


Better Call Saul

A different take on Breaking Bad. In lieu of the fast-paced action and remarkable plotting and acting, Better Call Saul is a well-written slow burn. It explores characters deeply with numerous engaging plotlines. Saul is one hell of a choice for a spin-off. A slow descent to moral ambiguity packed with symbolism and minutiae. I'd recommend it to most people, however, don't go in expecting another _Breaking Bad.

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Mr. Robot

Better than I expected. It starts off with a revolution made for conspiracy theorists, but adds a lot more nuance after that. Even the psychological aspect is interesting. That is, until the final episode. For some reason they decide to pull some grade A bullshit at the end. If he's a mastermind hacker personality, why would he need Mr Robot to execute his hacks? How could he forget that he's a personality? How could the people around him not tell him? Nevertheless, it's definitely worth a watch, especially if you're into coding/hacking. Rami's performance stands out, as well.

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I was pretty surprised by this. It started off as a replacement for Dexter, only instead of a vigilante serial killer who makes his bodies disappear we have a cannibalistic true psychopath who kills innocents and presents them in different forms, as a form of art. By the end of the second season going into the third, I was pretty confused. Hannibal left no evidence in any of his kills (Chesapeake or otherwise), yet they somehow managed to connect him to every single murder. It's also odd that he surrenders, but the ending was surprisingly good. Be warned though, this series has quite a few holes; so, if this doesn't really interest you, I'd avoid it.

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Squid Game

The most watched Netflix series ever, huh? It's definitely good fun. It reminded me of Kaiji, though it's not as good or as similar as I had expected. There's tangible meaning and emotion in this despite the main focus being the dramatic high-stakes action. Very recommendable.

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Starts off interesting with its perspective on zombies and Liv constantly shifting personalities to solve murder-mysteries. I was hooked given the odd blending of zombies and murder-mystery that also superadds new angles to both genres. Yet, in typical CW fashion, the writing devolves precipitously with ever-increasing repetitiousness. Plus, the concept was all it had to begin with, there is no characterization or meaning behind the cartoonish take on society and politics. I would recommend it as a harmless pastime (which is my chief use for television), but with the aforementioned caveat.

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A competent depiction of the events, with balanced dramatisation, equal parts entertaining and accurate. It was unextraordinary, however, and I don't see why everyone is raving about it. It would probably be more entertaining, were it a slightly more abridged film.

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The Big Bang Theory

Ah, how quickly The Big Bang Theory devolved. It started off as a funny comedy with charming and interesting characters and ended up yet another overlong American TV series held together solely by Sheldon. Ever since they introduced drama into it, it became dismal. Episode after episode of haphazard, frustrating avoidable conflict left completely unresolved. I like Sheldon enough that I’d keep watching even if they made more seasons of this and the rest of the cast didn’t lose all of its charm, but toward the end the show revolves around who can demean and belittle Sheldon the most, while he, even in the final moments, thanked them for an achievement that belonged to him. I still think the show is worth a shot, but you’re better off dropping it after approximately six seasons.

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