


Death Note

Death Note is great. It contains an insanely unique plot and has remarkable, memorable characters. Its art style is highly detailed and fits the mood of the story quite nicely. I can say the same of the soundtrack. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something to make them think or anyone looking to get into anime.

Though I did enjoy its live-action television drama from this year more, this was a good show and I do not regret watching it in the slightest.

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Shout by Alexus
BlockedParent2016-05-02T17:07:17Z— updated 2018-10-02T04:32:41Z

Nice art, pretty guys, and a crappy, confusing plot. I couldn’t sit through more than two episodes.

EDIT: I obviously did.

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Moorim School

Got boring after episode 4. Dropped halfway through episode 5. Only good thing about this is the bromance and magic element, but I couldn’t do it. Even if it is Hyun Woo and Hong Bin...

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