

Hamburg, Germany

The Looney Tunes Show

Shout by Frank
BlockedParent2023-12-21T22:20:30Z— updated 2024-01-03T20:34:00Z

Some of the episodes are quite funny, but the "Merrie Melodies" in the middle are a very disturbing pain in my ears.

Especially the fact that the second season doesn't have either Merri Melodies (bearable) or Roadrunner & Coyote (IMHO the best thing of the first season) parts, this show ends up being a low-key sitcom running around Bugs' and Duffy's neighbourhood, but with a much too long runtime. This gets topped by the fact that lots of characters merely have screentime at all (Elmer Fudd for example is listed in 10 of 52 episodes).

It lacks all the things that made the original Looney Tunes so adorable.

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American Gods: Season 2

Shout by Frank

I totally do not agree with the death of Mad Sweeney. I really liked him (and the IMHO awesome portrayal of Pablo). I hope there's some way to come back again somewhere in the future. Perhaps that unused resurrection potion could be something that will play a role with that :-)

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Yu Yu Hakusho

Well, first, I should state that I don't know the Anime, so I don't have the direct comparison. However, I'm not sure what to think about this show. It contains the typical Japanese overacting and the outfits seem to be taken from a music video of an 80ies synth pop band. The story is ... interesting... and the special effects are quite ... special. But it's entertaining.

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The Fall Guy

I can't help it.

I've grown up with the "original" fall guy. It was good entertainment.

This movie tops it. Good story, great action, awesome fan service, very much love for detail, and lots of laughs.

A must see, IMHO.

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American Gods: 3x10 Tears of the Wrath-Bearing Tree

The ending of this episode creates very strong feelings in me. I'm not sure if I'm angry, confused, irritated, offended, pranked or excited.
That kind of cliffhanger should not happen with a series where it's unknown, when (and if at all) it continues.
Additionally, it's too obvious that Mr. World is Loki (too many hints) and that he needs to sacrifice Tech Boy, while it was also too obvious that Shadow is just some kind of resurrection pill for Wednesday. Besides that, still no clue what Bilquis' mission is, where Gungnir has been or why Laura still seems to be somehow important even though it wasn't even planned that she survives Sweeney's murder.
Oh, and I still wish for a return of Mad Sweeney. Sad to say, but IMHO the show lacks his best character since he got pulverized.

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No Hard Feelings

I usually don't write movie reviews. Too much work and I don't think that many are reading my stuff anyway. But in this case I need to make an exception.

Because this movie is the perfect example for a completely misleading trailer. Because of this, I went into the theatre with the feeling, that it would be better to leave my brain at home. If it wasn't for my movie flatrate, I wouldn't have watched this one in a cinema. But, I would have missed something.

This piece of work is WAY better than the trailer suggests. It is indeed no silly slapstick like American Pie or Scary Movie. Well, honestly spoken, the story itself is quite predictable, but it was surprisingly entertaining to watch.

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Free Guy

I really liked this movie. It's pure comedy with a good Deadpool lookalike, a great Jodie and - as always - a weird but funny Taika. The story itself sometimes looks like it has been altered while filming, and some scenes known from the trailer are missing, but the gags are mostly fresh and the CGI is sometimes funny (intentionally pixel-esque!). Oh, and there's lots of fan service like the appearance of Captain America's Vibranium shield or a light saber from Star Wars or "Arnold Schwarzenvader" :-) and this makes the movie wonderful. Guest appearance from several "youtubers" (e.g. people without a job that make money by letting people watch them play games) are nice, but unneccessary. I don't even recognize any of them.

However, this movie is definitely something I'm going to put onto my [add primary storage compartment].

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x11 Waltz

One of the many things I like on DS9 is the fact, that there are many episodes that impress with acting and don't just show some technobabble and special effects (one thing I really hated on VOY).
The dialogue between Dukat and Sisco was awesome, and the dialogue between Dukat and his imaginary company was even better. Overall one of my favourite episodes, because it shows (again) how well cast is Marc Alaimo as Dukat. He's truly a credible villain.

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Die Geschichte der Menschheit - leicht gekürzt



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The Matrix Resurrections

The story is quite bad, not really surprising, but the fan service is awesome and the CGI is really entertaining.
Perfect "popcorn movie" for fans of the franchise.
But - on the other hand - this is exactly what makes the movie unwatchable for people that stopped after the first Matrix movie, since there are many references to the unwelcome movies #2 and #3, which lower the overall perception of this movie.
There are several audible and visible references that I would have missed if I didn't rewatch all three movies the day before watching this one.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x17 Bounty Hunters

I usually don't tend to comment single episodes of a show, but I must make an exception on this one.

At first, I was curious what to make of the dedication to Akira Kurosawa in the beginning, but then I realized that there's 4 bounty hunters and 3 Jedi and the penny's dropped :-)

It's a great episode and - like already mentioned - a good homage to Akira Kurosawa's master piece The Seven Samurai. So I really enjoyed this one.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Not sure if this is interesting enough for all types of audiences, but if you're a fan of Nintendo, especially the Mario Bros. game series, you really really need to watch this movie. It's so packed with detail, with smaller and larger bits of fanservice, you're going to release your inner child again while enjoying this. But be warned, you might probably need more than one watch to get all the details :-)

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The worst Bud Spencer & Terence Hill lookalikes ever. Don't do this.

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Avatar: The Way of Water

Well yes, it's a great movie... but it makes me hate humanity so hard. The "bad guys" are so realistic, I really believe that exactly this will happen if somewhere in the future a similar situation would occur somehow.

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Darkwing Duck: 1x30 Ghoul of My Dreams

there are so many things that remind me of Neil Gaiman's Sandman :laughing:

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Get Mean

Warning: do not attempt to watch this without a shitload of alcohol at reach. This movie is so incredibly brainwrecked, the producer must have been on meth or something like that to make this. Even as a SchleFaZ¹ it hurts.

¹) "Die Schlechtesten Filme aller Zeiten" (worst movies of all time) - German movie series on Tele5 showing really bad movies and being commented by the two well-known comedians Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten.

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The Tomorrow War

It's a nice movie, and good entertainment - if you remember to disable your logic processors before pressing "play". The story doesn't make any sense, has lots of plotholes, and the only serious actors were Pratt and Simmons. But, as said, if you disable your brain, it's fair enough.

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Trailer says "no". I think I'm going to wait for the streaming media service release. German movies without Christoph Maria Herbst are usually not worth the time.

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Why is this marked as "ended"?

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