Kent, Ohio

The Walking Dead: 10x10 Stalker

Best episode in a long time! A+

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The Fall of the House of Usher

This is the role of a lifetime for Carla Gugino. She’s transcendent in her role and deserves every award under the sun for this performance.

Every actor in here gives a performance of a lifetime, but the role that Miss Gugino plays is the biggest scene stealer. Quite reminiscent of The Man in Black from Stephen King’s work. Mark Hamill being a close second to her.

Kudos to the whole ensemble and crew for this masterpiece.

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Pet Sematary: Bloodlines

I don’t know if I’m getting sentimental in my old age or this was a lot better than I expected. It spoke to me on a lot of different levels. If you’re a King fanatic it isn’t to be skipped.

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Ahsoka: 1x08 Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord

Truly amazing episode. Got me choked up at the ending. It’s too bad that because of the strike that we haven’t heard future plans. I’m sure Filoni already has the complete story outlined at the least (cough cough unlike the sequel trilogy), so hopefully we hear plans for the future installments soon.

And I’m crossing my fingers they come quicker than 2 years between seasons. I’m really looking forward to how Mando and this are going to sync up before the film.

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@ak13 Maybe people should look at how cruel human beings are today to dogs. The only other species that has 100% aligned itself with the human race. The only one. People treat these dogs like fashion accessories and give them no attention and leave them in cages for days on end and throw them to the pound when it’s not fashionable anymore. Sled racing was a hard life, but those dogs and humans experienced it together.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 2x02 Ghosts

Matt Berry as Lazslo is absolutely side splitting. I laugh so hard at his segments I have to pause and rewind it several times. “There’s a fucking ghost on the front lawn!” after the no sell on the porch and freaking out after was hilarious!

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Baskets: 1x05 Uncle Dad

I don’t know why this whole series resonates with me so deeply. I think the whole series is a masterpiece, but this episode is a tear jerker

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Pet Sematary

Watching it the second time for the new series and Halloween season…not as bad as I remembered. It’s actually a pretty decent film for horror fans. Not the best King adaptation not the worst. My biggest complaint is no Ramones music in the film :joy: Come on now! Isn’t anything sacred?

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Baskets: Season 1

“What are you? Lee Greenwood?”

Best line ever

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What We Do in the Shadows: 5x04 The Campaign

Vanessa Bayer is amazing as usual! Wish we would see more of her character

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What We Do in the Shadows: 4x03 The Grand Opening

Dear lord I laughed so hard at the Richie/Dr Tom bit that was an OBVIOUS reference to Brian Wilson and Dr. Eugene Landy! This series is brilliant

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The Outer Limits: 3x15 The Revelations of Becka Paulson

Also a low key Christmas watch around the holiday if you like that sort of thing ;)

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The Outer Limits: 3x15 The Revelations of Becka Paulson

What a fantastic, obscure adaptation of a Stephen King short story! Catherine O’Hara is fantastic as always. A must watch for fans of either

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Absolutely perfect! Thank you to the fans that made this happen

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Aside from Harry’s despecialized edition, this work in progress is the best for top quality in 4K

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If you love Star Wars this is the best way to experience it. Your miles may vary, but I enjoyed the No DNR version more.

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The Righteous Gemstones: 2x08 The Prayer of a Righteous Man

This second season has taken this show to the next level.


The reveal of Baby Billy’s son, and the actor who played him was so awesome! It was nice to see Macaulay Culkin in a real role, where he could act as an adult, was excellent. I hope we see more of him and Baby Billy.

I know Danny McBride has said this is their Thornbirds epic. I CANNOT wait for next season. This isn’t just a comedy. It’s a drama, comedy, mystery, and every other genre rapper into on package of AWESOMENESS!!

And that ending…BRING ON MORE SEASONS!

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x01 Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

It would be nice if people kind of like, waited, for more than 1 episode to come out before denouncing something that the majority of Star Wars and casual fans love. There were huge revelations in the first episode and Robert Rodriguez is a master filmmaker. Jennifer Beals character is super intriguing and we HAD to establish how Boba survived out of the gate and they did. Trust in the process. Solid first episode for a legend of Boba’s stature.

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Heels: 1x06 House Show

The scene between Bill and Willie discussing their past and present is Emmy winning acting. I can’t think of a better performance between 2 actors in any other shows this year. Highly recommended.

Amazing work

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The Last Drive-In: A Very Joe Bob Xmas: 1x01 Phantasm

The Drive-In will never die!

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Bingo Hell

The rating I’m going to give for Bingo Hell is for a “B” movie rating. I’d give it a solid 8. The performances are good and the movie has a good gimmick and made me laugh my ass off.

If you love B horror movies your miles may vary, but I really enjoyed it.

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Halloween: Resurrection

The best part of the movie is seeing a young Bo Katan and Starbuck, who is great in her role, and the mask isn’t awful. If you’re a fan of Michael Myers and Halloween your miles may vary.

If you’ve seen it you know the bad. Second to last in my list of Halloween films, but scores points for some creative kills to put it above the bottom rung

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The Divided Union: 1x01 Forward to Sumter

By no means a comprehensive documentary, but still very informative. A culturally diverse cast of interviewees commenting on the conflict before the current judgement of Civil War era morals by 21st Century standards was a refreshing watch.

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Secrets of the Whales: 1x01 Orca Dynasty

As a huge orca and nature enthusiast this is some of the most amazing footage you will ever come across. Some of the interactions between orcas and human I haven’t seen in probably thousands of hours of watching footage. 4K looks tremendous! Informative to a point and Sigourney Weaver is excellent, but this isn’t for scientific studying. Gorgeous footage. Every frame of film looks like a beauty shot

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American Horror Story: 7x08 Winter of Our Discontent

Shout by GK3

RICK SPRINGFIELD!!! What a fantastic surprise to see one of my favorite artists pop up as I’m binge watching this series rehabbing from a broken leg. Excellent season.

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A beautiful film that brought tears to my eyes. Willem Dafoe, Julianne Nicholson are brilliant! And the true stars, the beautiful dogs who captured my heart.

I rate this film a 10/10 because Togo never truly got the recognition he deserved, but at the same time I don’t think they needed to marginalize the achievements of Balto. He was the media darling through no fault of his own. Togo and Balto both deserve all the celebration because dogs are the truest friends humans can ever have.

Regardless they are both very good boys and deserve all the love they’re given today.

I’m waiting for the film of Laika, the first dog in space from the USSR, and I’m sure will make me cry worse than Togo lol

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Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs

A nice retelling of a classic tale with a great lesson. “Beauty comes from within.”

Fun, good movie and good voice acting.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 2x03 Brain Scramblies

Superb Owl party! The cast is all amazing, but Matt Berry as Lazslo makes me howl with laughter. I love him in this role so much.

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Galaxy Quest

A movie that works on all levels. The story, acting and special effects are all top notch. This is as close to a perfect film as you can make. A classic for any fan of film.

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The Banker

Very good, fast paced film that inspires you to instantly research the historical figures depicted after viewing. Excellent performances from the entire cast. This easily could have been expanded to a series.

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