

San Diego, California

I Saw the Devil

A thrilling action horror film that will exhilerate you while it wiggles under you skin. What makes this film unique is its willingness to take the protagonist beyond the point most of its predecessors. For some, this will be a flaw, but in an industry that has become nearly void of risk I Saw The Devil shines.

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This fits into Lovecraftian Horror and if you’re unaware of what that is then you might come away with a sense of disappointment. As a fan of Lovecraftian Horror (or Cosmic Horror) loved the huge twist.

The action was on point and I felt for the protagonists. The cinematography and digital effects are amazing. Allowing water onto the camera lens for longer than any past movie I can think of was a big risk that paid off.

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Sasquatch: Season 1

This is an excellent story that is told extremely well. It’s intriguing, informative, sometimes intense, and above all believable.

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Wow! I half expected a rip-off of Lake Placid or a ridiculously portrayed giant crocodile but was gratifyingly surprised!

I’m not a croc expert, but I thought the instincts of the croc were realistic enough to be believable to the average audience. Set aside the croc’s size and appetite and I think the croc was portrayed well. The size and appetite are needed for a giant creature feature.

The characters were believe in most survival actions and interactions. Just well done.

Was the bar in the very beginning of the film the same as that in Crocodile Dundee?

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The Devil Below

It is a short fun simple action horror. I like the protagonists and thought the writing, filmography, plot, costuming and special effects were good. The acting was decent to good.

Decisions by the director and writers to pop night vision goggles out of nowhere is questionable, as well as, the decision to make the creature both sluggish and lightening fast; heavy and amazing rock-climbers.

Alien meets The Descent meets A Quiet Place.

However, the quality doesn’t come close to any of those films, but it doesn’t have to in order to be a fun ride.

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30 Days of Night

Shout by Heckraiser

I watched this in a movie theater and it was enthralling. One of the most exciting movies depicting vampires you’ll ever see. It’s not without its faults. Ahem…ship. I really enjoyed the tension, jump scares, location, atmosphere, acting (jail boy not withstanding), and the sacrificial end. Enjoy!

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I can appreciate the strong attempt to cover this legend, but I think it could’ve benefited from an increased emphasis on character and relationship building.

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Dune (1984) has a special place in American cinema, but it really suffers from squishing 800 pages into what is basically a Table of Contents when some bland protagonists and 2-D characters in general. I can’t put much blame on any particular actor, director, special effects, etc. for this. It was a poor choice to cram all into a single movie script and then not give the proper budget to what is an epic Sci-Fi Adventure novel.

It ought to be riffed by Mystery Science Theater 3000, if MSTies can fund another season. Of course, the owners to the movie franchise would never allow MST3K riff it.

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The Lair

Best line: That’s some f****d up sh*t!”
I laughed out loud.

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The Tank

First, let me state that this film beat my expectations going in. They were low though.

This film took 30 minutes before any real tension and about half the film’s length for the first major event to occur. In attempt to maintain the viewer’s attention the soundtrack and special effects teams had to pull a lot of heavy lifting with soundtrack tension and cheap shadow tricks.

The characters are strong, acting was good, general plot was typical, camera work was good, lighting, decor, costuming, creative modeling, creature effects and more were really good. Many artists deserve praise for their effort and skills, but there were some questionable decisions in screenplay writing that had me declaring “you’re an idiot and deserve your fate” at several of the characters.

Overall it was an above average creature feature. Unless you really enjoy a slow burn drama, good luck getting through the first half.

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The Lord of the Rings

I like Bakshi’s strange style, but this suffers from not being a flushed out version deserving of Tolkien’s magnificent work. As a kid, I liked it, but as an adult I simply can’t get past the near incessant singing. I’m not a big fan of Tolkien’s written songs either, but it’s unnecessary irritating filler for what could’ve been more of the storytelling.

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2021 War of the Worlds

I love the fact the movie didn’t shy away from scientific information and I think acting was good from the two lead actors. All other prominent actors were terrible to fair. Alien tech and organic were good with the exception of the red tendril weeds.

Could be much improved with a much larger budget, but I think this may have stretched what small budget they had which would be commendable.

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The Deep Ones

It’s low budget which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but there’s nothing deep or thrilling about it. Skip this and watch the Spanish film Dagon released in 2001. Both are based on the novella “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” and Dagon is subjectively superior in every way. Well, it doesn’t have full nudity, so that aspect depends on your taste.

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Hellbound: Hellraiser II

There’s more padding in this film than gauze wrapped around Julia. Half the movie could be edited without losing anything. The plot is extremely weak. Only the motivation of the female lead is clear. The evil doctor’s background and how he became obsessed isn’t explored. The actions, or lack there of, by most characters are inexplicable. What happens in the film is easily anticipated and the one-liners are eye-rolling. I wanted the Lore configuration and received nothing.

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Invasion of the Mermaids

What did I just watch? Small budget doesn’t half to equate to poor fundamentals. The writing is simplistic. So many questions and plot holes left unanswered. The amount of amateurish computer generated effects is disappointing. The day and night cycle presented is questionable at best.

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The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: 3x11 The Strangest Things So Far

I concur with other commenters on the opinion that it’s a rehash of the series and as such a waste of time for most viewers.

The series as a whole reruns snippets of already presented material so often that at least 20% is a waste to anyone paying attention and doesn’t struggle with memory loss.

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Mystery Science Theater 3000

For all those who don’t know, there’s a 24/7 MST3K channel on Twitch. It’s free with ads or $5 a month with no ads. You can chat live with other MSTies too, if you want. Lots of fun!

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Game of Thrones

Finished series the night it ended.

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RiffTrax Live: Birdemic - Shock and Terror

Riffs were great! The movie is one of the worst they and MST3K have riffed. Deep Hurting all around as I can act better than the male lead and I don’t have acting lessons. He must have had his spine replaced with a steel rod.

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Bob's Burgers: 3x18 It Snakes a Village

This episode had me covering my eyes and laughing. It’s an odd combination of simultaneous responses to the old swingers in the pool. I was relieved Bob’s stepdad’s kink was a nothing-burger.

I enjoyed the secondary storyline involving the kids and the crazy lady. Louise would do almost anything for $100. She’ll be running the restaurant when she’s old enough. That’s if the place survives long enough.

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It’s a good suspense film. It makes one feel for Melinda and then…bam! The viewer is wondering who’s the protagonist! Tilda made her character so realistic. I’m curious what gave Tilda inspiration for how to play Melinda?

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Most Terrifying Places in America: Season 1

It would seem this series was put together for the purpose of increasing visitors to the locations covered. In many cases it’s mentioned the place has been renovated and opened for tourists.

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Mystery Science Theater 3000: 9x09 Gorgo

The story of a desperate mother looking for her abducted child. Oh! Ya, Lots of Dorkin too.

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