Sound of Freedom

I need to take something out of the way first: Eduardo Verastegui and Mel Gibson (producers) are definitely NOT on my nice list. Their religious agenda will always be too obvious, and quite honestly, I was expecting it in this film.

That said, I must admit that this film is very well done! They kept the religious bullsh*t to the bare minimum. What matters here is the story and the performances, which I can say are STELLAR! The movie was made to BREAK… YOUR… HEART.

It’s sad yet full of hope. And the kids did an amazing job. My kudos to them! Seeing their eyes filled with such innocence and sadness was gut wrenching.

Seriously, everyone must go to the theater and see this film.

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Just wrapped up watching "Ballerina (2023)," and I've got some mixed vibes. The film hooked me in with its action sequences - they're tight, brutal, and every punch lands with a crunch that's oddly satisfying. The protagonist is a petite powerhouse who holds nothing back, reminding me of a more human Jane Wick. Her quest for vengeance, fueled by a heart-wrenching backstory with her ballerina friend, adds a touch of emotional gravitas to the bullet ballet.

However, the pace hits a slow-mo button in-between the action, making me wish for a fast-forward option. I craved more insight into her past life as a bodyguard or hired gun. Despite a 90-minute runtime, it felt like there was room for some character depth that went unexplored.

The flashbacks create a nice rhythm between the past and present, but I found myself wanting more from the non-action scenes. I'm landing on a 7 out of 10 for this one - the fight choreography is a show-stealer, but the slower sequences could use a kick of adrenaline.

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It’s bad… really bad. If they’d marketed it as a comedy film, I would’ve given it like 7/10. Sorry, Sly… maybe next time.

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I’m about 15 minutes in and the main character is ANNOYINGLY unlucky… I’ll keep posting.

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Those 5 points go for the fantastic, top-notch animation team. Even so, that a movie doesn’t save… the story is unbearably boring. Gracious me! I couldn’t see the end of it.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

This movie is so much fun! If you love Sam Raimi, you're in for a feast! Marvel has opened so many doors, this way establishing new characters and stories to tell... and I'm not talking only about America Chavez. I definitely need to see it again. Also, for those complaining about the length... the movie delivers everything you were expecting, and more!

My only qualm with the movie is Stephen's third eye, it looks so fake. I saw it in the trailer and I was hoping they'd fix it in the final product. But no... it looks just as tacky and fake as you can imagine.

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Ideal Home

This must be the worst gay couple film ever. Paul Rudd and the other guy suck at being a gay couple (pun intended). After ten years together, and they can’t have a moment in which they show the viewers that they truly love each other. At least in the beginning. Paul Rudd is just being Paul Rudd pretending to be gay. Lame! Waste of time.

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This looks like a Sy-Fy show... cheap effects and all. And yes... it’s kinda meh!

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It’s a coming-of-age story with very little to say that hasn’t been said in these kind of stories. I found it quite boring to say the least. It’s by the end that gets a bit interesting. I guess those who lived through those times in Spain would find a stronger connection because the film does rely heavily on nostalgia. Sorry, but not for me...

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The Titan

Pretty poor story that doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Lame dialogues and decent to bad acting. Conclusion... waste of time.

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The Gentlemen

This is Guy Ritchie doing what he does best: shitty, boring films.

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Creo que mi gran problema con esta película es que Shyamalan ha escogido un trastorno mental para contar una historia. Particularmente pienso que por muy atractivo que parezca, las enfermedades mentales no deberían ser usadas para asustar a la gente. Creo que la psiquiatría tiene mejores historias que contar. Lamentablemente se perpetúan mentiras como la de que usamos el 10% de nuestro cerebro. Shyamalan en esta película nos dice que es posible que la mente altere la química de nuestros cuerpos hasta el punto de tener superpoderes. Una buena premisa malgastada en un guión bastante mediocre que medio se salva con las actuaciones de McAvoy y Anya Taylor-Joy.

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