

Emerald Isle

The Walking Dead: 4x12 Still

This is one of my favorite TWD episodes. Daryl is one of my favorite characters in the show, partly because he's an asshole but also partly because he doesn't try to pretend to be someone that he isn't.

In this episode we get to see Daryl and Beth starting to get into a groove of surviving together. Nothing is perfect and they're still just scraping by but they're making it. They start to form a bond through the uncomfortable silence and get to know each other better.

My favorite part of this episode is the yelling match between Daryl and Beth. They go at each other and say some pretty despicable things. Some pretty unforgivable things. But in a way this is what was necessary to get Daryl to open up and admit his weaknesses. To admit that he's afraid and in pain and he misses everyone from the group. That he's afraid of losing everyone and everything he cares about.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x06 Sicut Cervus

i do not like celia and i don't trust her, it's clear nick is also a little unstable and reaching out for help but please not celia, chris is approaching a point you can't turn back from, travis is still treating his son like shit and just expecting a 15 year old to "man up" in the apocalypse, and madison is still sitting around useless (as usual.) honestly this family is so fucked up, it's no wonder they're constantly fighting and struggling to survive.

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Foundation: 2x01 In Seldon's Shadow

The relationship between the Cleons has changed so much post-dna-scramble. I can’t help but feel some satisfaction watching everything fall apart around them.

This was a pretty good premier. A bit slow, but a strong set-up for the rest of the season.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x16 Leave a Light On

What a tragedy. I loved Alex but this episode makes him out to be such an ass. How am I supposed to like this guy after what he's doing to Jo? Knowing what she's been through, basically divorcing her by letter, getting back with Izzie for the kids? He outright said if it was just about Izzie or Jo he'd choose Jo. That's not right for Izzie either! What a dick!

They could have made him exit in literally any other way without tossing the legacy of his character into a dumpster fire.

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LEGO Masters: 3x03 Brickin' Bull Ride Rodeo

Shout by Shay

Pretty funny episode. A little disappointed though because the team with the ballerina wasn't shown on the bull. I went back 3-4 times on hulu to make sure but it wasn't there.

Really excited to see what the new team can do though. They must be pretty good to be joining this late in the season.

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Grey's Anatomy: 4x09 Crash Into Me (1)

This episode has been one train wreck after another after another. Wow.

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THE DAYS: 1x01 The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Is Submerged

Such a great first episode. The filmography on this is really great. It's hard to talk about this as a drama series when it's based on such tragic real-life events. So many major disasters happening back to back to back, it's no wonder it caused so much damage.

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Pressure Cooker: 1x04 Traitors

Great episode. They deserved that win. The duck looked so good!

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Grey's Anatomy: 3x13 Great Expectations

ok hold on... a few episodes ago they were all breaking up at the same time and now they're all proposing at the same time??? what is going on??

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New Amsterdam: 4x22 I'll Be Your Shelter

well... that was unnecessary.

this must've been the episode of breakups because it feels like everyone suffered. i can't believe they're going through with the iggy/martin split though. it's so refreshing to see a long-term queer married couple on tv who are still happy and in love with each other. i was prepared for them to mess with everyone else but them. they need to pull through.

the only person who made it to the end of this episode with some good news might be floyd.

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New Amsterdam: 4x19 Truth Be Told

i'm praying for the day they finally get rid of fuentes but at this point it better be pretty epic. her being walked out in cuffs would have been a fitting end.

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The Walking Dead: 10x15 The Tower

I think Princess might be one of my favorite characters in this show.

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The Walking Dead: 10x13 What We Become

Ya know, as much as I hated Andrea for what she was involved in Re: the Governor, I kinda miss having her around. It was nice to see some flashbacks of when it was a simpler time (for me and for the show.)

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Model: 1x01 Auditions

Interesting premier. I wish they showed final edited images of what the models did. It looked like they were showing unedited photos. Interested to see some of the models' work in the upcoming episodes.

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Supernatural: 13x16 ScoobyNatural

This is the BEST episode I've seen in a long time. It brings back all that cheeky comedy we used to get back in seasons 1-4. All of the 'joke' episodes that they make just serous enough that it fits into Supernatural, but also just on the cusp of 'What show am I watching again?'

Absolutely love it!

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Supernatural: 13x10 Wayward Sisters

Shout by Shay

I'm loving all the recent parallels of 'dad went hunting and he hasn't been home for a few days.'

When Jody pulled that line with Claire that was like a confirmation that Claire is all grown up and Jody acknowledges that she's making a difference in a lot of people's lives. I love it!

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Supernatural: 13x02 The Rising Son

Shout by Shay

Kinda a strange episode.

Jack is much different from any of the other 'big bad' monsters we've seen on the show before because although we have had some minor monsters where the boys are rooting for them turning out good and making the right decisions, we haven't really seen anything like that on this scale.

It's strange to look at Jack (with young Alexander Calvert's face) and see him as someone more powerful than Lucifer. There's this element of innocence to him, and in that way he's still a child who is learning, but at the same time he's dealing with making life or death decisions - and that's life or death for an entire planet.

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Supernatural: 13x01 Lost and Found

Shout by Shay

Ah sweet 'ol Jack!

I love this premier. It's such a great episode. Perhaps a bit 'out there' in comparison to the rest of the series, but the writers did a great job of introducing and developing Jack as a character and that makes this episode stand out.

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Supernatural: 12x22 Who We Are

Shout by Shay

I'm not sure how they're going to recover this season at this point.

I am still not even sure who the big enemy is this season... the Men of Letters or Lucifer?

Super confusing.

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Supernatural: 12x17 The British Invasion

Shout by Shay


This episode was AMAZING. I absolutely LOVE having Mark back in the show playing Lucifer. The way he did all that winky nod-nod to Crowley's demon audience while still fooling Crowley into believing he has the power was epic! Pellegrino is truly a master of his craft.

I can't wait to watch this all blow up in Crowley's face. How can he honestly think he could control Lucifer? The arrogance, lol.

At the same time, I'm a little sad Davies is gone? I mean, shame on him for working with the Men of Letters but also.. he was just starting to make real progress toward changing and becoming a better person. He was finally standing up for what was right instead of just following orders.

I was hoping to get a more satisfying change of sides before we had to say goodbye to him. An inside job to take down the organization would have been a great finale!

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Supernatural: 12x14 The Raid

Shout by Shay

Really truly a tragedy.

Of all the big bad monsters I really liked the Alpha Vampire the most. Every time he comes on-screen I get the heebie-jeebies. Rick Worthy has done a great job playing this character over the years and I'm sad to see him go, especially in such an icky death. Anything the Men of Letters is involved in gives me the ick.

Otherwise, great episode. Had me sitting on the edge of my seat with that attack on the complex. Part of me was hoping they were all going to die except the Winchesters and everybody would be on with their life. Sam should have stuck to that deal.

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Supernatural: 12x13 Family Feud

Shout by Shay

Fergus was one of my favorite minor characters in this show, for how he got under Crowley's skin if nothing else. Bit of a tragedy honestly.

But at the same time we got Mark Pellegrino back so if that's the trade-off I will take it. Lucifer is just not the same brand of evil if it's not Mark. There's something about his expression and the way he uses his eyes that sells this character. Man should get an award for this performance.

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Supernatural: 12x21 There's Something About Mary

Shout by Shay

Honestly, wth?

Why was this necessary?

First Jo and Ellen, then Bella, then Charlie, and now Eileen. Why are all the female characters in this show ending up dead?

And I'm also angry with Crowley. I know he's the king of hell and all big bad or whatever but I was starting to hope he'd retained some of his humanity and care. But to be working with the Men of Letters is a whole new level of deplorable.

And ugh the Men of Letters. What a joke of an organization. Seriously I can't wait for the end of this super monster arc because I'm so fed up with them.

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Supernatural: 12x19 The Future

Shout by Shay

Okay.... cool? but also... CAS WTF?

Seriously what is with one of the boys always going dark side? If it isn't Sam, it's Dean, and if it isn't either of them, it's Cas. But almost every season one of them is compromised and idk.. you'd just think by now they'd have contingency plans against this.

But honestly wow who could have expected Lucifer's spawn to brainwash Cas.


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Supernatural: 11x22 We Happy Few

Shout by Shay

Amazing episode! Seeing everyone come together is as satisfying as it is terrifying. Part of me is just waiting to see who is going to double cross who lol. Maybe I've seen Crowley and Rowena playing the game a few too many times to truly believe they're in it for the good of everyone.

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Smallville: 1x05 Cool

I chuckled at the Radiohead concert tickets lol.

This was a good episode. Probably one of the creepiest and most tragic villain powers to have. Not being able to touch anyone for fear of killing them sounds like an absolute nightmare. I kinda felt bad for the guy.

This was a good episode. I'm starting to really like the characters.

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Smallville: 1x04 X-Ray

Good episode. I loved how Tom played a surprised and put-off Clark Kent with trying to understand his new powers. Felt kinda contradictory at times though, especially with spying on Lana in the girls locker room. Kinda gross.

I loved this premise with a shapeshifter and having to figure out if who you're talking to is really them. Great acting from Lizzy Caplan.

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Smallville: 1x02 Metamorphosis

Shout by Shay

Not sure how I felt about this episode. I didn't like the whole spider plot, but it was good to see the further character development in Clark and Lex. It feels like Clark is finally coming into his power and starting to understand who he is and how he can use his differences for good.

And I just love Lex. He's been nothing but helpful and kind to Clark and everyone else in the show. He's a good friend.

I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series.

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Station 19: 6x05 Pick up the Pieces

Shout by Shay

great episode! i loved the battery plant plot.

hate episodes where maya and carina are constantly fighting thought. i hope that ends soon. it almost feels like they're only there so the writers can use them to stir up the drama when they have nothing else going on. :/

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Station 19: 6x06 Everybody Says Don't

Shout by Shay

I feel so bad for Bishop right now. She's being an ass to everyone around her but her people get it. They get her.

Andy see's her pain even though she's trying to bottle it all up.

I can't believe I have to wait until February to figure out what's going on. I hate split seasons.

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