


The Morning Show

So this is how the elite white liberals in US news media live and talk. This is almost a caricature of what an average conservative would think of what a liberal in a city seems like. The dialogues are so cringe omg. The plot is so amazingly dumb. Aniston and Witherspoon are so annoying. None of the characters are likeable. Do any real person even remotely talk in a way these characters talk to each other?

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The End of the F***ing World

Did not enjoy S2 as much as S1. Overall a good series.

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The White Lotus

Both seasons are great in their own way. Second season delves much more into the sexual profligacy and perversion of rich people, than the first. The first season shows the pettiness and selfish nature of the wealthy class, while they put on the facade of charitable individuals. One could say these characters are the caricatures of what poor people think what the rich really are. But I think there's a lot of truth in everything shown.

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Ted Lasso

Vapid, puerile and unfunny. The creators were clearly going for a feel good show for the single digit IQ crowd. The lovable idiot protagonist cliche arc isn't executed well. It ends up being unfunny, uninspiring, shallow, dumbed down stupid mess. Won't bother with the third season. Don't waste your time.

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Squid Game

A good series but doesn't live up to the hype. Dragged on too long I think. Could have been a 7 ep long series if some of the clutter was removed. The ending was quite anti-climactic. The protagonist meeting the old man and he essentially saying "it was just a game bro, why you so mad" was a little too underwhelming. But I am glad they went with that instead of making up something to appear that it all had some deeper spiritual meaning or a big secretive conspiracy. Another small thing, but some of the characters were just too out of character. They kept getting surprised by what was happening even after coming back to the place having already witnessed the first game and the mass murder of 200 people. Having said all that, it was quite enjoyable watch.

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Sharp Objects

Shout by hhk9
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-04T05:24:23Z— updated 2024-04-18T04:15:04Z

Too slow. Too pretentious. Too boring. Thank god, it was 8 episodes. The show builds upto some grand supernatural plot. The ending was stupid. It's not the mother going around killing little girls because she is crazy but her sister because she wants attention. Okay. It's just a tv show. Let's move on. But how tf was her sister able to kill those girls without leaving evidences? How did she manage to put a dead body in the middle of the town without getting any attention. I loved Gillian Flynn for Gone girl, but this story wasn't any good.

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The Terminal List

With a plot that could have been written by a 15 year old and god awful action sequences, I don't get what the fuss is about.

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The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

Every male character in the show is psycho and abusive and erratic. Too much elaborate mystery and fluff, surrounding what appears to be typical abusive relationship drama. Slow story, but excellent acting and cinematography. Personally, wouldn't recommend though.

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Mare of Easttown

Shout by hhk9

Overrated garbage. So we have a philandering 17 year old named Erin who has been killed and then we go into a typical whodunit story. The writing is so extremely bad that every 10 min we are introduced to a new suspect. Who could it be? Her abusive father, her ex-boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend, the husband of Mare (Erin's teacher), a local church deacon, a local pyscho rapist in the town, or one of the two cousins of Erin's father? No...the twist is a 13 year old kid of Erin's father's cousin who killed her. Wow. I am sure I am missing many more suspects, all of whom do an incredible job of giving off pedo vibes. In fact, at one point the show would have had us believe every guy in that town was the suspect. I think this is lazy writing, not clever. Suspenseful for the sake of being suspenseful.

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The Last of Us

It's a bore fest. Won't be watching past the 6th episode. Nothing happens. The girl is so annoying and unlikeable.

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