

Land of Ooo, Slovakia

The Confession Tapes

I was constantly pissed off during this show because I was really confused sometimes and I did not know in who or what I should believe. But yeah I totally agree that those people were manipulated and forced to make confession no matter if they did that or not. It was exhausting even to watch that some interrogation was 11 hours long. Problem of this show is that you do not get any answers it is still "maybe". But I definetely reccomend this!

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Craig of the Creek

Cannot believe how creative were creators of this show. It has so many awesome ideas that I would like to go back to times when I was a kid. Reminds me my childhood when we were just playing and pretending. We had superpowers, we had our secret bases... and probably that is the reason why this show has special place in my heart.

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness

I really don't understand why are people so hyped about this documentary. I'm not saying it's bad I just don't get it what is so awesome about it when people are saying how it will change your thinking, life or whatever, you must see it because I don't know what, because world will explode. I'm not at any side of anyone because most of those people were completely nuts but Carol? Yeah she's definitely crazy b:black_heart:tch too.

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Not saying that it was perfect but the whole first season in one day? Okay that means that there was something what was forcing me to continue. Joe's twisted mind is perfect and yup, this is how it usually goes with broken serial killers.. They are not bad guys, they're doing right things and decisions.. That's what I like about this tv series.. Joe thinks he's a good guy...

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I really don't know why I started to watch this show. Something about beauty pageants is not my cup of tea but something was telling me that I want to watch this show anyway. I was expecting comedy tv show but it turned to something totally different in the end. You can't take this show too serious because most of the time it's more like light parody but this show will twist to something more dark in the end and I absolutely love it. To be honest I loved last episode so much that I was quite sad show has been cancelled. Of course it's not totally perfect show it's not for everyone but it also has some legacy for girls which are obsessed with beauty.

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Anne with an E

This show is so beautiful and especially so pure. I wish I could speak in English so poetic as Anne because those words would exactly describe how amazing is this show. Maybe Anne as a character is not for everyone but give it a try and don't give up on her because this show also has really important theme. I'm not into feminist movies at all but what was happening in those times... Well give it a try I love this show...

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I have to admit that I have never seen any Supernatural episode before. But this movie was really awesome and funny. I really enjoyed Dean and Sam in Scooby Doo world even I do not know these characters very well. Smart move to use already existing episode and recreate it. I really enjoyed every second of this movie.

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I really enjoyed Billy/Shazam scenes with Freddy because of the actors themselves but it was not very funny anyway. The whole movie and especially story looked so cheap. Costumes, fighting scenes, monsters, plot... well I did not have high expectations but I was dissapointed anyway. But yeah as one time movie it was okay.

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Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan

Shout by Monika
BlockedParent2019-08-25T08:24:30Z— updated 2021-02-04T09:24:54Z

The longest 1 hour and 36 minutes in my life ever. I know that Jason is "special" but since when he can use teleportation? This was so lame and boring. Jason should stay in Crystal lake like in previous movies. The worst chapter ever. I am used to stupid behaviour of characters but this was new higher level of stupidity.

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Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus

I love show so much but I'm kinda disappointed from this movie. Grateful for it, yeah, amazing animation and art as before but definitely lack of jokes. It wasn't funny as tv show at all but as always I enjoyed GIR.

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Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

If you are going to watch movies like this with no high expectations, you will probably enjoy it. I really liked how bloody it was and really enjoyed "beautiful" body parts. This is what I like about old horror movies. Of course plot an characters are always the same., not really interesting. It is some kind of slasher cliché but I enjoyed Jason as a character. He is the best.

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Star vs. the Forces of Evil

This show is the proof that cartoon tv series can have amazing, funny and emotional story. I will miss this show so much and cannot believe that now when I finished all seasons it is just over. Thank you creators for laugh but also for tears. I love this show.

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I have to be honest that this movies does not deserve 7 hearts, but Mike is Mike and he is my favourite killer. I did not like old movies that much and this one is not exception but Michael Myers is one of the best among iconic slasher killers like Jason or Freddy. Story and characters were stupid, it was sometimes boring but Mike was really brutal in this movie and I totally loved it! Scenes like these were missing in old movies and that is the reason why I decided to give more hearts than to previous two older movies. Also I really enjoyed all small references to old movies.

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Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

Definitely not that good as tv series but I loved it anyway. I'll be grateful for any Teen Titans movie! Kinda too much songs but luckily they're good as in series so it wasn't annoying at all. And I loved all references especially Marvel one.. so funny..

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D.C. Sniper: 23 Days of Fear

Well I'm used to that in our local tv are usually movies with really low rating and they're sh:black_heart:tty but this one wasn't that bad. It was boring yeah, kinda cheap,yeah but not that bad as I expected. If you're "collecting" movies with serial killers as me you can give it a try.

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Scooby-Doo! and the Curse of the 13th Ghost

I did not like tv series that much but this movie was a really nice reunion of characters even I do not understand why Scrappy was missing here. Such a nice idea but yeah, Scrappy is Scrappy.. Movie was good but I saw better Scooby-Doo movies than this. But I am always thankful for any new Scooby-Doo movie.

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I loved this show but in my opinion the fourth season was totally unnecessary. I do not like this modern version of Sherlock that much as old ones but it was interesting for sure and cases were really interesting. Unfortunately last season was big disappointment for me and I was quite bored.

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Are you interested in serial killers? Yes? Okay. And do you want to know what was leading to term "serial killer"? Yes? Then you have to watch this tv series! First episodes were quite slow and there is a lot of talking but you want regret it... If you're interested in this theme this show deserves your attention.

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Penny Dreadful: Season 3

Wow third season was a big disappointment. It looked so cheap. Story, vampires with hairstyles like from some Twilight parody, I wouldn't be mentioning Werewolves like from old Jumanji movie when that boy was quite hairy.... Everything was so unpredictable and also creators ruined it from the beginning. I'm so disappointed.... But at least Dorian Gray was the only one with brain here....

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Daphne & Velma

I wasn't expecting too much from this movie since I saw first trailer but wanted to check it anyway. It's bad but because I expected it I'm not that much disappointed if it makes any sense. Actors were bad but I kinda liked this Velma anyway. Daphne was.. well I didn't like Daphne. But it could be really worse. If you're fan yes check this movie but don't expect too much and you'll be fine.

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In that time I wasn't on this world yet, but my family members and co-workers remember times when this happened and told me some stories. It's so frightening that we was/are so close to Ukraine and in some way it affected our Slovakia (in that time Czechoslovakia). Or more frightening it could affect us for 20 000 years... Well I wouldn't be here actually if that worst possible situation happened.. amazing mini series I'm absolutely amazed by this show everything about it was absolutely stunning. I missed Russian/Ukrainian language here but it was perfect anyway.

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Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

Anyone who is interested in serial killer theme should watch this. It's fascinating and terrifying at the same time. Ted Bundy was always just another serial killer for me. After this limited series I have so many questions about him and his actions. Was he really sick person or just master of manipulation and he exactly knew what was he doing? I had goosebumps because yes I have to admit he had charisma and I hate that fact.
Awesome documentary with awesome music. Sometimes a bit slow but highly recommended.

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Rilakkuma and Kaoru

I am really big fan of lazy Rilakkuma so I had some expectations. Rilakkuma and Kaoru is innocent cute tv show but would be better without Kaoru itself. She was kinda annoying sometimes and ungrateful that she has so cute friendly bears and bird. If you saw episode "Ghost Girl" or "Fortune-telling" you know what I mean. But luckily all her "pets" saved the show. I really adore this type of art style in cartoons so yes I was satisfied with this show (even I was not satisfied with everything) and will continue if will be second season.

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Rilakkuma and Kaoru: Season 1

Rilakkuma and Kaoru is innocent cute tv show but would be better without Kaoru itself. She was kinda annoying sometimes and ungrateful that she has so cute friendly bears and bird. But luckily all her "pets" saved the show. I really adore this type of art style in cartoons so yes I was satisfied with this show and will continue if will be second season.

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It had nice comedy scenes and I really like them but I had feeling that it does not fit here. I was really emotionless during every episode and I did not find here my favourite human character as usual. Only exception was last episode when I cried a lot and I was really sad. It crushed my heart. I cannot believe that Taroumaru died. I felt so sad, I was crying. The only one character that I really liked and had feelings and emotions for it. Yeah it was cute anime but I think cute anime with zombie apocalypse... well it is not working together.

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Grave of the Fireflies

This movie was like a deep stab in my heart with a knife. No with machete. So sad and cruel... and unfortunately so real. This actually happened and my cold heart was shattered into thousand pieces.

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The Predator

Okay so what we have here. Stupid story, group of retards that are surprisingly funny (but not that much), a woman (of course that type which is so f♥cking brave and strong because if she was not feminist can accuse this movie), kiddo oh and yes - Predator. I really enjoyed bloody scenes and Predator itself. The second Predator too. Yeah that bigger one with exoskeleton as part of his body. Pretty good looking handsome Predator. It is not suprise for me that story in this movies sucks... but I was quite satisfied with what I saw. I always had big passion for Predator as character so actually I do not care that much that plot was stupid. It had Predator and awesome scenes with him and I am satisfied.

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Shout by Monika
BlockedParent2018-12-08T09:26:41Z— updated 2024-05-02T17:04:01Z

I am so disappointed. This movie had potential but it ended up like story full of bullsh:hearts:t for younglings. Yeah it had funny moments and Venom itself was really awesome. I always liked Venom. But story was boring and pointless. No bloody scenes at all. Sad.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

It's brilliant movie they said. You'll be crying they said.
Yes, it is and yes I did. Maybe Rami's face is not exactly like Freddie's but his performance.. it was something amazing and I'm totally in love with this movie. I have Queen fever after this movie.

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The Shining

I am still asking myself if Jack Nicholson was acting or he is just like this.. because he is so creepy always. I liked this movie, but some scenes were too long which was boring sometimes. Exactly like some parts in books by King. Sorry not sorry. I was expecting more from this movie but at least music, creepy as f♥ck, was brilliant.

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