
So they turned Muad'Dib into edward scissorhands in a desert. They dragged the story on and on with endless slow mo and flash forwards. Dissapointing, the cinematography and soundtrack was brilliant but thats all. 5/10 is generous. Ive read the books and watched all the dune tv shows and the 1984 movie and i would recommend them as a must watch before this.

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The Great Gatsby

Pish, a waste of $105mil with a shit soundtrack.

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Only watch for the special effects! The acting is terrible. there is no point to Rhianna's character, there has been alot of false/misguided marketing beefing up her role but her role is small and mostly consists of reaction dialogue (She doesnt even get her ass out lol). Liam Neeson wtf were u thinking? Rhianna was in this movie more and thats saying something. The whole plot evolved around an armageddon style relationship with a stupid commander's brother and the admirals daughter who gets arrested for stealing a burrito next minute hes in the navy as a lieutenant and after 2 officers die he becomes the captain and saves the entire planet (Ive not seen someone go up the ranks that quick since Apollo in Battlestar Galactica). To top it off the alien ships are terrible as well, they just hop on the water (in one direction) like a cross between a water strider and a frog, they also dont fly. I Couldnt pinpoint where they spent $200,000,000 it must all be in CGI or the fee for Rihanna. One thing that pissed me off was the fact your intelligence was being insulted constantly. an example was when 3 wheel like destruction robots are launched to take out the enemy (which is the US) but they destroy loads of unarmed helicopters, run through a field where kids are playing baseball, destroy concrete pillars holding up a section of a freeway instead of destroying the only remaining docked Battleship equipped with Harpoon and Tomahawk missiles that ultimately takes them out. It also happens to be a 70 year old battleship with a crew of the same age who are able to get the ship running in no time (also it still had most of its ammunition on board). Disappointing


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