


Wayward Pines: 2x01 Enemy Lines

Not as bad as i thought it would be! Very nice indeed cant wait for the rest

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Arrow: 4x23 Schism

Nice finale, not surprising not sad but NICE finale considering the season...

the end lines where Oliver said that he thought Felicity would be gone too and she was like

"Not a chance"

felt like the writers were giving a hint to fans who want her dead, i mean i honestly wanted her dead before this but now i feel like they were saying "No, you shouldnt want her dead yet cause she's gonna do amazing stuff", i just sure hope so!

Cant wait for season 5 and Oliver finally having that double life again of Vigilante and Mayor! Its gonna feel like season 1-2!!!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x16 Legendary


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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x15 Destiny

I was gonna give this a 9 but since the producers really wanted that kiss i give it a 7. What a coincidence that for 14 episodes they had an amazing friendship and during the one he dies they fall in love ..

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The 100: 3x14 Red Sky at Morning

The story the music the everything! LOVED IT

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The Flash: 2x22 Invincible

This is just like Arrow! A parent dies in the last episodes of season 2!!

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Geography Club

One of the best if not the best teen lgbt movie. And one of my favourite of all time, together with Amelie :)

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Arrow: 4x21 Monument Point

The episode was awful and Felicity centered, felt like Arrow and Diggle were Felicitys spies and buster boys.
The writing was very cliche and generic seriously
I liked the end tho, felt like it was a video game and oliver had arrived at the boss

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Supernatural: 11x04 Baby

Jus let this director direct all the episodes. loved the camera and storytelling,

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The Flash: 2x20 Rupture

Henry Allen Earth 2 is the man in the iron mask the real Jay Garrick! They are going to kill Earth 1 Henry Allen and so Jay Garrick can be a member of the team in season 3! Makes all the sense since the actor that does Henry Allen as everyone knows did the first tv show of the flash, just like Jay Garrick was the first version of the flash!

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Empire: 2x15 More Than Kin


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The Flash: 2x19 Back to Normal

This new particle accelarator explosion will go too good and will not just give Barry powers, but will give Jessie and Wally!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x12 Last Refuge

I seriously wanted to see the reaction of Ray when he saw Anna, she was a big part of him when he was on Arrow! Guess the producers forgot that...

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x02 We All Fall Down

so many racord errors in this last scene

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: 2x01 Kimmy Goes Roller Skating!

Not a good first episode for season 2..

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x10 Progeny

They said Sara would learn about Laurel this episode.. didn't seem like it

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Awkward.: 5x15 The Friend Connection

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING episode ! Sick of jenna seriously

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The Flash: 2x17 Flash Back

I just love Time Travel drama!!

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Crimson Peak

So much drama! So much love! So much goth! Classical drama with a Del Toro twist. Loved it BUT kinda got lost in the middle.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x14 Devil's Due

I love Hades but i hate to see Rumple being so submissive ! This isnt the first time right? Remember Zelena?.......

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Awkward.: 5x14 Wtf Happened Last Year?

Really well written episode!! Im amazed considering this show hasnt been good for some time

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American Crime Story: 1x05 The Race Card

The thing at the end is so creepy

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Once Upon a Time: 5x13 Labor of Love

Best Characters: Cruella, Hades
Mid Characters: Regina (was once the best of the best)
Worst Characters: ALL CHARMINGS, UGH

PS: That thing of Snow wanting to stop being Mary Margaret, does that mean we finally can have Bitchy Snow White back?
Also, will all characters start wanting to be the real them? Is this gonna be the plot for the 6th and hopefully final season?

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Downton Abbey: 6x05 Episode 5

Typical Downton drama, truly SHOCKING! Probably the most shocking moment after Sybils death

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The Grand Budapest Hotel

I like the movie. Unfortunelly for me at the end of the story i felt that the real story hadn't even began, but i guess i was expecting something else when i started watching the movie. I think the story is average. The colors and camera top notch, loved everything, just inspiring!
At the end, im happy with this movie :)

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The 100: 3x06 Bitter Harvest

I love the gay couple and the fact that the brown guys face and mouth look a lot like Connor's from How to get away with murder. Please give me s'more of them!!

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How to Get Away with Murder: 2x12 It's a Trap

When Wes and Laurel kissed i screamed NO

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The Walking Dead: 6x10 The Next World

One of the best episodes ever if not the best. Romantic (the kind we have been waiting for like what 3 seasons?), Action packed, New Locations, New interesting characters.
Best moments:
When Rick and Daryl were TRYING to catch Jesus, so much fun!
When Daryl gave Rick half a snickers

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The Musketeers: 2x10 Trial and Punishment

i thought they would break laughing when Aramis told he was joining the convent... but at least they went to get him in the final seconds !!
what i really wanna know is what the queen thinks of going to war against Spain, and what is the reason to go to war really?

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Arrow: 4x13 Sins of the Father

Darkh is going to kill William, that is why they didnt call Oliver's son Connor Hawke! That means he still will have another son!

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