


Game of Thrones: 3x09 The Rains of Castamere


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Game of Thrones: 4x09 The Watchers on the Wall

I had my hearth on my throat during the whole episode!! AMAZING!

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Game of Thrones: 1x10 Fire and Blood


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American Horror Story: 8x04 Could It Be... Satan?

hmm coolest ahs episode hmm... ever??!

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Black Mirror: 3x01 Nosedive

i have a big list of people that i want to force show this episode

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Banshee: 3x05 Tribal


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The Crown: 2x05 Marionettes

2 AMAZING episodes in a row, i am surprised. They're touching very deeply into what it meat to be a monarch in this day and age.
Comparing to the old times, where it may seem Kings and Queens were forever at war, we consider nowadays to be "peacefull" times, but as we can see in this episode, the monarchy never rests, always adapting to themselfs.

I need to say that the Queen Mother in this final scene was very much rude, and the "gloves on" commentary was just sad to listen. But i guess that just shows as an example what Lord Altrincham said, the old must be put to rest for the new to come in.

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The Crown: 2x04 Beryl

I am such a Princess Margaret, one day im drpressed and crazy the next day i meet a boy in the street and suddenly im in love

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Arrow: 4x04 Beyond Redemption

Loved it! Best episode this season yet! Made me feel like i was in season 1/2!

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The Walking Dead: 6x10 The Next World

One of the best episodes ever if not the best. Romantic (the kind we have been waiting for like what 3 seasons?), Action packed, New Locations, New interesting characters.
Best moments:
When Rick and Daryl were TRYING to catch Jesus, so much fun!
When Daryl gave Rick half a snickers

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Glee: 6x12 2009

the feels are strong with this one

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Pose: 2x08 Revelations

my god the second half of this episode was the first "season 1 good" part of this season

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Euphoria: 1x01 Pilot

effing love it ugh no words .. literally the effect of a drug .. took me out of my reality .

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Arrow: 5x14 The Sin-Eater

Amazing episode, very season 1, much drama, many action. Loved it! and that end damn it

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Babylon Berlin: 2x03 Episode 11

this episode was an EXPERIENCE!!!! my heart was racing the whole time i actually feel stressed its amazing.

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Arrow: 7x04 Level Two

this is the best Arrow has been since season 2. i never expected it to be this good!

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Bob's Burgers: 4x07 Bob and Deliver

This episode was AMAZING! A Bobs Burgers classic

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Empire: 3x10 Sound & Fury

GURL IM SHOOK, Tiana and the Bitch Nessa fighting! Jamal running away! And the ending scene, Cookie and Lucious, gurl THAT'S LOVE!

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Arrow: 5x17 Kapiushon

I let a tear go at the end, seeing Oliver without the Bratva tattoo, and knowing Adrian burned it, after 5 years of following this show, it jutst hit it right in the spot.
We have never seen Oliver so weak, never. I don't know how im coping with this.

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The 100: 3x14 Red Sky at Morning

The story the music the everything! LOVED IT

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Supernatural: 11x04 Baby

Jus let this director direct all the episodes. loved the camera and storytelling,

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Game of Thrones: 5x09 The Dance of Dragons

The final scene was everything i was asking for, i actually screamed

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Shameless: 2x01 Summertime

The pot thing was priceless

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Bob's Burgers: 3x02 Full Bars

Awesome episode. And the script is just priceless...

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Wayward Pines: 1x10 Cycle

Sad it only gets 10 episodes, thought it would be 13 :(

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Bob's Burgers: 3x01 Ear-sy Rider

One of the best episodes ever

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Bob's Burgers: 2x05 Food Truckin'

Loved this episode, loved the Walking Dead and Lollapalozza references! ahah

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Westworld: 2x04 The Riddle of the Sphinx

played like an episode of black mirror, amazing

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Once Upon a Time: 7x04 Beauty

One of the best episodes of Once ever, just for that sequence.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x09 Who's Dead?

I cant explain how happy i am.

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