

Emerald Isle

The Walking Dead: 5x01 No Sanctuary

This group would be nowhere without Carol.

This was a good episode. We're reconfirming what seems to be a running theme last season as well - that despite what you go through, you can still choose to be who you were. You can choose to have a conscience and help people. Glenn is instrumental in enforcing this in everyone around him. "We're still those people. We have to be."

Carol comes to save the day and everyone is finally (truly) reunited, with a few newbies to the group. The episode sets a hopeful tone for the rest of the season, but if it's anything like previous seasons, it's unlikely that will last.

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The Walking Dead: 4x16 A

This was a good finale. It's starting to feel like Rick's getting his mojo back and he's starting to remember who he is and why he's the leader of the group.

It's great finally getting to see everyone back together and realizing that everyone else isn't dead, just separated. Really looking forward to Season 5.

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The Walking Dead: 4x14 The Grove

This episode is tragic. This is the episode that puts everything into perspective about a world like this. Despite everyone's greatest efforts not to let these horrors change you, the sad truth is that it does. And sometimes, even if you're still human, you're not really human.

This episode plays on a very interesting dilemma of what to do in a situation where other people, people you know and love, become a danger to you and everyone else around them.

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I really only watched this movie because I enjoyed watching the Black Widow movie and wanted to check out some more movies starring Florence Pugh.

It wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't entirely bad. Just predictable. The beginning started off strong with the story-telling, but as with most any ghost movie it starts to fall apart near the middle once we get to the same old typical 'tragic backstory.' The twist in this movie has been done a million times and I started getting a little bit bored.

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The Circle: 3x02 A New Twist

This was a particularly confusing episode. I think the show did a pretty good job of keeping the players separate from each other, but it still got difficult trying to remember which Michelle said what lol.

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The Circle: 3x01 Circle, Did You Miss Me?

Interesting episode. I love this show for unwinding and just watching something ridiculous in my down time. I love the energy from some of the players and the excitement of both playing a game and playing detective at the same time.

So far my favorite player is probably Kai. She seems really genuine to me and gives a funny and outgoing impression. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

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Time Team: 17x11 There's a Villa Here Somewhere - Litlington, Cambridgeshire

I always think these episodes are so interesting. They're a bonding moment for me and my dad, so I watch them sporadically and not all that often, but whenever I do it just blows my mind that people are finding roman tile and hair pins in their backyard. The thought of that kind of history being so well preserved and for there to be so much of it is really amazing. There's so much history we don't have on paper.

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The Walking Dead: 4x13 Alone

These last few episodes have all followed a similar theme - following the breakoff groups after the prison was destroyed and they all had to flee.

This episode is a really great example of Maggie's unwillingness to give up on Glenn. Regardless of what she has the potential to lose or has to walk away from, she would risk anything to get back to Glenn. We also get to see the close bonds that have formed between the people in these smaller groups. We saw that last episode with Daryl and Beth, and this episode with Sasha, Maggie, and Bob.

I think these are mostly just 'catch up' episodes so we know what's going on with everyone and also 'set up' episodes so that future episodes will be in the context of these bonds they've formed while everyone was separated.

Looking forward to the next episode and the (hopeful) reunion of Maggie and Glenn.

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The Walking Dead: 4x12 Still

This is one of my favorite TWD episodes. Daryl is one of my favorite characters in the show, partly because he's an asshole but also partly because he doesn't try to pretend to be someone that he isn't.

In this episode we get to see Daryl and Beth starting to get into a groove of surviving together. Nothing is perfect and they're still just scraping by but they're making it. They start to form a bond through the uncomfortable silence and get to know each other better.

My favorite part of this episode is the yelling match between Daryl and Beth. They go at each other and say some pretty despicable things. Some pretty unforgivable things. But in a way this is what was necessary to get Daryl to open up and admit his weaknesses. To admit that he's afraid and in pain and he misses everyone from the group. That he's afraid of losing everyone and everything he cares about.

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Extreme Rescues

this series is terrifying. watching other people come so close to death and barely make it is a stark reminder that life is fragile.

also feeling very comfortable that i won't accidentally fall off of the top of a mountain from my couch. watching this makes you think twice about future 'adventurous' plans.

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Utopia Falls: 1x01 The World Is Yours

wasn't really sure if i was going to continue this series or not and then found out snoop dogg is voicing the ai computer and i'm committed to at least another few episodes now lol

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Cabin Fever: Patient Zero

i just really need to know who signed off on this plot. like the whole thing.... who is responsible for this?

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great series. muslim syrian ER doctor? sign me up. loved every episode and they touched on several sensitive medical issues that i was happy were brought up. i really hope there is another season.

only complaints - a lot of the subtitling is off. made it hard to comprehend when i'm hearing one thing and reading another. and sometimes the arabic seems off? like the use of slang words didn't make sense sometimes and other times it seemed off. i know in several occassions the arabic was not translated correctly or it was ignored and replaced with something entirely different for no reason. kinda annoying.

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Pooch Perfect: 1x05 Disney Dogs

this is such a cute show. the contestants are really personable and i enjoy learning more about them. the dogs are adorable, and some of the grooming that they do on these dogs is really impressive. episode 5 and we're getting down to the bottom few teams and you can really see the talent shining through. some of the 'down time' in this show is a little boring and i find myself hitting the arrow button to skip a few seconds pretty frequently, but i always enjoy seeing the final designs and the dogs walking down the runway. super cute.

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The Superdeep

this movie was so dumb. it made no sense at all. several major things that happened made literally NO SENSE in the context of the plot, so it really just seemed more like a 'because i said so' movie than one that's built on even just some basic logic. the concept had a lot of potential, but this was just a poorly written script. also annoying that you can see the voice over through the whole movie because the audio isn't synced up correctly with the video, or at times the voice over would speak too quickly and you could see that it wasn't very well done. this one was kind of a disappointment.

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such a fantastic movie. this was interesting and entertaining, very fun and emotional and maybe even a little bit scary at times. i loved the friendship between luca and alberto. this was truly a story about friendship and accepting the people you care about as they are. please just watch it. it's fantastic.

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LEGO Masters: 1x08 Good Vs. Evil

such a great episode and really cool concepts. loved it.

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The Devil Below

kind of a strange movie. good premise, but the delivery failed. there wasn't enough explanation about the 'monsters' to make them properly scary. arianne was supposed to come off as a badass with daddy issues but really just seemed like she didn't give a damn about anyone around her because she just pretended like nothing happened when people died. there was no 'freak out' reaction to make any of this even seem real. the special effects were good i guess? but special effects do not a movie make. kinda disappointed in this one.

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kept my interest through the whole movie and then the ending dropped off and was so unsatisfying. ryan reynolds, as always, did a fantastic job with this movie. a single man in a tiny box for 94 minutes is a hell of a limitation but he managed to pull it off and keep me engaged. this was a good movie, but it could've been great with an alternate ending.

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Leave No Trace

this was a really strange movie. very slow paced. not sure i'm the target audience because after watching the whole film i'm still wondering what the point of it was. at the same time, a lot of the filming seemed very intentional. this wasn't a 'boring' movie because of poor directing, i think it just wasn't my kind of movie and because of that i kept losing interest.

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Teen Wolf: 1x02 Second Chance at First Line

the entire cast of characters is really what makes this show. the character relationships, the reality of high school, the dramatic and mysterious tension (derek,) the snarky best-friend humor (stiles,) and even the relationship between stiles and his dad all add different elements and value to this show. two episodes in and it's already far more interesting than many of the other series i've been watching lately. the writers of this show did fantastic, and the casting brought it all to life.

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Teen Wolf: 1x01 Wolf Moon

i honestly forgot how great of a pilot episode this was. humor, mystery, excitement, drama, fantastic character intros - all reasons why this is a fantastic first season. the title sounds like some teen drama flick, but i've somehow gotten my 48 year old dad to watch it several times.

it's still strange going back and watching this 10 years later and seeing dylan o'brien and tyler hoechlin looking so young (i've recently watched maze runner and superman & lois so the difference is very stark.)

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Jurassic World

great show. i used to love watching the old jurassic park movies when i was younger and i remember when jurassic world was being released. it was so exciting seeing the dinosaurs redesigned in such stunning special effects and cgi. chris pratt also played the dino specialist super jock character perfectly. kinda a little shallow. definitely all about the action scenes and blood. 100% right up my alley.

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Krypton: 1x08 Savage Night

this is actually turning out to be a much better show than i thought. it just started auto-playing after the last episode of 'superman & lois' and i'm happy for it. this is a good series and some really good actors.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

this was a fantastic movie when it came out and it's still so much fun to watch 16 years later. you can tell they had a blast filming this movie, and the quality is amazing. definitely one of my go-to's for action-romance.

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Superman & Lois: 1x05 The Best of Smallville

this was an ok episode. there were good highlights, like the bench for clark's mom, but for the most part it was meh. necessary for storytelling purposes, but just a little less engaging and interesting than the other episodes.

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Superman & Lois: 1x04 Haywire

just when things were going well, we gotta throw a wrench in it to mess things up again. ah, sweet addicting drama. for what it's worth, lois is a very patient lady and clark should appreciate her more.

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Superman & Lois: 1x03 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower

this was a good episode. we're getting some history about clark and the boys are learning more about their dad. lois is getting herself into trouble (as usual, the series would be boring without her digging up hidden villains.) there were also a couple of heartfelt moments. jonathan and jordan are actually really good brothers to each other, despite the surface level arguing and fighting sometimes.

looking forward to the rest of the series.

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Superman & Lois: 1x02 Heritage

Shout by Shay

i knew something was going on with morgan edge. this feels so much like a classic superhero movie but in a television series form. i love it.

interesting things are going on with the sons (one of which has powers) and the other doesn't, for now at least. i think this is going to develop as the series continues. i like clark's response to them when he knows he's wrong and he just admits he was wrong and apologizes. A+ parenting.

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