wa minus the spiritual element. The film's pacing started real fast but gradually became consistent and took its time building and developing the characters.

I loved the film for exploring each characters life journeys. It did not hesitate to show realistic obstacles of children and adults within society. The raw emotions and music played a huge role in bringing a strong, lasting impact on the story. I also appreciated when the film gives a clear backstory and glimpses between the characters.

The chemistry was clearly present between both Komatsu and Suda's performance. The supporting cast nailed their roles and left some strong, lasting moments.

I was surprised the casting director managed to find a child actress resembling Komatsu-san (or it could be make-up).

The story could be rather depressing because it takes an authentic approach and long duration, which affected my rewatch value. Despite that, I still found the film to be quite inspiring and informative.

If you are interested in a film which explores the themes of self-discovery and gradual slow romantic build-up, then I would recommend this film.

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I rewatched it today, almost exactly a year later, and it was a wonderful experience.

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Reply by Fazeel

How is this movie getting such glorified reviews??? While the action scenes are fine, the story is somewhere between illogical and ridiculous.

None of the story lines make any sense, it's just one fight/chase after the next up until the idiotic finale. And yeah, let's connect the laptop of our villain super-hacker to the local network, what could go wrong.

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This! It's perplexing to me how sometimes people can be so oblivious to the plot holes in a movie and the contrived manner in which sequences are executed in a movie. I know it's supposed to be subjective—your taste in movies. But this movie was just above and beyond in its nonsense.

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Taipei Story

Reply by Fazeel

The original title of the film is Qing mei zhu ma.

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Heeey! It is you again.

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If You Are the One 3

Reply by Fazeel

• Similar to a sketch comedy resembling a PowerPoint presentation, this should be the final installment. Feng Xiaogang's era has passed, and only some middle-aged and elderly people can still appreciate it nostalgically.
• Ge You is getting old; can he still perform?
• Shu Qi still packs a punch.
• Download:https://mypikpak.com/s/VNqfKiQfJe5m9ivN0H-UvUUeo1

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Are the previous 2 movies worth watching?

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A Real Pain

Reply by Fazeel

Funny and heartfelt and the relationships feel real and organic. Eisenberg and Kieran Culkin both killing it. Works on a lot of levels without feeling the need to put a cap on it. Scratched the same itch for me as The Holdovers while being completely different.

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Il Mare

Reply by Fazeel

Loved it but I am a little confused about what happened at the end

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You mean the possibility of him having read the letter and not going to her in order to stop her as a result escaping his horrible fate?
I guess it's open ended whether he read the letter or not.

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Il Mare

Reply by Fazeel

"Time works in mysterious ways". That's probably the best way to sum up this movie.
While it's not a joyful movie, especially when you take into consideration the actual ending - the one where he dies-, it still gives you a slim of hope that, somewhere in a different timeline, they managed to overcome their loneliness; that she saved him, and eventually found happiness, either alongside him or thanks to him (and vice-versa).
Overall, it's a nice movie to watch if you like romantic dramas with original twists, a gray color palette and a slow pacing to let things think in.
The only reason I didn't enjoy this movie more is because I've already seen "The Lake House", which is the American version of this movie.

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Who said he died? I interpreted that as a possibility if he hadn't read the letter, but in the end he did and got a happy ending with her.

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Something in the Rain

Reply by Fazeel

Truly a journey over destination watch. If you sunk in at least ten hours your gonna finish it.. unfortunately the last two episodes of this show are reaaaaaally stupid.
This show is a beautiful dollhouse in the shape of a happy meal,where the only exit leads into a pit of literal shit.

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Exactly. The last 2 episodes felt so forced. They were there just for the sake of it. Because the director wanted them to break up with no plot to back the decision.

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Reply by Fazeel

Review by Chrysus

I watched through episode 5 and really enjoy the story, but I had an inkling that I should look up the ending so I did and watched some of the last episode. Unfortunately, I don't like bittersweet endings, so I quit the show before getting too invested. I think these kinds of stories are great when learning about finding happiness on your own after being in a state where you felt like you needed someone else, became codependent, or otherwise found yourself stuck in life. I'm not at that point in my life anymore, so I prefer simple love stories, even if those stores involve a period of independent self-exploration. I would have liked a story where the main characters break up for several years; create their own successful, fulfilling lives; and start a relationship as better versions of their former selves. But this is not that story. I think this is hinted at pretty early on with Jin-joo. They meet again as better versions of their past selves, but because too much time has passed, they don't move forward with a relationship. We can only expect that the writer(s) intend the same fate for Doona and Won-jun; some people have called the ending open-ended, but I think the intention is quite clear.

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I don't understand. They did break up for several years and came back as better versions of themselves and got together in the end and yet you still didn't like the show/ending?

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Pain Hustlers

Reply by Fazeel

Every character and actor in this movie is so alive and dynamic and then there's Emily Blunt.

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Is that a compliment or...?

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The Chaser

Reply by Fazeel

2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

8 out of 10

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I keep on seeing your reviews, lmao!
You seem like a korean movie fan.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-04-06T14:29:06Z— updated 2023-04-10T20:16:43Z

If last year's Top Gun Maverick gave everyone the slightest bit of hope in regards to films that click with the general audience and blow up at the box office, this is the kind of film that'll make any self-respecting film fan lose all hope. Here's the deal: kids will pretty much like this by default, adults who are looking for validation of their childhood obsession will like it, and people who show up to see an actual movie won't. It's pretty much the blandest, calculated, do-nothing film they could've made out of this material. The animation is devoid of style and looks like it was originally rendered for a Dreamworks project back in 2008, the voice acting is mostly ass, it triggers the nostalgia & reference button way too often, the story & characters are watered down to a point where they're almost non-existent, it's not funny and its boomer rock soundtrack choices make absolutely no sense. It's irredeemable trash, like every product that rolls of the Illumination Entertainment conveyor belt. Nevertheless, I'm willing to bet that due to the large fanbase of the IP, this will be one of those films where in the short term some of the discourse will insist that "some people/critics don't know how to have fun" or "it's made for the fans" (only for those same people to deny ever liking it in the long haul, of course). Here’s hoping Illumination doesn’t listen to those voices in the same way that DC did after the release of Suicide Squad. This is not a foundation to build a franchise on.


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I don't know about anything else but the story seems to have been written by a 7 year old.

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Man in Love

Typical trope but great acting. Congrats Roy Chiu and Tiffany Ann Hsu on their marriage announcement!

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Is that because of this film? like they met at the set and fell for each other?

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The only thing that removes depression from me and makes me smile all the time!!!

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Nicely said.
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