

Atlanta, GA

Now You See Me

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and am glad I knew nothing of the plot going in. I mean, besides magicians steal stuff, which is all I remembered from the ad campaign a while back.

Best moment had to be the fight between Rhodes and Wilder in their evacuated NYC apartment. You know that boy idolized Gambit.

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As with the rest of SM's body of work, his humor is incredibly hit or miss with me. There were some great laughs here, but overall the movie was just alright.

Favorite laughs:
2. Cleaning up hooker shit.
3. Pretty much everything to do with Sam Jones.

Honorable mention goes to Ryan Reynolds turning up twice and not having a single line of dialogue.

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Edge of Tomorrow

Shout by Deborah

So... why didn't he immediately reset after getting the intel they needed? So they had an entire day to plan, and maybe FMB could have persuaded her elite corps to give them back up on the Paris mission. Just, y'know. Makes sense.

Emily Blunt was amazing. Loved Rita. Love the term Full Metal Bitch, heh. FMB for life!

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The Wolf of Wall Street

Wait, why doesn't Leo have an Oscar yet?

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Needed more Godzilla.

(Very poor choice to show nothing but Godzilla and Bryan Cranston for most of the ad campaign, given neither are the focus of the film.)

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Mean Girls

Watching MEAN GIRLS for the first time was just one "Oh, so that's where that comes from!" after another. #iunderstoodthatreference

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier was boss, if misnamed. I felt like I was the only one laughing at the understated humor sometimes. And I don't understand people who get up the minute credits start rolling on a Marvel film. I mean, if they're watching the Captain America sequel, they've been to a Marvel movie before. They should know the drill.

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The Guilt Trip

Cute. Better than I thought it'd be. Definitely cemented the fact that Seth Rogen doesn't do anything but play variations on himself.

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Ruby Sparks

Calvin is a genuinely bad person. I give the narrative credit for letting Ruby be an actual person and not just a MPDG before Calvin began tinkering with her, but they undercut that by giving him hope in the end.

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American Reunion

So, apparently only the odd number American Pie films are funny.

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Moonrise Kingdom

Not the best WA film, but engaging and adeptly constructed.

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Magic Mike

Sorry, guys, I find male strippers basically hilarious.

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This film was hilarious, and I'm so glad it bore my concerns out about "Martin."

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Kill Your Darlings

Wow. Way to go, Daniel Radcliffe.

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Shout by Deborah

I wish this film had never been associated with Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen," because then I wouldn't have approached it with such reserve. As it was, it took me a long time to let go of my hopes for a TSQ adaptation (it's one of my favorite fairy tales, okay) and be able to give this film a fair shot.

I'm so glad I did, because it's WONDERFUL. Olaf is nowhere near as annoying as I expected, there are no actual talking animals, the whole concept of marrying someone you've only known for a few hours/days is rightfully rejected, and the moment of true love is the love between sisters. WONDERFUL.

I'm super-psyched to see this once it's developed into a musical and starts touring. I bet it's going to be breathtaking.

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True Detective

Excellent Lovecraftian narrative without the supernatural.

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This Is 40

This movie annoyed me when I wasn't laughing fit to burst or chuckling at the bits I recognized. Oh, comedy. So uncomfortable when you're applicable.

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Monsters University

Aw, this was cute! Not as cool as Monsters Inc., but still a fabulous prequel. I'm disgruntled they're not selling adult frat and sorority gear, though. I'm a PNK, through and through.

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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Beautifully compelling, and it makes me happy they're sticking to an accurate representation of Katniss from the books: she's just a clueless teenager with no concept of politics who wants to keep herself and her loved ones alive. I wasn't sure about the casting choices for Finnick O'Dair and Johanna Mason at first, but I loved them in action. I wish we'd have more time to spend with all the characters.

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Thor: The Dark World

Yeah, I loved the hell out of this one. Freya = all the feels, Sif = set-up for future triangle, Loki = perfectly Loki, great cameos, and Dr. Erik Selvig is one of my favorite characters period. "Best get some pants then." And, y'know, Hemsworth actually has some chemistry with Portman... why didn't he portray Anakin again? (Goes without saying that I continue to love Hemsworth as Thor. And Idris Elba as Heimdall is just the best.)

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I totally get why Liam Neeson is Key & Peele's Valets' shit now.

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Each time I watch this film, I love it even more.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I watched this back in 2009 and remembered it being fairly execrable, but it went down better the second time. I think the beginning is so subpar that we just tuned out the first time, but managed to hang in this time and it improved from execrable to eh with flashes of cute.

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LIAM NEESON IS MY SHIT! Solid action flick.

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The Heat

This film was amazing, and a refreshing and necessary take on the buddy cop movie. I essentially watched it twice back to back, and I honestly can't wait to watch it again. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy are hilarious together. I really hope they do a follow-up.

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Not bad! I appreciate Blomkamp's attention to detail, and it was a solid SF action film. I felt like they tried to do a lot of pick-ups with Jodie Foster's lines to make her sound more French, but it made her seem ever so slightly out of sync. Someone let this man make a Halo movie, stat.

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Pacific Rim

I don't think there's any way I can over-state my love for this film.

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Well done visually! Storyline was a bit predictable, but interesting enough and worth a watch. A bit troubled by the implications of the end re: relationships, and wondering about the rest of the poor bastards.

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The Great Gatsby

Gorgeous film, staccato pacing, beautiful use of Fitzgerald's words on screen... Leo really got to the bedrock of Gatsby, and Daisy was suitably messy and tragically shallow. Still, only my fourth favorite Baz Luhrmann film.

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We're the Millers

Tried a bit too hard to have some heart at the end; amusing enough for a watch.

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