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Omicron Persei 8

The Last Cinderella

I love this series. It's one of my go to feel-good-fluffy series when I'm down or not feeling to well. This can always magically make a smile appear on my face no matter how depressed or terrible I'm feeling. It isn't a high-standing series, but to me it has it's purpose. ^^

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Hand of God

I thought the first season was very interesting, but the second one just couldn't capture my attention. Dropped it.

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@moonxartemis Yes I felt the same way. The family dynamics made this series fun. Without them it was boring. Watched the first few eps of season 3 but it wasn't the same.

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Coffee Prince

I love this series. It's one of my go to feel-good-fluffy series when I'm down or not feeling to well. This can always magically make a smile appear on my face no matter how depressed or terrible I'm feeling. It isn't a high-standing series, but to me it has it's purpose. ^^

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The Fierce Wife

Different kind of series. Even though the lead actors make mistakes they are never judged and we see all sides to the story. It's refreshing to see that, usually the ones making the mistakes are condemned. Slice of life kinda drama, which you can relate to quite easily.

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Love Contract

There are several endings for this series. it's up to the viewer which version they prefer. The single/music video "Waiting For You" by Anson Hu is also one of the endings

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Min Namkoong is fenomenal in this. He is the main star of the show. His ability to play the extremely disturbed and insane Nam Gyu Man is out of bounds. High praise for his acting skills.

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Seasons 1 and 2 were enjoyable, but I have no idea what's going on in Logos. it's a real mess, and the art style is totally not my style. So I dropped the series after watching the first 4 episodes of season 3.

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A Thousand Kisses

I loved the series at first but I had to drop it after 35 episodes. The first 30 episodes you really care about the people, sure they are nagging and sure they react to things (at least) I would never do, but it was entertaining and you want to know what happens to them. After 30 episodes it goes downhill so so fast. Everybody just gets meek, they keep nagging about the same things over and over again. Come on people, grow a backbone! This really sucked the fun out of the series for me, so I dropped it.

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Fashion King

WTF did I just watch??! This series became so unhinged after the first half and the ending.... I just don't know what to say. For some reason I kept watching, but I became more and more confused and amazed (not in a good way) by this series. It is entertaining though and you keep waiting for some ball to drop or the other shoe. It isn't a ball or a shoe though, maybe a piano.

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I liked the series. A bit of a slow start. It's a nice detective series. Interesting to see how they come up with stuff and how they gather the evidence. The last few episodes (2,5 eps) were slow again till the final moments. Overall it kept me entertained and the slow parts didn't take too long.

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Koi Kaze

It's a lovely story with a lot of heartache. That said, I know it's not for everyone, since we are talking about a love situation between brother and sister. For me the appeal lies in the struggle both are going through, the insanity of it all, how to deal with these kind of feelings, if you can, at all. This story should not be taken lightly.

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Flower Boy Ramen Shop

I love this series. It's one of my go to feel-good-fluffy series when I'm down or not feeling to well. This can always magically make a smile appear on my face no matter how depressed or terrible I'm feeling. It isn't a high-standing series, but to me it has it's purpose. ^^

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Snow White

An extremely funny and entertaining romantic comedy.

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Very messy series. Interesting storyline, but poorly executed film wise.

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