



Total waste of time. :(

Script is full of nonsense.

  1. So you have a bomb that is the last shot of the humanity and there is only one person that could run it? Seriously? What if he has a heart attack? And they let this guy repair some shields in the early movie?
  2. A sophisticated route calculation is done by one person and no one checked? People do pair programming while writing CSS these days.
  3. "Super computer" is unable to say "dude you forgot the mirrors" or "warning there is someone else on the ship"? etc. etc.
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The Platform

A great film with an ending that sucks.

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The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Full of bullshits. An irresponsible doctor goes to the island alone, seriously wtf? A ship goes to harbor in full speed and is visible in the radar and no one even attempts to escape, wtf? A dinosaur breaks loose on the city and no military is there, wtf? :( :(

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Don't Look Up

A very realistic description of the real world

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The plot sucks. If you want to shut your brain down and watch some muscle, boobs and ass than watch the movie.

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Army of the Dead

Let’s go to zombieland without any walkie talkie… Lol

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Dumb and Dumber To

So boring. I’d recommend rewatching the original instead.

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Saul Goodman playing as John Wick. Amazing!

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A pointless film takes in place on a train where every first class citizen parties and no sleeping quarters visible.

A security officer designed the train in a way that you can break the security by touching two cables together. That guy should have been fired while train was in production.

Rails that is never covered by snow no matter how hard the winter is.

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Shout by gergefil

They changed the ending compared to original book completely. Seriously?

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