Frank Carrizo Zirit



The Titan

Pretty poor story that doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Lame dialogues and decent to bad acting. Conclusion... waste of time.

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Creo que mi gran problema con esta película es que Shyamalan ha escogido un trastorno mental para contar una historia. Particularmente pienso que por muy atractivo que parezca, las enfermedades mentales no deberían ser usadas para asustar a la gente. Creo que la psiquiatría tiene mejores historias que contar. Lamentablemente se perpetúan mentiras como la de que usamos el 10% de nuestro cerebro. Shyamalan en esta película nos dice que es posible que la mente altere la química de nuestros cuerpos hasta el punto de tener superpoderes. Una buena premisa malgastada en un guión bastante mediocre que medio se salva con las actuaciones de McAvoy y Anya Taylor-Joy.

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The Guardians of Justice

I’ve watched the first episode and didn’t even bother checking it in. I was literally waiting to see some hardcore sex scenes because this show looks EXACTLY like one of those “high budget” XXX films. The costumes, the VFX, the story, the acting… everything screams porn movie, except that there’s no porn. So… what’s the point? I’ve always wondered what the pitch of TV shows like this one are like, that there are people who actually think it could be a great idea.

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The School for Good and Evil

Haven't read the book (or books) but if they're remotely similar to this movie, then the author should consider retiring. The story has all the tropes you would expect from a CW show (including the terrible CGI). Obnoxious characters, bad acting, obvious references to the HP saga... I could only watch for like 30 minutes and its runtime still had two more hours! No way, Jose. Charlize... Girl! What did you see in this script?

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Man Vs Bee

I’m not even going to check it in.

The first episode lasts 19 minutes and I could only get to see 14 minutes. I told myself “it’s not even 20 min”, if it’s bad, I won’t continue. But no… not even that. Really… bad…

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Queer as Folk

I’m into the third episode and the show is sooooo lackluster. The only Queer as Folk thing is the lesbian couple having kids and the name of the show. I give ZERO f:asterisk_symbol:ck about any of the characters. If Brody is supposed to be the reimagining of Brian Kenney, at least make him a successful medical student. The guy’s is just freaking loser who knows nothing about what he wants in life. I think I’ll just stop watching it.

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