Greg Enslen


Tipp City, Ohio

Love, Death & Robots: 1x04 SUITS

Fun, exciting, great animation and a quick little story that makes you care about the characters. Loved the unique farmers vs. aliens story - and love the very end!

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Good Omens: 1x01 In the Beginning
Love, Death & Robots: 1x02 THREE ROBOTS

I thought this was great - fun interactions between the robots, who are busy touring a post-apocalyptic human city and run up against another threat. "Watch out, it's getting ready to explode!"

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x08 GOOD HUNTING

One of the best and most beautiful animated shorts I've ever seen. While Love Death and Robots is more of a mash-up of Twilight Zone and the Animatrix, this tale set in a steam-punk version of Hong Kong was hauntingly told and filled with lush animation.

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The OA: 2x08 Overview

Trippy ending, I'll give them that. Wonder where they'll go from here. It was nice to finally get some answers, and I liked the part about all the construction workers going crazy. But, when all is said and done, the story leaves me feeling sad. No matter what OA does, she'll never be rid of HAP or apparently really get a chance to connect with Homer and her friends. It's not a happy ending or a sad ending, just an ending. She's trapped in an endless cycle of loss and rediscovery, tethered to her tormentor. And even death isn't a release. For everything we've seen, OA calls herself an angel. What if she's really in hell, spending an eternity locked in a hopeless battle with a man she hates?

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The OA: 2x06 Mirror Mirror

You know it's bad when half-way through you're saying out loud to yourself "why am I watching this?" I honestly have no idea where this story is going but good GOD it takes its time getting there, doesn't it? Also not realistic at all that this traveling band of kids can just toodle around the United States and no one spots them. AMBER alerts are very effective, yet these folks never get caught. When can we go back to that dream/dimension where Homer was picking out new skin? That was good and creepy, not "oh, look how pretty the ocean is" and "let's run into the water" and whatever else is going on with this meandering, senseless plot. My hope? This is all a dream in the mind of that sentient octopus. Or maybe our world is the dream...

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The OA: 2x07 Nina Azarova

A few answers...and more questions. At least they're starting to get to the bottom of the house and how it's connected. I liked a few of the reveals but whatever the h*ll Dr. Percy is doing with those flowers is beyond me. Random thoughts: mercury sulfide is a great hallucinogen, apparently. Poor Zendaya has to deal with a friend who got bit by a spider AND a creepy haunted house. Where can I buy one of the eyeball USBs? Homer's even more of a moron in this dimension. I like the traveler lady--maybe she's got more boxes? So Scott ended up somewhere else in the house? How did HAP get him back to the lab? And we finally got some answers about why the detective guy was sought out in the first place...

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The OA: 2x05 The Medium & The Engineer

The puzzle chapter, where nothing is as it seems and we get to see a miniature circle of friends. A few answers and more questions, par for the course with this show. Am I bored and frustrated? Yes. Will I keep watching to see how it ends? Yes.

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