

San Diego, California


Movies with Ninjas


We love Bad Movies nearly as much as we love Horror. Sometimes, when we're in the mood, we may even love them more.

There's just something deeply satisfying about watching a movie that tries so hard to get everything right, fail miserably in every single aspect, to the point of pain. There's no way that you can watch Vanilla Ice try to act in Cool as Ice and not be in tears; or watch Lou Ferrigno tying rubber cobras together while telling them "Hey, be nice!" in Sinbad of the Seven Seas, and not die laughing; and there's no way in hell that you can watch The Room and not wonder "Does it get any worse than this?"

Most of the movies below are so horrible and inept, that they defy all logical explanation, and they're all crazy enjoyable on a level that we can't even begin to explain.

Not all of these movies are going to be easy find. We've had to watch many of them ourselves on used VHS tapes.
Amazon is a great place to buy a copy of many of these movies, but as most of them are sold through 3rd party sellers, be sure to read their user reviews to make sure they deliver what they promise, and for a reasonable price.
You can also watch a lot of these movies on YouTube, even if the quality isn't that great.
We include the MST3K version of Pod People here, because we can’t find the normal version of the movie to watch, and it’s an A+ episode.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you truly love Bad Movies, then the movies in our Top Six will give you endless amounts of pleasure... and pain. Start with whichever one you like, but watch them all, as they are truly Bad Movie gems of the highest order.

For the remaining:

For the record, many of the movies beyond the Top Six are absolutey classic too. The Apple, Cage, Hard Rock Zombies, Ninja of the Magnificence, Pod People, Rock n' Roll Nightmare, The Room, Sinbad of the Seven Seas, and Space Mutiny are all brilliant in their atrociousness.

Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks, and in this case, great flicks of a particular type.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

Source: http://thehorrorclub.blogspot.ch/2016/02/the-best-of-bad-movies.html


We love Bad Movies nearly as much as we love Horror. Sometimes, when we're in the mood, we may even love them more.

There's just something deeply satisfying about watching a movie that tries so hard to get everything right, fail miserably in every single aspect, to the point of pain. There's no way that you can watch Vanilla Ice try to act in Cool as Ice and not be in tears; or watch Lou Ferrigno tying rubber cobras together while telling them "Hey, be nice!" in Sinbad of the Seven Seas, and not die laughing; and there's no way in hell that you can watch The Room and not wonder "Does it get any worse than this?"

Most of the movies below are so horrible and inept, that they defy all logical explanation, and they're all crazy enjoyable on a level that we can't even begin to explain.

Not all of these movies are going to be easy find. We've had to watch many of them ourselves on used VHS tapes.
Amazon is a great place to buy a copy of many of these movies, but as most of them are sold through 3rd party sellers, be sure to read their user reviews to make sure they deliver what they promise, and for a reasonable price.
You can also watch a lot of these movies on YouTube, even if the quality isn't that great.
We include the MST3K version of Pod People here, because we can’t find the normal version of the movie to watch, and it’s an A+ episode.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you truly love Bad Movies, then the movies in our Top Six will give you endless amounts of pleasure... and pain. Start with whichever one you like, but watch them all, as they are truly Bad Movie gems of the highest order.

For the remaining:

For the record, many of the movies beyond the Top Six are absolutey classic too. The Apple, Cage, Hard Rock Zombies, Ninja of the Magnificence, Pod People, Rock n' Roll Nightmare, The Room, Sinbad of the Seven Seas, and Space Mutiny are all brilliant in their atrociousness.

Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks, and in this case, great flicks of a particular type.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

Source: http://thehorrorclub.blogspot.ch/2016/02/the-best-of-bad-movies.html


Marvel TAS Chronological Order

If you don't go by air dates it is possible to create a streamline continuity between all the shows despite all of the series being created by different people. Some episodes could take place around the same time.

Iron Man
Fantastic Four
The Incredible Hulk
Spider-Man Unlimited
The Avengers: United They Stand

According to The Official Marvel Handbook the different series take place in different realities. But for the purpose of this wiki all series in the Marvel Animated Universe are to be treated as if they exist in the same universe, with the exception of Silver Surfer: The Animated Series. This is because Silver Surfer: The Animated Series contradicts the events of Fantastic Four: The Animated Series far too much to be considered part of the main universe.

Spider-Man: The Animated Series
X-Men: The Animated Series
X-Men '92
X-Men '92: House Of XCII
X-Men '97

Iron Man: The Animated Series
Fantastic Four: The Animated Series
The Incredible Hulk

Silver Surfer: The Animated Series

Spider-Man Unlimited

Avengers: United They Stand

  1. Continuity error: Scarlet Spider was created in an alternate reality but appears in the episode Nightmare in Green of Fantastic Four: The Animated Series and One Man's Worth, Part I of X-Men: The Animated Series which is part of the mainstream universe.

  2. Solution: There is more than one Scarlet Spider. The one shown in Fantastic Four and X-Men is from the mainstream universe while the one that appears in the Spider-Man: The Animated Series is from an alternate reality.

  3. Continuity error: In The Fantastic Four episode, To Battle a Living Planet (1995), She-Hulk is shown as a member of the Avengers. However, The Incredible Hulk episode, Doomed (1996) showed Jennifer Walters becoming She-Hulk.

  4. Solution: The episode Doomed takes place before To Battle a Living Planet.

  5. Continuity error: In the X-Men episode, Repo Man (1993), Sasquatch is a member of Alpha Flight. However, in The Incredible Hulk episode, Man to Man, Beast to Beast (1996), Walter Langkowski turns himself into Sasquatch for the first time.

  6. Solution: Man to Man, Beast to Beat takes place before Repo Man.

  7. Continuity error: Vision is shown as a member of the Avengers in the Fantastic Four episode To Battle a Living Planet (1995), but is first created by Ultron in the Avengers: United They Stand episode Avengers Assemble, Part I (1999).

  8. Solution: Avengers Assemble Part 1 & 2 takes place before To Battle a Living Planet.

  9. Continuity error: At the end of Secret Wars, Chapter III: Doom, Madame Web returns Captain America to the vortex, but in Fantastic Four and Avengers: United They Stand, Captain America is free from the vortex and a member of the Avengers.

  10. Solution: Sometime after the events of Secret Wars, Part III: Doom, the Avengers free Captain America from the vortex and he joins the team.

  11. Continuity error: At the end of the episode, Carnage, Venom and Carnage are trapped in another dimension. However, in Spider-Man Unlimited, it is stated that they were being held captive by S.H.I.E.L.D.

  12. Solution: Venom and Carnage somehow escape the Dark Dimension and were captured by S.H.I.E.L.D.

  13. Continuity error: In the episode Hulk Buster (1996) from Iron Man: The Animated Series, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner do not know each other personally. However, in Helping Hand, Iron Fist (1996) of The Incredible Hulk series Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are good friends.

  14. Solution: Helping Hand, Iron Fist takes place after Hulk Buster.
    The Silver Surfer series takes place in a totally different reality from the other seven shows. This is because Silver Surfer: The Animated Series contradicts several events from Fantastic Four: The Animated Series.


A selection of films, famed for their decision to throw convention out of the window. This list pays homage to the great surrealist films from the history of cinema.
