

Timișoara, Timis

Call Me Chihiro

It's a slice of life kinda movie. It is a slow burn, but with the themes it's addressing there can be no other way. Remember, everyone in the crowd has a story, and the most damaged ones pay the most attention. Highly recommend.

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Did Charlotte fall in love with one of those rapists, or did they just kidnapped her, abused and in the end killed her? I guess we'll never know.

Slow, but good.

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Shout by golbandrei
BlockedParent2023-01-19T17:48:56Z— updated 2024-06-23T15:37:34Z

The weird thing in this is about sex. Or maybe I'm not used to seeing so much of it in an animation. Animation and music are amazing. The story kinda falls off as it goes along. Overall its good.

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When You Finish Saving the World

I found it interesting. It touches some sensible subjects, like the disruptions between a teenager and his older than the norm parents. It's hard enough to be a teenager in this day and age and I bet it's even harder when you have parents who don't understand you, because they were your age like 4 decades ago.

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The World of Suzie Wong

Sad romantic story. They don't make them like this nowadays.

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Goodnight Mommy

Mixed feelings about this one. The original is a little bit better; although it's not a 1:1 copy.

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Accident Man: Hitman's Holiday

It is funnier than the first one. And overall, better.

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It's part of the kind of movies that adults can watch with their kids. Not great, not terrible.

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First half was okish. It lost me in the second part.

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Creed III

The worst one in the trilogy.

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It's kinda slow, but not bad at the same time. Paul Rudd catches the eye.

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Blade of the 47 Ronin

Six year old's who are in love with swords, ninja and stuff like that will love it. Also, I predict that this movie will be big in Africa.

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

It's good that the streaming services exist. I would be ashamed to physically own a movie like this.
People are starved for good movies and are putting their hopes in the skills of some bellow mediocre directors. And here we have the results.

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Remember those early-mid 2000 horror parodies? This movie it's almost one, but not quite. It's like the parody was first and they tried to make something serious based on the story and characters.

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This one looks like a movie made by boomers who don't understand how the Internet works.

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Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

If you have a terminally ill animal, you don't take it to circus, you put it to rest in the most humanly way possible. Some of these movie series need to be let out to die.

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Ms. Marvel

It was very hard to get through this. If marvel keeps going this route, the people will lose interest on this universe. All the heroes saga will come to an end the same way the mafia and western films did in the last century.

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It becomes quite predictable at some point, but the tension it's still there. Overall it's a good movie.

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