

Pasadena, California


It was awful... awfully GOOD!

Nah but seriously, it was pretty bad. If you liked old cheezie SciFi TV B Movies, and if you're a Willis fan, you might get a kick out of it like I did. Just don't expect quality because it was the most half assed movies ever lmao.

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The Bonfire of the Vanities

This movie wasn't nearly as terrible as the ratings would suggest, at least for my tastes. I'm not saying it was amazing or anything, and I certainly don't exactly embrace the message it sends, but the cast was solid, the plot was cheesy fun and while it may have been lacking energy for lack of a better word, it was still just enjoyable to consume it on a boring afternoon. For the most part I just wanted to watch some 90s flick and this had the right cast to satisfy that itch, and it was subtly funny and entertaining in spite of it's flaws.

A solid 7-8 out of 10 for me, just on the merits of enjoyability to watch, clearly not oscar worthy but not every movie needs to be.

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