Andrea Maderna


Paris, France

Fleabag: Season 2

So, yeah, it's possible to get better with the second album, even if the first one was a masterpiece.

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Bluey: Season 3

Bluey's third season (or at leats the part already available on Disney+) confirms and underlines what I already knew: it's the best show on TV. I already said I everything I had to say when I wrote about it after watching the first two seasons so I got nothing else to add besides bonjour pavlova!

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The Wire: Season 4

I'm not sure who needs someone else saying that this is the best season of The Wire and one of the best seasons of television ever but fuck yeah it is. The school theme is amazingly added to the show, it merges perfectly with everything else going on and it's excruciatingly perfect drama. By the end of the season you are literally scared to see what's gonna happen.

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The Americans: Season 6

Talk about going out with a bang. This is an amazing season with one of the best finales ever. Wow.

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Orange Is the New Black: Season 4

Fuck House of Cards and all the other Netflix series, this is the one. And this season, jesus, is more amazing, deep, tense and moving than ever. Wow.

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Halt and Catch Fire: Season 4

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2020-10-01T13:20:43Z— updated 2020-12-10T16:10:03Z

I already loved the show but this season floored me. It's amazing from the first episode to the last one, it capitalizes so well on all the work done on characters and relationships, it's so good in showing (with writing, acting, directing) how much they all mean to each other, all the history they have. It's amazing to see how far they all have gone, how they developed, how real they feel. Episodes 7 and 8 blew me away: I expected it but I still was a mess, I was so amazed at how they were put together and they stayed with me (plus 8 reminded me of The Body from Buffy). 9 and 10 were an amazing finale, perfect in every moment, and they left everything and everybody in a lovely place. It's melancholic and sour but also uplifting and calming, in a way. This was an incredible show, it's up there with the best stuff I've ever watched and after a few days I can't stop thinking about it. Wow.

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Barry: Season 3

Barry's third season seems thought for people who still didn't get (or forgot during the hiatus) that sure, there's comedy here, but it's really about digging in the depth of human souls, in the damage that comes from violence and in the impossibility of running from the consequences of your actions. And it's fearless in how it goes deep into the abyss. Visually more ambitious than ever, with a perfect cast of actors, incredibly written, it crazily dances on the delicate balance between farce, drama, thriller, comedy. It embraces the fascination for the guilty laugh, for making you feel disturbed by your laughs, and it doesn't do that through ridicule and cringe. No, it injects laughs into tragedy, anguish, pain, and always makes it work. It's a masterpiece and I can't wait to see what they are doing with season 4.

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Barry: Season 2

What an amazing bunch of episodes. Hilarious, tense, moving, they've got everything and they are incredibly consistent in not letting you forget what a violent piece of shit is the main character, even if he doesn't want to believe it. I can't wait for season three.

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Girls: Season 6

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2017-09-08T06:39:50Z— updated 2018-10-23T20:37:37Z

A wonderful send off for a great series. Really, every single episode is amazing and the way it wraps up everything with the final three is... wow.

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Bluey: Season 3

I still haven’t watched the season finale because reasons but I want to take advantage of my psychotic social sharing backlog to say that when in January I found out there were some new episodes on Disney+ and we watched them, well… That Stickbird/Navigator/Dragon trifecta is such powerful stuff, in how it’s full of imagination and visually experimental but also in how incredibly funny and at the same time moving it is. I already said this, many times, and I will never stop: Bluey is the best show on TV. And it’s been the best show on TV for quite a while.

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The Good Place: Season 4

What an amazing ending for an amazing series. It's incredibly funny, smart, poignant and frankly moving. Great writing, great acting, great directing.

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GLOW: Season 3

The first four episodes are a nice and entertaining warm up, then it becomes fucking amazing for the rest of the season. Fucking. Amazing. Between this and Mindhunter, Netflix is really hitting it out of the park.

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Louie: Season 4

This is probably the best season of TV I've seen in a very long time. An astonishing bunch of episodes that mixes drama and comedy in an organic, deep, unpredictable and striking way. I've been laughing my ass out while I was crying. Amazing.

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Succession: Season 2

This is some frankly amazing shit. The level of fun, drama, zingers, beautiful writing, great directing, amazing acting, plot twists, tension, laughs, burns, emotions... Plus, I'm constantly amazed at how it makes me get emotional for people I despise. The best show on TV.

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Succession: Season 1

Shout by Andrea Maderna
BlockedParent2020-01-28T13:40:49Z— updated 2020-09-03T07:56:59Z

Great cast, amazing writing and directing, superb attention to detail and an incredible ability to balance drama, comedy, tragedy, farce. I deeply care and I am sincerely moved by things happening to people I despise. This is the best show on TV right now.

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Reservation Dogs: Season 1

I'm astonished by the rapidity with which this goes from "Interesting, fun, at times quite deep" in the first half of the season to "What the fuck, this is a masterpiece" in the second hallf of the season.

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Killing Eve: Season 1

Incredibly well written and acted, it's got an amazing way of subverting cliches and expectations and it's so good at balacing laughs, tension, drama, emotion.

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Fleabag: Season 1

Yep, still amazing, even as a rewatch.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 1

It takes two or three episodes to get the rhythm but by then the series becomes amazing. Great writing, ambitious direction, a very good cast, nice themes and an actually marvelous actress.

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BoJack Horseman: Season 6

I think the first half of the last season is a great return to form, that finally manages to get back to the level of excellence that Bojack Horseman always promised but only in season 3 consistently reached. Also, I like the vibe, how it's preparing the ending by reflecting on the past and touching an all characters. Very, very good. Let's see how it ends.

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Bluey: Season 1

A lovely show, that makes both me and my daughter laugh so much with its monty pythonesque humour but is also touching, lovingly real, crazily imaginative. What a huge surprise.

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BoJack Horseman: Season 3

Finally a season that fullfills all the potential and is on par with what I've been hearing about this show. The underwater episode and the abortion one are amazing but almost everything is top notch.

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You're the Worst: Season 3

A couple of episodes are a bit flat but honestly that's nitpicking. The main themes of depression, loss, and love troubles are all incredibly well written and thought out, the supporting cast is much more explored than in the past (and with two great episodes devoted to them) and the last four episodes are amazing. Plus, a full episode made only of tracking shots, and not just for showing off, but with great depth in terms of storytelling. If you're not watching this, I can't even... whatever, fuck off.

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Master of None: Season 1

What a beautiful, funny, deep but always light show.

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Fleabag: Season 1

Funny, poignant and deep. Another great TV show from the "30 minutes area".

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Penny Dreadful: Season 3

The first few episodes are honestly sub par, but then the season takes off and gives us a great finale for one of the best series in the last few years.

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Severance: Season 1

The first three episodes are beautiful but a bit of a slog. It's purposeful though, because it immerses you in the mood and then everything speeds up. And what a great show! Impeccably shot, with great acting, a very interesting plot, fascinating themes and such a good work on charachters and relationships. Can't wait for season 2.

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Succession: Season 3

Six episodes of slow, masterful buildup and then three fucking masterpieces.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 2

Less consistent than season one but probably even better in its high points.

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Halt and Catch Fire: Season 2

The decision to focus more on the female characters was incredibly wise: everybody and everything benefit from that. This is where it becomes a great show.

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