Great Magical Hat


Omicron Persei 8

Star Trek: Discovery: 3x03 People of Earth

This episode was what Andromeda would have wanted to be. (Another episode, another show to compare it to. The fact it compares so favorably is more of failing of that show than a a success of this episode.) And that brings it yet a step closer to being Star Trek. I mean, Andromeda was based on notes by Roddenberry after all, and its premise was basically "what if one ship ends up in a future where the federation no longer exists?" (which also happens to describe this season...)

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x02 Far from Home

This episode felt like it wanted to be Firefly to me. It was more Trek than the last episode, with being aboard a ship again, and at least some characters following some sort of federation ideology again, but it still didn't quite capture the Star Trek feeling for me.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x01 That Hope Is You (1)

This was a good Doctor Who episode. It just wasn't Star Trek, though.

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Doctor Who: 11x09 It Takes You Away

The first 75% of this episode played like a supernatural mystery and I had some guesses what was going on. My guesses were competely wrong. I don't mind being wrong. I did mind that the mystery turned out to be some piece of lore we had never heard of before. It's like the deus ex machina of mysteries...

The last part tried to be interesting through an emotional plot featuring carbon copies of characters that were dead. While it was interesting to see Grace again, the central dilemma fell flat, as the threat of reality collapsing turned the whole idea of staying in the alternate reality in a moot option.

The end featured some very silly Sci-fantasy and an empty promise of eternal friendship from the doctor that saved the day.

Yeah, this episode is not why I watch Doctor Who...

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Killjoys: 4x06 Baby, Face Killer

What a downer episode...

  • Pip is diagnosed with Spider-cancer

  • Last week's lead about Khlyen's story turns into a dead end

  • D'Avin is leaving Team Awesomeforce

  • Pree finds out that the Rack had become a freakshow. He might be close to locating Gared & the kids, but he had to get captured to get that far and there doesn't really seem to be an escape plan yet.

Did anything positive end up part of this episode? Well, perhaps Kendry finally getting off Lucy qualifies.

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