

Spring, Texas

High-Rise Invasion: 1x06 If I Become a Perfect God

that whole thing with a mask suddenly helping our lead, complete ass pull, cmon now!

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High-Rise Invasion: 1x04 I Won't Give in to This World

"God's code, so they transform humans into some kind of God...like a, special code?"

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High-Rise Invasion: 1x03 I'm Sorry, Mayuko Nise

the commander whose controlling all these people through the masks, the most hilarious on the nose lines ever, like my god, also I think every episode there's at least one snarky line that kinda points out how obvious the statements the characters are making

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High-Rise Invasion: 1x02 I've Found a New Goal

the comments Kuon makes about how Yuri is "a face of constant swinging emotions" and even calls out how a moment she was scared but is not the badass action girl ready to take charge, just cause you point it out doesn't mean we're gonna forgive it, lol.

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High-Rise Invasion: 1x01 I Just Don't Get This World

Anything Die Hard esque im all over, so obviously I hard to start this as soon as I could, and I'm in! The writing is kind of camp with how it feels the need to explain some obvious aspects of this world/story and Yuri quickly adapts into the basic badass girl at the very end of the episode, but I still love it, basic hot Japanese school girl, lol. And the whole idea behind these masked killers makes them easily more sinister, man I love this

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Rick and Morty: 5x01 Mort Dinner Rick Andre

Out of all the jokes I found myself laughing when Rick was like "get the wine Morty, goddamn", cause I too have let out many annoyed and frustrated "goddamns" at simple tasks in life. Mr Nimbus I can tell will very many rule 34 about him, especially when gets even more beefed up near the very end of the episode, and the whole cock-up cascade with Morty and jumping dimensions to age the wine, friggin' comedy gold

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Akame ga Kill!: 1x02 Kill the Authority

god someone just make me a super cut of all of Leone's scenes, also woah Akame swimsuit scene!

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Akame ga Kill!: 1x01 Kill the Darkness

Leona crush face
also sword slashing violence with fanservice and a very quirky sense of humor, interesting mish mash

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Tokyo Ghoul: 1x01 Tragedy

don't you hate when you have a nice date only for your girl to turn into a ghoul and wreck your whole life and give you a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde complex

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Violet Evergarden: 1x01 Episode 1

being in the navy i couldnt helo but giggle whenever she felt the need to salute, even when the lieutenant was vising her in the hospital, she is one hell of a soldier

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Violet Evergarden: 1x02 Episode 2

all she wants to know is what love is

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Wolf Children

I was prepping myself for how sad it would be, and yeah that whole first 28 minutes, with the relationship starting, and living in the city, trying to raise 2 rambunctious children, gosh it's so sad/adorable/and relatable at the same time. Hell this movie even has an Up montage!"

And when we get to the countryside and them living that life now, its kind of like a quick sigh of relief from all the crying you did as you know watch some slice of life incidents with these kids getting older, mainly going to school and figuring out their own paths in life. And at the heart of it all is the mother "Hana", god she's so kind and hard-working but also goes through A LOT, to raise and protect these two kids, and when we get to the part involving a storm and the final emotional moments, it all wraps up in one glorious film. Can't wait to check out Mamoru Hosoda's other work.

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A Whisker Away
Beastars: 1x12 In the Storm's Wake

well some things finally happened that I wanted to happen, and man we got some good mystery to go out on!

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Beastars: 1x11 To the Neon District

god the tension is too good!

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Beastars: 1x10 A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

"goodbye dwarf rabbit life, what a worthless 18 years"

Me: damn Beastarts, you didn't have to tug my heartstrings that hard!

also hey we got our first English song in the series!

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Beastars: 1x08 Caught like Floss in a Canine's Teeth

we got 2 big bombshells dropped this episode and they are golden!, and that particular ending theme during the credits, it's my favorite

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Beastars: 1x06 Blurred Vision – Dream or Reality?

When the word "psychosomatic" was said in this episode, I immediately thought of that Avalanches song "Frontier Psychiatrist"

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Beastars: 1x05 Two Sides to the Story

Man I love his friend Jack, being that he's a golden retriever is too appropriate, and he seems kinda secretly feminine too

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Beastars: 1x02 The Academy's Top Dogs

Damn Legoshi you got more feral and shyness problems than I did in school XD

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Solar Opposites: 2x03 The Lake House Device

for being an episode mainly based on a device ripped off from another movie, makes sense with all the movie references in it, and yes I would watch Paddington 2 over every Fast & Furious movie, and there's an ending montage referencing a certain pixar movie that got me good, XD

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Beastars: 1x01 The Moon and the Beast

First look and I am impressed by the mix of cgi and anime expressions, looks a lot better than Earwig and the Witch. And I love the different stylistic choices this film makes, from the split screens to the images super-imposed over one another, to the fantasy esque images, all very amazing. And that ending is definitely something, now I'm curious how "urges" work in this world.

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Penguin Highway
Sonic X: 1x03 Missile Wrist Rampage

Man Knuckles is a bastard

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Sonic X: 1x02 Sonic to the Rescue

"My name's Tails and I'm Sonic's very best buddy!, right Sonic?"

daaaw, how adorable

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Sonic X: 1x01 Chaos Control Freaks

man the dialogue has too many empty awkward pauses and the translation work could really need some work, something that sounds less "alien-like", though an intriguing setup none the less

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Cells at Work!: 1x03 Influenza

I didn't know cell could be such trash talkers. I love how Basophil just talks in big philosophical speeches, and man that worm is some sinister s***!

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Cells at Work!: 1x01 Pneumococcus

some of the jokes are kind of lame and there is a bit too much of our lead red blood cell just standing and being freaked out, endlessly thinking about how much shes gonna die; but overall still a great introduction to the show; did I mention I'm a huge fan of Osmosis Jones?

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Another Round

I'm 23 years old and have yet to have my actual first drink, I think I'll keep it that way

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When Marnie Was There

On the second watch is when I started bawling my eyes out of all the anime films I've seen so far, this one hits me the hardest in the feels, yup more so than "Spirited Away", no dis-respect to that film at all, but this one the drama and the supernatural mystery that weaves into it is just so damn good.

Especially after a certain silo scene where everything seems like it hits the "darkest hour" trope, only for a little light to be shined in, and then when the whole backstory was truly revealed, honestly I went along with it, true there is a bait and switch thing that everybody is gonna think about when they watch this film. But it's oh so tragic yet so understandable and the character drama is so rich and brilliantly written with such heartfelt emotion; gosh I just can't believe how good it is.

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