Benjamin Hargreaves


Omicron Persei 8

Squid Game

I know I'm sounding a little outside of the general consensus but is all Korean drama like this? Super dramatic screaming fits and villains that act like they've just stepped off stage from a school production of west side story and don't even get me started on the depiction of the hedonistic westerners. There were parts that were okay and a few soap opera twists but I really don't see why everyone is losing their shit over this...but then again I didn't particularly like parasite. Maybe Korea is just too alien to me or maybe I'm just a bit of a privileged middle aged white guy and I don't understand the medium.

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Jupiters Legacy

I'm not sure what everyone is comparing this to. It's really not as bad as people are saying. There's a decent story in there, albeit a generic one, and the power rangers fight scenes are a bit fiddly but I've seen an awful lot worse. It's a steady 7....

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Very special show. If you want to understand modern African American culture this is where you need to be. High end TV

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Be warned... this will break your heart. But it's worth it.

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House of the Dragon

Thrones is back! Feels like it never really went away.

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Human Resources

cash grab...utter gibberish without the context of growing pains. binned it off after 3 episodes. heard nothing to convince me to return.

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Stunning, wonderful, repulsive, disgraceful, horrific, beautiful and hilarious in perfect equal measure. The goldfish bowl of the 1% is a masterpiece and already some of the best television ever made. A super solid 10/10 in so many ways. Enjoy from between the cracks in your fingers, it's a revoltingly exhilarating ride.

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Thrones in space with a kickass budget and Apple visuals. What more do you want?

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Midnight Mass

A really nice take on a well trodden tale. The old testament spin on a story that's been told a thousand times is really quite special. I won't spoil it at all but when you get to the bit that makes you think that it's all getting a bit silly, stick with it. It works it's way through. Kudos Mr Flanagan, another top effort.

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only on first episode so... anyways, the sister is a bit of a hammy dick actor but it's definitely intriguing. worth a look at an interesting concept of an extremely viable scenario.

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What We Do in the Shadows

Three of the finest comic actors doing their thing and doing it brilliantly. Matt Berry at the very top of his game. An absolute joy in every way.

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Solar Opposites

I might be slipping into controversy here but... it's better than Rick and Morty, which has lost its edge a bit. This is smarter, funnier and beautifully written. The wall is possibly one of the best concepts ever created. Genius...oh, and for the record, I'm a big R&M fan.

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season 3 sucks sooooo bad

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

It's soooooo good. I feel like I'm watching the original trilogy again. Absolutely nailed it mr favreau. ty

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The Rehearsal

Such a beautiful, complex, wonderful thing. Multiple levels of inception within inception within inception. Groundbreaking and brilliant television on every level. You have no idea what you're about to get yourself into. Just keep an open mind, go with it and most importantly enjoy it.

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Great Expectations

Olivia Coleman and Matt Berry!?! booooom

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#teamtom Astonishingly good television. I'm devastated this is the last season.

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Star Wars: Andor

These are not the comments you are looking for...

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Started off great but....just finish it shyamalan and stop letting your daughter use it as her school project. Please just end it now.

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Season 1 was brilliant. Season 2 is stunning! Tartakovsky smashing it...once again. Beautiful, brilliant, clever, visceral and human show.

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Inside No. 9

Hits its high peak in season 4. A slow downhill descent in 5 turns into a cliff edge by 6 and 7 to the point that it has almost destroyed its own legacy. The concern is that it will inevitably get to season 9 and turn into outright pantomime farce which it isn't far from already. It's like watching a couple of relatives grow old, incontinent and senile... which is a real tragedy.

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Rick and Morty

season 5 back on form. it's good to have Rick and Morty back.

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