Pavel P.

1 follower


About Me
Last 30 Days
Shows — 237d 3h 10m
(7,779 eps)

Movies — 5d 1h 55m
(63 movies)
All Time
Shows — 237d 3h 10m
(7,779 eps)

Movies — 5d 1h 55m
(63 movies)
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My favorite TV shows and movies.

Jurassic Park

My all-time favorite movie. It was the first one I ever saw in cinema and Steven Spielberg made me fall in love with motion pictures. Plus it aged beautifuly and I rewatch it every year at least once.

I love both parts of the video game and consider this show one of the best video game adaptations of all time.

The Morning Show is a great drama with absolutely superb actors. As for someone who used to work at a big media house this show really doesn’t seem too far from the reality. The adrenalin and behind the scenes schemes are devastating for the body and yet addictive to the mind at the same time. And they portrayed this perfectly.

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