Great Magical Hat


Omicron Persei 8

The Walking Dead: 9x10 Omega

What happened to the guys beard? Idiots should have known the dead fella was gonna rise, did no one watch Zombie movies before all that shit happened?

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@aid45 Actually, there's one main difference between The Walking Dead universe before the zombie apocalypse and our own: zombies didn't exist in fiction. This is why they were taken by so much surprise and why some people call them "Walkers", some "Infected", some just "The Dead" and yet others use many other names (of course, with the show falling into a rhythm with several well-established settlements and enough communication to be speaking of a communication breakdown, these different terms have been disappearing).

Besides, it's actually a pretty novel concept that people turn into zombies without having been bitten even in our own world fiction. Now, after this much TWD it feels largely normal, but it definitely wasn't a common idea in fiction before this show.

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Killjoys: 4x10 Sporemageddon

Predictable ending, though the episode was good fun, as usual.
And Pawter was back! Even if only for a little while (and it wasn't really her)... Yeah, yeah, I've got a crush on her, so what?
See y'all next year (has this show been renewed for another season?)!

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@misnomer After season 3, Killjoys was renewed for 2 final seasons. So yeah, we'll get season 5, but it'll be the last season we get.

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The Walking Dead: 9x16 The Storm

Review by MrBlonde


I smiled the entire time Negan was on screen. His back and forth with the other survivors (mainly Gabriel) was just so fucking good.
Judith, I don't even have to mention.
What those two have is just unreal.
The chemistry is over the top.

"What do you see, when you Look at me?"
Carol and Daryls bond is Special.
Ezekiel blames the wrong person for Henry's death.
I also like, that Daryl protects Lydia.

I got so fucking scared.
Please don't kill Dog!
Please don't kill Dog!^^
Who doesn't like Judith for saving Dog, is heartless!^^
And Negan for saving both. Just saying.
He gains trust. Clever.
The Wisperes need to look out.
They may have Walkers, but our Group has fucking Negan! XD

"It's cold."
Snowball fight! So refreshing to end the season on a good Note. Never felt happier for them. :)
Also to see Walkers frozen was so cool.
They realy outdid themself with the setting! :D
Tension all the way.
(I overdid it with the puns, didn't I?
I don't feel sorry^^)

"I have to be strong."
Punishment for Alpha?
At least her Rules aren't one sided, even thought they're fucked up.
The only thing I was a bit dissapointed with the final, was the fact we didn't saw how the wisperers got through the Winter...

"Hello, hello, is anybody out there?"
Who is the Radio Woman?
I think we wont find out till season 11 or 12.
Or at least don't see her.
And I am fine with it.

They fucking did it.
They justified a season to be 16 episodes long! Dindn't happen since season 5. Bravo!

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@mrblonde It would seem that the Whisperers traveled South to avoid the worst part of winter. At least, that's a thing that I think they might have been hinting at in the scene with the Whisperers and they also seemed to run with that explanation in Talking Dead (which had the showrunner as a guest) so that gives that explanation some more credibility.

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The Walking Dead: 9x09 Adaptation


"Home sweet home."
I am a little sad he went out and didn't stay in the cell, but on the other hand he was over six years in there.
In the comics it was never that long, so it's harder to stay.
Nethertheless I enjoyed his short journey.
His Little walk through Alexandria was well shot.
The Trip outside was also pretty cool.
Western-Vibe Incoming.
Was that the wood glade from his first encounter?
If it was: Nice touch.
And the cool looking Walkers are back.
I just hope he gets his Leather Jacket back.

"I said I would shoot you."
Him and Judith are getting along.
(Rick would turn over in his…
Oh wait. There was something.)

"I'm Lydia."
Daryl is a clever guy.
Just let the younglings talk.
And Micchone is right.
He has a feeling for who to trust and who don't.

"Trail ends here."
It's just getting started :D

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@mrblonde Yes, they confirmed on Talking Dead that the spot where Negan is throwing up is the exact same place where he killed Glenn and Abraham. Kudos on catching that without being told about it!

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iZombie: 5x11 Killer Queen

Shout by ds1

I always thought his hair looked weirdly fake.
Blaine was surprisingly calm in front of Don E. after finding out the truth.
Even if there was some twitching in his face. Poor Darcy, though.

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@ds1 Earlier in the season, we saw him scalp a guy and put the scalp on his head...

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