Fellipe Mariano


Rio de Janeiro

BoJack Horseman: 3x04 Fish Out Of Water

"in this terrifying world, all we have is the connections that we make".

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Better Call Saul: 1x07 Bingo

I just loved this one. To see him crying at the end because he had to give up on invest in himself... killer scene. And it was awesome to see him "working" with Mike!

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Making a Murderer: 1x09 Lack of Humility

I can't believe in what I just saw. At each word that these state men issued, my anger just grew.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2x17 Melinda

It seemes like Skye's parents is hiding something. I mean, what was that moment when she say "Am I 26?" and they look each other like "Oh oh"? I'm always suspicious when it comes of this TV show.

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Suits: 4x16 Not Just a Pretty Face

I just can't stand these two! Come on! Enough of this! Kiss already!!!!

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Better Call Saul: 5x09 Bad Choice Road

I'm going to think about e rewatch those last 15 minutes for the rest of my life. A complete masterclass of cinema.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x05 4,722 Hours

I just hope that, in case they bring Will back, it doesn't start a soap opera about a love triangle between him, Jemma and Fitz.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 2x07 Working for the Clampdown

It keeps getting better. I really hope AMC will renew it again.

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The Flash: 1x16 Rogue Time

I liked it. It was kinda obvious that not everything of the past episode would remain the same, but at least Cisco is alive and someone still suspicious of Dr. Wells.

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Shooter: 3x13 Red Light

I'm just glad they didn't let any loose ties like most canceled tv shows do. I was just hoping until the last minute to see Swagger kill Red Bama and it was actually a beautiful scene aesthetically speaking. I'm satisfied.

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Master of None: 1x03 Hot Ticket

When "Brother" from Mac DeMarco started playing I almost didn't pay attention to the scene at all. Awesome soundtrack.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 2x10 Heaven Is a Place

When people are going to realise that they need to watch this show?

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Arrow: 3x20 The Fallen

That was actually the first episode I enjoyed Felicity after a long time. This episode was a little weak, but at least Thea is alive and still knows Oliver is the Arrow. I would not stand if she had forgot it and Oliver would have to struggle to keep this a secret again or something like that.

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The Good Place: 2x02 Dance Dance Resolution

Someone should correct this episode on trakt's souce, episode 2 is acutally the second part of "Everything is Great!", even knowing that NBC aired both episodes like one only.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 4x04 Tonya and Nancy

aaand here we go again...

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Supergirl: 1x10 Childish Things

They should just give up on these teases about Kara and Jimmy. There's no chemistry, which is the opposite of her and Winn.

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The Goldbergs: 3x01 A Kick-Ass Risky Business Party

This show is so good that's gonna cost a lot to me to accept when it's over.

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Marvel's Daredevil

It's sad that he is blind and cannot see how gorgeous this redhead one is.

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This movie is an experience that every person should have. This is a fucking masterpiece. It's amazing how the simplicity of this film becomes one of it's best characteristics. This movie is quite exactly what I would like to do if I decided to make a movie someday. Kinda bad someone got there first, but it's ok because I probably wouldn't do better than this. God, those little moments with the family, the thoughts of what's the point of life... This movie is so nostalgic and I'm still in the high-school-to-college phase, but still I can relate so much with this movie. I love when we can relate with the story and the things the principal character is going through. And the soundtrack... Coldplay, Arcade Fire, Foster the People... just hands down. I probably won't see a movie that will affect me so much as this one did.

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I'm gonna miss this so much... cried like a baby with the ending. =/

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Paranormal Activity 4

Somebody fix the synopsis. Robbie is not Hunter...

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The Flash: 2x15 King Shark

Loved the Finding Nemo reference.

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The Flash: 2x13 Welcome to Earth-2

Hell yes. Best episode of the season so far.

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Arrow: 4x12 Unchained

That was the "least worst" episode of this season so far. A lot of plots in one episode again, but that didn't get in the way of the course of this one.

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The Flash: 2x12 Fast Lane

Again, too many things in just one episode, rushed edition. But it was a good episode.

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The Affair: 2x07 207

Cole is the best character on this show to me.

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Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

I have zero experience in writing, but I could just easily come up with something better than this instead of just write the same movie all over again adding new things here and there to make people watch it.

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If I knew this series would be cancelled with this cliffhanger, I would never start watching. That was shocking.

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Gotham: 2x09 Rise of the Villains: A Bitter Pill to Swallow

One of the best episodes of the entire series so far. Looking foward to the season finale.

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Gotham: 2x05 Rise of the Villains: Scarification

Glad I didn't give up on this show.

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