The Staircase

The performances here by Firth, Collette, and Binoche are nothing short of tremendous with excellent supporting performances by Stuhlbarg, Parker Posey, and Cullen Moss.

It's ever so slightly overlong and drags in the 5th and 6th episode, but the finale packs a great punch that lingered in my mind long after the credits rolled.

As someone who grew up 45 minutes away from where this real-life story took place, I was in awe of the accent work here. North Carolina is so dense with diverse accents and it is almost unheard of for TV and film to even approach success in this department, so I was utterly giddy to hear my home state represented as accurately as it was. This is not bound to be a show that enters our pantheon of most respected mini-series, but it would be a shame not to think of it as incredibly solid with some stellar character work. The slow burn is effective and this is a great show to take in over a few nights with a nice glass of whiskey.

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How I Met Your Mother

To get it out of the way up front: I wouldn’t watch series 3. I didn’t find it nearly as good as the first two seasons. But overall this is a show of diminishing returns. The first debut series is one of the strongest investigative dramas I’ve ever seen sporting tremendous performances by Tennant and Coleman. The follow up series is a bit wobbly, but manages to retain enough of the emotional heft that I was satisfied throughout.

The third series would be better off in another show entirely.

But for that first season? I highly recommend Broadchurch.

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Lovecraft Country

Lives a bit too comfortably in the shadow of other shows of its kind and takes awhile to ever boldly mine new territory. But although Ramy doesn't hold a candle to Fleabag or Master of None, it's still worth your time. More please!

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New Girl

Like most sitcoms New Girl has its ups and downs, but altogether has a good enough heart to it that I found myself binging all seven seasons in about six weeks. It definitely gets weaker as the show goes on, but there's still trademark quirkiness throughout so I found myself anchored by an extremely good cast of characters.

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Falls dangerously short of being excellent through and through. As it stands Dark is still one of the best things Netflix has ever produced, but runs into some plotting issues along the way. The first season sets you up nicely and the second season is a banger through and through, but the third season (although planned from the get-go, it seems) jumps the shark ever so slightly that it feels like we lose a bit of what made the first two seasons ever so compelling in favor of complexity. If you are not okay with the idea of narrative confusion, I would avoid this series entirely. Because it is far more intricate than most things, and although I think it still handles everything well, be ready to watch all three seasons back to back because getting yourself reacquainted as the seasons dropped was a doozy.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm

One of the most peculiar television shows. There's nothing quite like it. It's absolutely sublime and yes, I think it surpasses Seinfeld.

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Schitt's Creek

Delightful. A slow start turns into one of the most charming sitcoms capable of the biggest warm fuzzies. It took three tries for me to get into Schitt's Creek and I am so sad that it did, because I missed out. It's just lovely.

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The Outsider

The Outsider rests very much within the investigative/supernatural/suspense tropes we're used to. It rarely pushes too far outside the norm, but it does often recontextualize those tropes in a new lens that I found extremely engaging. I liked the exploration of culpability placed on institutions when it comes to relapsing criminals and child violence, I liked how progress is only made in this investigation by people not willing to be bound by those institutions. This is a series I'd recommend specifically when you feel like you've seen it all and you're tired. It's well made, extremely well acted, and runs pretty tightly for the ~ten hour experience. Sometimes we don't need something brand new, sometimes we just need to see that the old tropes still have a little bit of life in them and, to be honest, that's Stephen King's wheelhouse.

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Big Mouth

I binged all four seasons of this series in a week. Once I started I was just enraptured by it's crass charms. I can't believe I put off watching this show for this long.

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Silicon Valley
BoJack Horseman

It's a ride. A ride of zany misadventures, unbelievable puns, terrible decisions, nihilism, and utter depression. I came into Bojack Horseman late into its life cycle. I watched the first season several years back but didn't catch up with the rest until season five dropped last year.

I am a person who really attached myself to this show. While I never saw myself in Bojack completely, I see myself in pieces in many of its characters. I see the missed connections, the bad timing, the sadness engulfing life's small moments. But what always made Bojack Horseman so special was its perseverance. It never quite lets things stop. There's no easy solution, no easy out. Life is messy. It's insane it took an animated show about animals living equally among humans to really nail that, but here we are.

I can't really express what this show has meant to me in the year that I've been engulfed by it, so I'll leave you with a quote:

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Or sometimes, you keep on living.

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The Good Place

The Good Place is special and although I've been incredibly critical of what is, by all accounts, a smash hit, that does not take away from its strongest pieces: a heartfelt focus on acceptance and inclusivity and an aggressive stance on progressive social values. It has a lot of good going for it. The jokes are often incredibly odd, the performances are solid, and it does want to to do something unique.

But in the era of Shur's dominance of television sitcoms, The Good Place always fell solidly in the middle ground for me. I never felt entirely sure that the plotting was executed at a even pace (even though I respect the gamble of the first season), the jokes fall SO heavily on the reference side of things at times, and visually it's a bit garish (even though I do understand it's an implicit play on even lighting of other sitcoms). It's fine. Not my favorite. Falls in line tonally with the last season of Parks and Recreation for me.

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