



It's like someone was told the actual story while in the early stages of an epic bender and then fourteen whiskey shots in he decided to scribble down what little he remembers on napkins with crayon.
Waking up the following morning with a hangover like the spawn of satan and with a pocket full of smeared napkins he writes the script for this movie and actually manages to get someone to fund it.
But still, regardless of how far from actual events this actually is it is surprisingly bad with actors like Hawke, Strong and Rapace really delivering sub-par performances and regarding casting it's hard to imagine a worse choice as Olof Palme than Shanti Roney.
If you're interested in what actually happened, read a book and if you're looking for a heist movie you'll be hard pressed to find a worse choice than this.

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Since the complete degeneration of the F&F franchise my expectations where low but still it managed to disappoint.
Halfway in I though to myself: well at least they're not doing the completly over the top ridiculous car stunts.
Cue the car stunts.
Two thirds in I thought: well at least the script doesn't seem to be written by a couple of fourteen year old on weed.
Cue the American wrestling and total demise of any coherent plotline.

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Black's Game

Very forgettable.
It tries to be an Icelandic Pusher but fails.
There just isn't enough plot to drive the movie forward and Disco Stu (Damon Younger) cast as the ultimate badass gangster isn't believable at all.
A movie needs more than occasional violence and shots of people smoking.
Come to think of it I really don't think I've ever seen so much smoking in a movie before, if one was to do a drinking game and take a shot ever time someone lights up a cigarette it would be suicide by alcohol poisoning for sure.

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Wind River

Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2019-10-05T23:24:54Z— updated 2021-08-16T03:45:37Z

There was something about this that compelled me to watch it again so I saw it with a couple a friends and as the credits rolled we just sat there in utter silence for what felt like a long time until one of us spoke.
There are very few movies that does that.
Everything about this is close to cinematic perfection, Olsen and Renner are magnificent, the cinematography is breathtaking and the whole thing just grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go.
The portrayal of male grief is just so fucking spot on it hurts.
An underrated masterpiece.

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The Hunt

A masterpiece and a modern classic.
I almost suffered a panic attack after watching this it's so powerful.
Growing up in a rural Nordic village I could totally see this happening and it is a very vivid account of what pier pressure is capable of, it absolutely brings out the worst in man.
Mads Mikkelsen is brilliant but he doesn't have to carry it as the whole casting is excellent, even the child actor does a stellar performance.

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Miss Meadows

The concept of a psychopath vigilante Mary Poppins is spectacular.
But they really don't utilize the concept very good at all apart from the fact that I would call this a very dark comedy and not a drama.
Within that genre there are plenty of other movies that does it better.
Falling Down (obviously), Violet and Daisy and God bless America are few that immediately spring to mind.

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Unlike one of the previous commenters I thought this was a pretty fresh take on the cold war spy thrillers.
It's like a John Wick inspired John Le Carre production with a distractingly beautiful lead.
It's what Atomic Blonde could have been with a more coherent script.
Luc Besson will never be one of the highly esteemed writers/directors because he's niched himself in the action/thriller franchise but within that franchise this is a freaking masterpiece.

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War on Everyone

If your sense of humour is even the slightest nuance lighter than pitch black, this movie is not for you.
If you are easily offended, this movie is not for you.
If you are appalled by senseless violence, this movie is not for you.
For the rest of us this is absolutely brilliant.

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Scorched Earth

Nice enough B-movie for an acid rainy day.
An homage to the spaghetti westerns of the 60s and 70s that doesn't take itself to seriously.

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In Order of Disappearance

Absolutely magnificent.
Hagen as a sleazeball drug kingpin just nails it, he is glorious and Skarsgård is splendid as always.
The mix of dark comedy and thriller is just perfect.
Easily one of the top five films to come out of Norway in recent years.

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Rapace is holding her own but carrying this script is an impossible task as it's the weakest thing I've seen in a long time.
Plot holes galore and there's not a technical term or item in the entire film that is used correctly.

The door is encrypted

Let's just all take a moment to revel in the stupendous idiocy it took to write that gem of a line.
Or how about this?

Send location.
Location six-seven.

Well that's the location sorted then, with a precise fix like that I'm sure they'll be real easy to find.

Female characters switch seamlessly between determined action heroines and complete hysterics while all men seem to be in rapist mode regardless of circumstance.
I don't know what kind of sex drive it would take to attempt a rape with a knife still embedded to the hilt in your leg?
The only real unpredictability in the whole film is that it's hard to completely predict scriptwriting as bad as this.

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A.I. Rising

Not good.
The cinematography is like the director was intent of causing an epileptic seizure and obviously heavily inspired by the movie Sunshine.
It's an interesting concept but both Ex Machina and Morgan did it way better.
The gratuitous nudity throughout gives the whole thing an aura of softcore porn which is obviously enhanced by the fact that they cast Stoya as the droid but if there's one redeeming feature about this it's that she really can act.
Next time she might even get a role where she's dressed for more than 50% of the feature.

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All Things To All Men

That might be the most incoherent excuse for a plot I've ever seen.

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Becoming Astrid

Absolutely magnificent.
Alba completely nails the role as Astrid and there are stellar performances throughout.
The story grabs you by a chokehold from the first frame and never lets go.
One of the best Swedish films I've ever seen.

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls

Jack Black as an eccentric man witch is a given, he can basically just play himself and he'll be fine but Blanchett is so great as a weaponized Mary Poppins it's sublime.
Vaccaro was scripted to be annoying but the fact that he's the worst child actor I've seen in a very long time makes it so, so much worse, he is cringingly bad.
Overall still very enjoyable.

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For something to qualify as science fiction there must be some strand of believable science in there somewhere.
They're not even trying here and it's far to slow paced to really be a thriller either.
Just terrible from start to finish.

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They Shall Not Grow Old

If I hadn't been in a state of shock throughout most it I most likely would have cried.

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Holy shit this was good.
Screw Bad Moms and Oceans 8, this is female empowerment and girl power at it's best, girl stopping power.
Garner as Riley North is such a convincing badass she makes John Wick look like a boy scout.

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Mission: Impossible - Fallout

Complete mess.
It's like the execs had a wishlist of scenes they wanted in the movie and someone had to write a script to fit.
The plot is so thin it was probably written with invisible ink on transparent paper.
Bring popcorn and set your expectations low.

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First Man

The casting was excellent and superb acting all around.
"At the edge of your seat" is an overused expression but this one literally had me leaning forward on several occasions which is really saying something considering everything that happens is already known.
Surprisingly the predictability of it all really takes nothing away from the story and when the climactic words The Eagle has landed where spoken I could feel the hairs standing out on the back of my neck.
The only thing keeping this from getting a solid 10/10 is that the soundtrack could have been better.
Bring out the popcorn and strap in, you're in for a wild and amazing ride.

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Holds up pretty good for a twenty year old sci-fi.
By Paul WS Anderson's standards it's a masterpiece.
But the music is just awful, it's like the Starwars score made by a tone-deaf person.
Predictable story but nice enough entertainment for a rainy day.
Oddly enough this supposedly takes place in the same universe as Blade Runner but don't get your hopes up, apart from the odd reference and place names there are absolutely no similarities.

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Hold the Dark

The cinematography is fantastic and it starts out great.
But the plot just gets gradually worse until the grand finale that makes absolutely no sense at all.
This movie is kind of like a fashion model, strikingly beautiful on the outside but beneath the surface there is nothing to catch your interest at all.

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Sharp Objects

It's 6AM, the sun is coming up and I'm just in a state of shock after binging the entire series.
This was the bleakest, darkest and most beautiful thing I've seen since the first season of True Detective.
If Adams doesn't get an Emmy for this then there truly is no justice in the world.

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Chernobyl Diaries

Horrible acting all around.
Past the city sign there is not a single second of footage in this film that is actually from Pripyat and the famous themepark location with the bumber cars and the ferris wheel is recreated very badly.
Plot is bad execution is even worse.

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Ready Player One

Being an old fart I got most of if not all the references made in the book.
Almost none of them made it into the film, in fact the film can at best be described as derived from or inspired by the book.
I don't really remember Halliday as being portrayed as a retarded person in the book which he is in this film, I believe you can actually be fairly competent with computers without lacking basic social skills.
And the whole dynamic between Watts and Cooke is weird as hell when you realize that a girl who's actually model grade material is supposed to be average looking deformed by a horrible birthmark.
How shallow do you have to be for that to make sense?
The book version of the Oasis is not a game, it is much more than that.
I can't believe Cline signed his name on this script, on its own I guess it's fairly entertaining all though somewhat juvenile but as a book adaptation it's absolutely horrible.

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Performances are laughably unconvincing and the fact that Northam actually won a best actor for this at a film festival is probably the most unbelievable and amazing things about this.
The Special Effects is special like Special Ed is special and most likely they dug up Ed Wood and had him in charge of it 'cause this about ten bucks short of visible fish-line.
The whole thing is like how they envisioned the future in the 1940:s or 50:s, if there actually is such a thing as a retro future please kill it with fire before it spreads.

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The Man with the Iron Fists

Absolutely horrible in every single way.
This movie may in fact be a crime against humanity.

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Temple Grandin

Absolutely brilliant in every single way.
An epic performance by Danes and strong support actors delivers an amazing true story.

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7 Days in Entebbe

Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2018-06-14T00:09:34Z— updated 2018-06-15T20:58:54Z

I have no idea where they thought they were going with this.
It could have been an excellent political thriller portraying one of the most brilliant commando raids in history but instead all we get is some artsy soup of a political commentary.
The build-up to the actual raid is 97% of the movie and then when it actually happens it's intermixed with a horrible modern dance routine.
Most meh movie of 2018 thus far.

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