

New York, New York

The Circle: Season 1
Broad City: 5x10 Broad City

This was my least favorite season of the show, but this ending was very good imo. Felt like they had to trade the barrage of gags and cheap laughs for a sincere ending, which worked but also made me want to see more of the show in it's usual form :cry:

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Imposters: Season 1

I gave the first few episodes high ratings - the show started off strong and seemed promising. The more I watched, the more it started to sink in that this was tedious to sit through. There's definitely some awkward acting at times, which was hard to ignore. I can't blame the actors, the script has a forced and cheesy feel to it. The scenic shots and production were something different, so I give it that.

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Broad City: 4x01 Sliding Doors

Might be obvious to some, but this episode sort of spoofs the 1998 film "Sliding Doors". Also, the quote "Always forward, never back" could be a reference to the show "The Imposters", which was airing the same year this episode came out.

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Watched this without knowing anything about it. It pulled me in, and kept me guessing. Some people are complaining about scenes being gratuitous, but for me it was entertaining throughout.

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Obliterated: Season 1

Great show, never a dull moment. Yes there might be some bad acting, cheesy moments, and things that are ridiculously unrealistic - but it is highly entertaining.

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Came across a clip of a scene from this film and within about 30-40 seconds I decided to stop watching it and watch the full movie. I thought the movie was amazing. The characters feel real - there was synergy between the writing and the acting. It is a bit of a long movie, but never really dragged on.

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Kung Fu Hustle

This is one of my favorite movies. The action and comedy is pretty much relentless. Someone mentioned that it slows down a bit at the end and I do agree with that, but I still like the ending overall. I'll always keep this movie in my collection, it holds up well to re-watches.

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An unsettling tone set by the intro left me waiting excitedly and curiously for too long. Each time you think something is going to happen, nothing happens. I liked some of the bizarre moments and concepts, but they're basically just sprinkled onto an otherwise boring movie. This "overly subtle" style of horror is still better than watching a mindless slasher movie imo, but overall I did not like nor dislike this one.

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Trees Lounge

To me, this was like a darker side of a "slice of life" film. It works for its purpose and was entertaining, but overall I don't think it would hold up to multiple watches.

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Buffalo '66

Weird film with a unique plot and some decent camerawork and production. It drags on a lot, some scenes help it along but overall it did test my patience and didn't entirely redeem itself with the ending imo. Still, it kept me guessing, and it's nice to see something different like this once in a while.

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Seinfeld: 5x13 The Dinner Party

It strikes me as odd that they wouldn't have just given the people that they knew the money to buy what they wanted for them. It's still a good episode but unless I missed something, that part didn't make much sense ‍♂

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10 Cloverfield Lane

I saw Cloverfield (2018) and enjoyed it, but I went into this blindly (as many have said makes it more enjoyable) and was mostly let down. The premise is good and I did enjoy some of the twists and tense scenes, but ultimately it felt like the set-up burned too much time. It was so dull I even started itching to turn it off and just rewatch Cloverfield. Also, I find it funny how some say the ending ruined the film, while others say it is the only good part. My personal opinion is that the ending doesn't make or break anything, but was at least exciting and contributed slightly to the action to downtime ratio.

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Cha Cha Real Smooth

Shout by GreenFrog221
BlockedParent2023-07-16T06:21:37Z— updated 2024-02-04T05:42:41Z

I understand that to get a realistic / natural feel in a movie means that things might flow by being a bit mundane at times, but this film is consistently uneventful. Even parts that shake things up a bit are quickly moved on from, and we're right back to lengthy, boring, and occasionally cheesy dialogue. The film held my interest in the beginning, but then it became obvious that it wasn't going anywhere. I stuck it out with high hopes after hearing all of the positive reviews, but was ultimately disappointed.

Some tone-deaf moments:

Early on she has a miscarriage in a bathroom and an hour later she's making moony eyes at Andrew and mounting him on the couch. In what world would a woman shrug off a miscarriage and immediately come on to a man? Would a mother entrust her autistic teen daughter with a 22-year-old man she just met as her babysitter?

There was some dialogue that attempted to justify the latter, but it still came across as a WTF scenario to me personally. If you are looking for a good coming of age film, I would recommend Eighth Grade (2018) instead.

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Spider-Man 2

This is OK as a sequel but if you decided to see this before the original, I bet you'd be very disappointed. Improvements to the special effects means nothing when the production quality doesn't match it. There's also serious tempo problems... (not to say the original was perfect, but it was at least very close to holding my attention and building excitement consistently).

Between the cheesy production effects and the feeling of constantly waiting for something interesting to happen, this was aiming to be a 4/10 rating for me, but when the train scene starts is when it finally matches the tempo that the original film had — it's crazy how much happens (action, romance, and story-wise) in those final 45 mins. If the entire film was like that it would have been great, instead it just feels like we spent an hour waiting for it.

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Being a pokemon fan, I went into this film with high hopes. Saw it in theaters and one friend fell asleep for almost the entire movie... I'm actually jealous because this was difficult to sit through. Giving Pikachu Ryan Reynolds' voice would only work if the jokes were funny. To me, all of the humor felt forced. The execution of the plot was boring. Would never bother watching this again.

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Great film, kept my interest throughout and even had some cheap laughs along the way. It's a cheesy horror film - you'll have a bad time if you're expecting anything more.

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Shrek the Third

Saw the other 2 when they came out, decided to rewatch those and check out the third for the first time. I have to say this one packs in the most quick jokes, but it's just not as great of a story as the first two. The way they build jokes into the hit songs on the soundtrack is one of my favorite things. There are tons of subtle things that can easily go missed - I will probably eventually rewatch.

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Hell Dogs

Great production and some really unique action scenes, but it dragged on in my opinion. The beginning was so promising, I buckled up for an intense ride and was mostly let down.

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Flamin' Hot

The comedic style production kept the story interesting throughout, though some of the jokes fell flat imo. I don't know if I'd bother rewatching it but it was entertaining and is worth a watch if you are a fan of the Flamin Hot snacks.

After looking into whether or not this story is true, it seems complicated and even the film altered portions of Richard's story (in the film he uses rejected snacks to test on, but he apparently claimed a machine broke one time which is how he acquired unflavored snacks). There seems to be portions that neither agree on, so of course just take the whole thing with a grain of salt.

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The Stöned Age

This is a simple movie with a lot of subtleties that intertwine and compliment each other. I first saw it in the 2010's and I think it holds up well for its age. It has the charm of being a stoner film with a "slice of life" style. I appreciate all of the weird camerawork and the natural feel (even with characters who are exaggerated for comedic purposes).

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It is a long film but definitely worth the commitment. Great acting, storytelling, and soundtrack/production. There are some slow parts/lengthy scene transitions but removing them might have cheapened the film and not allowed the action scenes to breathe. It is a masterpiece, and holds up extremely well.

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Black Mirror: 1x01 The National Anthem

As humans we are quick to shrug off certain dangers and situations, until they are fully realized. They pushed the envelope exercising a crazy and disturbing scenario... and managed to make it somewhat realistic and believable. It is a tight spot being in the general public and the prime minster's shoes. The most impactful scene was when the broadcast was about to air, seeing smiling faces of the bar patrons change to faces of disgust once it becomes a reality - it is truly humbling. One of the saddest moments happens during the credits, when the PM's wife is disgusted by him even after he did something that was "the right thing to do"... or was it just political opportunism?

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The Skeleton Key

Reminded me of watching an episode of the show Supernatural where everything is extremely drawn out with dialogue and not enough excitement to string the whole thing along. I had to cut it off and watch the rest in another sitting. During the 2nd half I started making predictions to the ending out of boredom and managed to get it mostly right :person_facepalming:♂ Caroline resembled a young version of Violet - in fact, look at the actress' photos side by side, the photo of Gena Rowlands when she was younger looks very much like Kate Hudson..

There are some cool scenes no doubt, but at other times cheesy camera effects are sprinkled in and it just cheapens the feel imo. Also, I had a smile on my face during the scene where Violet is SLOWLY chasing with the shotgun. It's hardly frightening, she's firing at such a far range in low visibility... it truly felt like a joke.

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Seinfeld: 3x13 The Subway

Kramer assuming the role of the jockey, either as a lucky ritual or as some form of distant motivation :joy: I actually rewinded it just to watch his face again

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I love the movie "Searching", but this didn't even come close imo. I like how they incorporate fun into it at times, but at a certain point it starts to get boring and convoluted.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

This film was entertaining and boring at the same time. It is very cool to see the game's characters imagined in a film, and it has a nice soundtrack to carry it all along. A good balance of funny and emotional moments, but it also manages to drag on. I bet a younger audience will love this one, though.

If you are open-minded about older films that lack the best special effects, check out the 1993 super Mario Bros film.

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Watched this without knowing much about Pete Davidson - not sure if this is the kind of show that you'd want to watch over and over again, but it is a decent show in my opinion. The first episode might be the weakest one from the first season, but it is still entertaining.

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Tons of boring scenes with action and comedy sprinkled in. Too bad it wasn't the other way around, this could have easily been so much better imo.

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This is a mildly entertaining film, but I was hoping for more from something written/directed by Mike Judge. There are some laughs, but a lot of the comedy is cheesy and mostly falls flat. It was interesting how spot-on some of the imagined visions of the future were - like the Roomba constantly cleaning the same spot, and people wearing Crocs lol... supposedly, the costume designer wanted something futuristic - but also stupid :rofl: nailed it?

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