


Sound of Freedom

An incredibly powerful film that everyone needs to see. very well done.

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God's Country

The longer the film went on, the less interested I became. Ugh ... I wish I had that time back.

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Whose Line Is It Anyway?: 11x01 Jonathan Magnum 12

Great start to the new season.

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As soon as the guy started doing air-guitar with his gun in the middle of all the shooting, I was out. Yikes!

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Silent Night

I wish I had the last hour and a half of my life back. Ugh!

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Trigger Point

I wanted to like this more but meh.

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The 2nd

Ryan Phillippe ... what were you thinking?!

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Home Before Dark

This was an incredibly fun show to watch! Excellently cast and well written. Brilliant mystery! A little something for everyone. This show was exactly what I didn't know I needed at the right moment in time.

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A very important documentary about an unbelievably talented woman taken from this earth WAY too soon. Everyone should watch this.

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Well, that was a wild ride! Not quite what I was expecting, but that's okay, cause I loved what it turned out to be. I love the twists and turns this tale took me through. Glad I finally gave this a look.

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Dark River

What a depressing movie. Ugh!

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The Professor and the Madman

I thought this movie was brilliant! All the actors' performances helped give this story feeling. Especially Gibson, Penn, and Dormer ... their performances touched me. Without them, this story would've been just that ... a story. I'm really glad I decided to watch this tonight. Highly recommend!

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Truly beautiful film! I loved every second of it. I'm not usually interested in movies that have much romance in them, but upon a friend's recommendation I gave this a shot. And I'm so glad that I did. I absolutely adored the story, the actors, the cinematography . This film had me from beginning till end credits. A tip of the hat to team Benson/Moorehead for a job well done.

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Good movie. Intense, tragic, and frustrating ... but good.

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