Neon Trotsky

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Room 101, Ministry of Love, Oceania

The Morning Show

So this is how the elite white liberals in US news media live and talk. This is almost a caricature of what an average conservative would think of what a liberal in a city seems like. The dialogues are so cringe omg. The plot is so amazingly dumb. Aniston and Witherspoon are so annoying. None of the characters are likeable. Do any real person even remotely talk in a way these characters talk to each other?

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@abetancort Well you see granpa, they probably lose their accent a bit. The way I see it is all the techies are Indians coz country idiots are too dumb to get an education so they import our best.

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House of the Dragon: 2x05 Regent

Yes yes yes, men are the worst. They only want to fight and fight. No one wants a woman on the throne yes, please tell me one more time.

Don’t get me wrong there is a great setup to get powerful female characters here and I love them. But it is annoying to keep throwing it in like this. Shouldn’t be that hard to keep it in and just tell the story. Social politics everywhere nowadays.

Oh and why can’t a woman be evil?

In better words:

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@zeepsop Don't know what show you're watching, but GoT and HoTD both have no dearth of evil powerful women

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House of the Dragon: 2x07 The Red Sowing


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@emilysmiles Those bastards aren't trustworthy

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House of the Dragon: 2x06 Smallfolk

Found myself feeling incredibly bored, again.

Also, the "modern" take on some of the characters, their actions, and certain lines of their dialogue is so tiresome.

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@dnaxiii As a straight guy, I for one don't mind women kissing each other at all.

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Wasn't scary. It was a tad unsettling. Watched the wisecrack and foundflix reviews on youtube, to see if I missed the meaning or the bigger picture. Nah. It's just an elaborate cult inspired movie. I was expecting a lot after hereditary. I was disappointed.

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@guenguer-deleted-1618340963 yeah dum dum...people check out reviews and explainers all the times dumbass

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