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Arlington, VA

The White Lotus: 1x06 Departures

It was a finale, alright, but somewhat underwhelming on all fronts. The fact that Shane really was the killer like they aluded to at the very begining isn't even the main problem. Is Rachel's "realization" supposed to be due to "tough love" or what? Nicole only needed a "manly man" to come save her from a life of independence and fix their marriage in one fell swoop. And of course Paula is the only guest that suffers some form of consequence for her actions, and I mean the fact that she's really stuck with Olivia now.

It all makes up good satire but it's all too real and fatalistic, which I didn't expect from the build-up.

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@dtsouza Yeah, seriously. I have no clue why Rachel changed her mind. The whole season she was coming to realize how different they were, and then suddenly overnight she completely changed her mind for no apparent reason.

I guess this show is good for some people, who just enjoy seeing bad people to be bad and incapable of change, but I like to see character growth whether they're good or bad, and there was none here.

I was hoping Paula and Olivia reconciled, but not out of resignation as they did. If the writers wanted you to feel good about anything, which they clearly didn't, Paula should have convinced Olivia that it was her idea to steal and why, and then gotten the Mossbachers to drop the charges. Paula ruined that guy's life forever, which is as bad/worse as/than whatever she thought the Mossbachers' crimers were.

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The White Lotus: 1x06 Departures

Reply by Jeremy

Great finale. I'm satisfied with how all the stories concluded.

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@the_argentinian Maybe you can help me to understand why Rachel changed her mind; that perplexed me.

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