Daniel da Costa


São Paulo


i didnt give enough credit for Noomi Rapace on Prometheus but i think she's great except playing housewife. she's perfect for tense scenes.

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How to Have Sex

there is, though, a one great song that i had to watch the credits til the end to know the name of.

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Fair Play

ideology at the top is disgusting

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comical far cry's rip off

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Mavka: The Forest Song

what a waste of life

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Sinister 2

such a strange mix of bad decisions. the kept the bizzarre scenes of ritualized deaths of the first movie but who watch thoses are the kids, i mean wat ?? and who plays the mother is someone who makes naked scenes on ation movies. i mean shes not particularly bad its her history and therefore weak for horror movies.

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Amityville: The Awakening

one of the few supernatural movies worth watching. no annoying young characters nor kids. even with a stereotypical hunted house story they got me hooked.

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