Chase Ingebritson

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Minneapolis, Minnesota

A Condition Called Love

If you want a show where the main male love interest is obsessive, manipulative, jealous, and actively mean to the protagonist’s friends, then this show is for you.

I rarely get angry at characters, but this is a rare exception. Bro seriously needs to find a hobby and worry about himself.

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The Dangers in My Heart

Wow definitely a bait and switch in the best kind of way.

I went in expecting a mediocre conduit for fan service and came out seen a kind, patient, and nuanced romance. The show does a wonderful job of showing the cringy moments that come with being an teen, experiences of not quite fitting the mould you may be put into by yourself or others, and how it’s ok to take your time and understand how you really feel about yourself and the people you want in your life. The creators put the personal growth of the characters first and it made for something I could look forward to every week.

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The Dreaming Boy Is a Realist

Soylent green: the anime.

Maybe the worst show I have seen in years. Just aggressively bland, feels like it was written, directed, and animated by AI. If you want slop, at least go to a trough with some good slop.

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