Gabriela Cardoso


Sao Paulo, Brazil

Star Trek: Discovery: 1x13 What's Past is Prologue

This episode felt rushed and messy, obstacles being set up and solved almost instantly.
I can't possibly know what the show is running towards, but the ride doesn't seem worth it.

We get fun scenes, beautiful visuals and Doug Jones? Sure, but at the expense of really knowing these characters and getting enough time with them. Time to understand and feel with them.

Seems like Star Trek Discovery is establishing itself with nice peak moments, connected by a whole lot of nothing.

Discovery still has potential (and budget) to become a great sci fi show, here's to hoping they'll slow it down eventually.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 2x02 New Coke

This episode features a scene that would have been great in Season 1. Cameron and Bos bonding, talking openly and showing their vulnerable side. We get a glimpse at what the relationship means for both of them, the trust and respect they have for each other.

Would have been great if something like this happened before all that 214 craziness, but it was a lovely scene to watch.

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The Good Place: 2x04 Existential Crisis

At this point, it seems like the show is just checking boxes before moving on with its story.
Ted Danson has some really funny moments in this episode, but it has been four episodes already, this season must start getting somewhere.

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New Girl: 6x17 Rumspringa

Okay show, we get it, Nick has grown up and he's perfect for Jess now, just put them back together already!
At this point the writers are just filling time, holding back the characters' storylines until later in the season.
When this finally happens, it won't really work as payoff, instead going more along the lines of immense relief after so much annoyance.

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Call the Midwife: 6x05 Episode 5

Heartbreaking to see Sister Mary Cynthia's treatment, but at the same time it's a relief that today cases like hers can be treated in different (and more compassionate) ways.
Looking forward to seeing this storyline develop further, it's always nice to see the show looking a little out of its rose colored glasses.

Which brings me to this nitpick: an attractive nurse and an attractive dentist bickering? Oh well, they must get together! This show always wraps everything with a bow, but this coupling was a little rushed. They even got to see each other working and the joy they brought to their (same) patient. Lots of googly eyes and happy smiles, but nothing of real value so far.

Well, I may have some issues with this show, but it still is my weekly dose of pure sugar. On to the next episode!

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Elementary: 5x14 Rekt in Real Life

Trying to remember when Elementary morphed into Law and Order, but it was probably many seasons ago.
The scenes of witnesses explaining eSports were cringeworthy. Instantly remembered the Law and Order episodes about what's up with kids these days.
"That's how we do it in eSports" was an actual line in this episode.

I guess that's what I get for watching this show without really paying attention. I'm out.

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Bob's Burgers: 7x09 Bob Actually

Not outstanding but a very sweet episode. Always nice to see how Regular Sized Rudy brings out Louise's sweetness.

And man, if I ever start feeling like a special snowflake, leave it to Bob's Burgers to bring me back to reality. Sometimes it seems like Tina's lines are translated straight from my diaries :D

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Jane the Virgin: 3x11 Chapter Fifty-Five

One day this show will run out of ways to twist itself and keep us on our toes - but not right now.
Michael's passing was incredibly sad and Brett Dier will be missed, but the show has built a strong foundation and have a lot to go on.

Maybe someday I will look back on this episode and think "This was the beggining of the end", but I'll always cherish the scenes showing Alba's tenderness while dealing with Jane's grief.
After three years with these characters, these scenes felt earned, a warm and gentle nudge from a grandmother but also a message from Jane The Virgin's writers to their viewers.

This show will be beautiful again, but in different ways :)

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Jane the Virgin: 3x10 Chapter Fifty-Four

I'm a little heartbroken but it is so nice to watch a show that doesn't lie to the audience. The latin lover jokes about unreliable narrators, but they did warn us: this is a telenovela and we would see Michael dying.
Curious to see what comes next, I still trust this show to keep on bringing the fun and the (so many) tears.

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