
1 follower

São Paulo, Sao Paulo

Back to Black

A biopic that could have been incredible, but unfortunately is empty, with average performances bordering on the caricature at times, the film has long scenes with dialogues and dynamics that have no influence on the story, everything is superficial and unconvincing, the only highlights are the songs and the scenes directly related to the performances.

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The Night House

Totally engaging, it holds your attention for many reasons, the story is very intriguing and very good, the perfect mix between drama and horror, the acting is fabulous, it manages to elevate the story even more, the soundtrack, as well as the sound of the movie bring a melancholic, tense, heavy and uncomfortable atmosphere. A complete masterpiece.

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Lovely, Dark, and Deep

An extremely slow movie, It has a beautiful environment that could be put to better use, the movie fails to engage and when it does offer something, it always seems to go sideways, having difficulty creating paths and ties for the story, leaving it often confused and sleepy.

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I Saw the TV Glow

A movie where the aesthetics lead and stand out above everything else, the story is simple, so simple that I think it would be better as a short film, everything is very dragged out and focused on scenes with surreal elements, some of them are beautiful, but the repetition makes the movie boring. The performances are good, but there's little room for them to stand out because of the aesthetics, even the tone of voice makes everything too slow.

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The story begins in a very intriguing and engaging way, but as it develops it becomes a little slow, even the horror scenes end up using similar elements, giving a feeling of repetition, in the final act the movie improves more, the highlight goes to the acting, which is great in general.

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Strange Circus

Very disturbing, a movie that uses the real and the surreal constantly, provoking discomfort and confusion, all in an interesting way, as well as the development of the main character who takes on the same confusing structure as the story. The movie could be more fluid if there weren't so many repetitions to justify certain conclusions, but other than that, it's definitely a unique and shocking movie.

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Puppy Love

What a fun, light-hearted movie, with a very well-developed story. Having puppies as a fundamental part was a great idea, the scenes with them are very cute and there are lots of funny scenes. The performances are very good, the chemistry between the characters is outstanding, it's the kind of movie that gets you involved and leaves you with a warm feeling after it's over.

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In the Land of Saints and Sinners

The story and context are great, but I would have liked everything to be better developed, I missed more dynamic relationships and a deeper understanding of the characters, who are all very good. The photography is stunning, the natural landscapes are breathtaking, the movie has a tense atmosphere and great performances.

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Hit Man

The movie is well produced, but it doesn't go anywhere, it doesn't have a story development that catches the eye, it always ends up going down paths full of clichés, all very predictable and dull. The performances have many unnecessary exaggerations, they don't manage to create convincing chemistry, everything is very superficial.

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Under Paris

Extremely entertaining and tense, it's a movie that's far from being realistic, here the focus is more on the action, and its low point is when it tries to take itself too seriously with long scenes of investigation and planning. The effects are quite good, with at least two of the best and most audacious scenes I've ever seen in a shark movie.

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Sasquatch Sunset

Too weird, strange, hilarious, tragic and, above all, different, a movie with beautiful images and an unusual plot. The movie has no lines and focuses on the daily life of this family of sasquatches, everything is way off the track, you have to get involved by not taking anything seriously to have a good experience. The make-up and performances are very good, the expressions, noises and gestures are all very well developed.

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Am I OK?

A light-hearted movie that deals with discoveries and choices, wide themes that can take infinite directions, the movie opted for natural performances that are great. The story is told in a simple way, and it's too simple, I felt that halfway through, everything seemed rushed and very convenient, the development of the characters had a lot more to grow and it got a lot stuck.

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A good mix of horror and photography that ends up resulting in a movie that's fun to watch. The story has some holes and conveniences, but it's very dynamic, with several attention-grabbing moments, the structure is cliché and the difference is the elements of photography, which bring something quite interesting to the movie.

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Very tense, extremely violent and with gripping scenes. The story is great and straightforward, but there are some unrealistic situations for it to develop, but that doesn't change the experience of how this movie holds your attention, you can't leave the screen for a minute. The performances are great and are fundamental to the movie being so good.

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Kill Your Lover

Making a movie about a toxic relationship and break-up, using horror elements as symbolism, could have a very interesting result, but nothing here works well, the story lacks depth, everything is too vague, the performances are weak and the text very empty. The movie fails to engage at any point.

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Imperfect as life is, and it is in that imperfection that everything shines. The performances are stunning, everything is so real, between mistakes and success, dreams and frustrations. The songs tell stories and the story is like one of its songs. The scenes are very close, I often felt involved as if I were there, a beautiful and very alive movie.

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Cathy's Curse

A low-budget 70s movie that turns its limitations into boldness, it's definitely a movie that isn't afraid to take risks and wins because of its cool story and its tension, the ambience is stupendous, very beautiful and scary, some scenes are great given the low resources, especially the make-up. It's a real gem in the genre.

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The Act of Killing

I’ve never seen anything like it in my life, the impact this documentary leaves is strong, absurdly heavy. Everything here is uncomfortable and generates a mixture of indignation, disgust and reflection. It's a long documentary and every minute is like a step on this journey towards the worst.

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Welcome to Leith

It's so absurd, frightening and disturbing that it seems like fiction, but it's very real and very impactful. The subject matter is extremely delicate, and here it is dealt with excellently. It's a very focused documentary, where everything is approached with great attention, without leaving any loose ends, showing it in a very close way. This is one of those films that leaves a mark and leaves reflections.

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The Wrath of Becky

The second movie is fun and the brutal scenes are cool, but here there is a repetition of structure with the first movie, both are practically identical in the sequence of facts and motivations. The focus here is more on the action, which is very good, the character is awesome and could be better developed, I felt it lacked something new.

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A cool and extremely brutal revenge movie, with impactful scenes. The story is really good, the character is great and it leads everything very well. I wish it had gone deeper into some aspects of the story's development, but the focus here is on action and tension, and the movie gets all that right.

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Bag of Lies

An indie horror movie with an intriguing story, the atmosphere of tension and fear is present throughout. The limitations in terms of visual effects mean that the focus is on the story, the make-up and the practical effects, which is a good thing. There are some conveniences and some repetitions, but this doesn't detract from the experience.

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Sinister 2

The second movie has a reasonable story, which could have been much more interesting, but here everything is too obvious and predictable. Some arcs could be better developed, as the characters are great, and the movie has some very good and impactful scenes, good scares and a great soundtrack.

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The story is good, but the development is very slow and often vague. The performances are good and the dynamics of the main characters hold the attention. The movie improves a lot as it reaches its final act, here the story really picks up, and the final scenes are superb.

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This is a movie that manages to work the dark atmosphere and tension like no others, everything here generates discomfort, a weight that transposes the screen and passes on to the viewer. The story is bizarre and very captivating, with the performances standing out, because much of the feeling of strangeness is due to the excellent performances of the cast. One of the best horror films I've ever seen.

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Germany, Year Zero

Extremely realistic, the chaotic scenery of real destruction, the incredible performances, many improvised scenes and lines, amazing angles and close-ups that really favor the expressions, actions and emotions of the characters. A timeless movie with a strong, melancholy and shocking story. A true masterpiece.

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Hurricane Season

The story is interesting, very tense and everything is very organic, visceral and intriguing. The format, based on perspectives, sometimes slows down the development of the movie, and there are also some continuity problems and repetitions. The performances are great, the whole cast has a fluid dynamic, everything is very realistic.

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The movie starts off great, mysterious, atmospheric and very intriguing, then it goes into anthology format, where there are stories that are also good, but which don't connect to the main one, and everything ends up being very loose. The main idea could result in something great, but here it doesn't develop well, and it gets more and more lost as it reaches its conclusion.

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No Way Up

Simple, unpretentious and very accurate. This is the kind of movie that bets on simplicity, has a straightforward story that works very well, great characters with a very good dynamic between them and really cool effects. There's no depth to any aspect of the story, but everything develops in just the right way to deliver a very entertaining and tense movie.

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Dead End

Fun and unpretentious, the movie has a reasonable and very clichéd story, with many predictable moments, but with good hooks and an interesting conclusion, the characters are vague, but manage to entertain, the movie has some good scenes that hold the attention.

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