Kent, Ohio

Bingo Hell

The rating I’m going to give for Bingo Hell is for a “B” movie rating. I’d give it a solid 8. The performances are good and the movie has a good gimmick and made me laugh my ass off.

If you love B horror movies your miles may vary, but I really enjoyed it.

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If you love Star Wars this is the best way to experience it. Your miles may vary, but I enjoyed the No DNR version more.

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A beautiful film that brought tears to my eyes. Willem Dafoe, Julianne Nicholson are brilliant! And the true stars, the beautiful dogs who captured my heart.

I rate this film a 10/10 because Togo never truly got the recognition he deserved, but at the same time I don’t think they needed to marginalize the achievements of Balto. He was the media darling through no fault of his own. Togo and Balto both deserve all the celebration because dogs are the truest friends humans can ever have.

Regardless they are both very good boys and deserve all the love they’re given today.

I’m waiting for the film of Laika, the first dog in space from the USSR, and I’m sure will make me cry worse than Togo lol

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Galaxy Quest

A movie that works on all levels. The story, acting and special effects are all top notch. This is as close to a perfect film as you can make. A classic for any fan of film.

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Pet Sematary: Bloodlines

I don’t know if I’m getting sentimental in my old age or this was a lot better than I expected. It spoke to me on a lot of different levels. If you’re a King fanatic it isn’t to be skipped.

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Pet Sematary

Watching it the second time for the new series and Halloween season…not as bad as I remembered. It’s actually a pretty decent film for horror fans. Not the best King adaptation not the worst. My biggest complaint is no Ramones music in the film :joy: Come on now! Isn’t anything sacred?

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Absolutely perfect! Thank you to the fans that made this happen

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Aside from Harry’s despecialized edition, this work in progress is the best for top quality in 4K

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Halloween: Resurrection

The best part of the movie is seeing a young Bo Katan and Starbuck, who is great in her role, and the mask isn’t awful. If you’re a fan of Michael Myers and Halloween your miles may vary.

If you’ve seen it you know the bad. Second to last in my list of Halloween films, but scores points for some creative kills to put it above the bottom rung

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@ak13 Maybe people should look at how cruel human beings are today to dogs. The only other species that has 100% aligned itself with the human race. The only one. People treat these dogs like fashion accessories and give them no attention and leave them in cages for days on end and throw them to the pound when it’s not fashionable anymore. Sled racing was a hard life, but those dogs and humans experienced it together.

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Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs

A nice retelling of a classic tale with a great lesson. “Beauty comes from within.”

Fun, good movie and good voice acting.

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The Banker

Very good, fast paced film that inspires you to instantly research the historical figures depicted after viewing. Excellent performances from the entire cast. This easily could have been expanded to a series.

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How It Ends

A decent movie if you like the genre. Worth the watch for Forest Whitaker’s excellent performance, which is always to be expected of him.

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Rewatching this film after a long time just to see the entire franchise and noticed a familiar name.
Phil Tippett! One of the coolest storytellers and responsible for tons of the OT Star Wars models amongst so much more, is the creator of the dragon designs after Jurassic Park obviously.

An amazing talent and so glad I realized he was one of the key creators of Draco! Phil Tippett is a legend.

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Zero Charisma

First, the film featured powerhouse performances by all the actors involved and is shot professionally and edited very well.

I enjoyed the film, but was a little let down with the ending. I was hoping Scott would have a little more self awareness by the end and apologize to his friends instead of being a geek bully to them. I understand all his underlying issues, but just wanted more for him. Nevertheless the actor portraying gave a stand out performance.

If anyone who was involved with this film reads this I’d would love to see even a short follow up on where Scott is now and his friends.

Good film and potential for more stories.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I liked this movie quite a bit when it came out. However even then I was very nervous about the future because the potential of this film and it’s true quality depended on the pay off in the next film. The next film absolutely destroyed the whole point and plot of this film and in itself was a horrible follow up to a trilogy that is supposed to have continuity. I honestly think the creator (I won’t say his name or the name of that) of the next film truly wanted to destroy the franchise. I can’t imagine why you would ignore every significant plot point of The Force Awakens and kill the main villain and ruin one of the greatest heroes in the history of cinema history. It invalidated both the first film and entire sequel trilogy. There was potential here and the Force awakens could have been a 10/10 rating, but that’s not the case. Disney should be ashamed of themselves

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