


Avatar: The Way of Water

At 3hr 19min, it definitely felt shorter. All those people people that say it was a drag, went in with the intent to dislike it. If you go in to be immersed, you will enjoy it. I feel the first half was just establishing shots, and tedious everyday activities. But it was soooo compelling.

I never watch 3d anymore, but I forgot how much depth it adds. Can't really say I noticed the HFR, unlike the hobbit.

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The mark of a good movie is when you leave the cinema, and you keep thinking about it. Well the second the movie was over, I was wikipediaing the heck out of that movie. It is such a compelling story that I found myself researching the actual events. The movie never really had a dull moment, and it was acted really well.

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Thor: The Dark World

I don't understand. I actually thought this movie was miles better than the first. I actually rate it as one of the better marvel flicks. Better than iron man 2 and cap America.

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