
1 follower

La Plata, Buenos Aires

Pretty Little Liars

This show is awful, if you haven't started it, do yourself a favor and don't start it. Ever. Even if you are bored to death. Even that sounds like more fun than watching this show. I would give it a negative 10 if negative ratings were available.

Plot: They keep moving the goal posts, soooo many loose ends and plot holes
Acting: I can't even... no, just no no no
Characters: OMFG, someone got paid for this?? If I did my job under those same standards, I would get fired and sued

If you started watching it already, I feel for you, it's like a very bad addiction and you'll either have to beat it or suffer it through.

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The Rain

Weak at most, acting is dreadful and the plot is unoriginal, just a zombie show without the zombies. Characters make no sense and there's no development at all. It does entertain a bit, especially because of the visuals, but I'm not sure I'll be watching season 2 (if there ever is one)

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The Purge

Season 1 really drags, but season 2 takes on a far more interesting approach IMHO. Still far from perfect, but it entertains and it was a good direction for the show to evolve into. I think it's good that the show ended though, a potential 3rd season would have become annoyingly politically correct given how season 2 ended.

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Season 2 did not disappoint, excellent show throughout for me, not sure why everybody keeps commenting on the (bad) acting. I watched it in Portuguese with English subtitles and had never thought about acting until I read the comments here, so not an issue for me. I do know that the English dubbing is awful, so maybe that's ruining it for you. Just give it a try in its original language.

Season 2 opened up the plot so cleverly and beautifully, I can't wait for season 3 (will there be one? IDK). Just awesome show, one of only 2 shows rated at 10 for me. Go watch it! :)

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This is probably the worst show I've ever watched - acting, plot development, characters... everything is extremely poorly executed. I feel disrespected as a sci-fi consumer really.

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