


Wind River

Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2019-10-05T23:24:54Z— updated 2021-08-16T03:45:37Z

There was something about this that compelled me to watch it again so I saw it with a couple a friends and as the credits rolled we just sat there in utter silence for what felt like a long time until one of us spoke.
There are very few movies that does that.
Everything about this is close to cinematic perfection, Olsen and Renner are magnificent, the cinematography is breathtaking and the whole thing just grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go.
The portrayal of male grief is just so fucking spot on it hurts.
An underrated masterpiece.

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No Country for Old Men

It's a rare thing when you manage to find a book adaptation actually worthy of the book.
The Coen brothers have turned Cormac McCarthy's modern classic into a cinematic masterpiece.
Everyone involved delivers their parts perfectly and the dialogue is spectacular.
I've read the book and watched the movie several times, still it is infinitely rewatchable and ages like fine wine.
One of the best movies to come out this century and in my opinion the Coen brothers finest hour.

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War on Everyone

If your sense of humour is even the slightest nuance lighter than pitch black, this movie is not for you.
If you are easily offended, this movie is not for you.
If you are appalled by senseless violence, this movie is not for you.
For the rest of us this is absolutely brilliant.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

It's kinda silly, a bit predictable but also visually stunning, well acted and funny. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Spectacularly good. Timberlake is just shining in this and Ryder Allen's performance is nothing short of amazing, one to look out for in the future for sure.

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I like this a lot more than I reasonably should.
It's by no means a cinematic masterpiece but it's a solid thriller that hold the suspense throughout.
If you wanted to be kind you could call it a homage to Alien as they basically copied the Alien plotline and set it under water.
As an Alien fan I guess that would be reason enough to hate it but I can't since they have done it really well and Kristen Stewart tackles the legacy of Commander Ripley spectacularly well.
Stewart totally nails it as a badass mechanic with a grudge against the world and the rest of the cast delivers as well.
Thoroughly enjoyable.

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Unlike one of the previous commenters I thought this was a pretty fresh take on the cold war spy thrillers.
It's like a John Wick inspired John Le Carre production with a distractingly beautiful lead.
It's what Atomic Blonde could have been with a more coherent script.
Luc Besson will never be one of the highly esteemed writers/directors because he's niched himself in the action/thriller franchise but within that franchise this is a freaking masterpiece.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Visually stunning and a soundtrack that is just absolutely sublime.
Suspend all disbelief, crank the volume to eleven and enjoy the ride.

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Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2024-03-11T04:28:23Z— updated 2024-03-18T02:27:21Z

So I guess Ray Winstones interpretation of Lord Bayford comes from the East (London) part of the North?
And Angela Bassets Lady must come from the very, very, very eastern part. Across the Atlantic part North.
And because representation is important I guess the Dragon immigrated to the kingdom of Aurea for the job opportunities as she obviously struggles with English as her first language.
As the first half of the movie was Millie running through badly lit caves I'll have to say I liked the second half better... which is Millie running through slightly better lit caves.

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It's like a Finnish mix of Rambo and Mad Max with an aftertaste of spaghetti westerns and Quentin Tarantino sprinkled liberally with graphic splatter killings of nazis.
I loved every minute of it.

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In Order of Disappearance

Absolutely magnificent.
Hagen as a sleazeball drug kingpin just nails it, he is glorious and Skarsgård is splendid as always.
The mix of dark comedy and thriller is just perfect.
Easily one of the top five films to come out of Norway in recent years.

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The King's Man

As they surprisingly couldn't cast Olivia Colman even though she's in absolutely everything else even remotely British they seem to have cast Gemma Arterton to play Olivia Colman playing Polly Wilkins.

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They took a very difficult subject and made it fucking fabulous.

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Jojo Rabbit

Absolutely speechless. Without speech.
This was the darkest, craziest, sickest, most glorious and magnificent thing I've seen in ages.
Even the children's performances are completely outstanding and the whole thing just flows seamlessly between laughter and tears.
I will actively be looking for an excuse to watch this again.

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In Bruges

A masterpiece of dark comedy and a personal favourite.
Snappy dialogue, excellent chemistry, great acting and a setting so sublime it's like a PR stunt for Bruges.
I actually visited because of this movie and can confirm that everything Gleeson says about the town is factual.
I knew I was awake but it felt like I was in a dream.

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News of the World

A well told heart-warming story.
Well performed slow burn set to such beautiful scenery you'll loose yourself in it.
A nice western for a rainy day.

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Ari Eldjárn: Pardon My Icelandic

An absolute treasure trove of the prejudices Nordic countries have against each other.
Hilarious stuff and I loved every second of it.

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I just rewatched this and the fact that it still holds up as one of the greatest thrillers of the post millennium era is a testament to its greatness.
Easily Manns best work and Cruise and Foxx really shines throughout.

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls

Jack Black as an eccentric man witch is a given, he can basically just play himself and he'll be fine but Blanchett is so great as a weaponized Mary Poppins it's sublime.
Vaccaro was scripted to be annoying but the fact that he's the worst child actor I've seen in a very long time makes it so, so much worse, he is cringingly bad.
Overall still very enjoyable.

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First Man

The casting was excellent and superb acting all around.
"At the edge of your seat" is an overused expression but this one literally had me leaning forward on several occasions which is really saying something considering everything that happens is already known.
Surprisingly the predictability of it all really takes nothing away from the story and when the climactic words The Eagle has landed where spoken I could feel the hairs standing out on the back of my neck.
The only thing keeping this from getting a solid 10/10 is that the soundtrack could have been better.
Bring out the popcorn and strap in, you're in for a wild and amazing ride.

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The Pope's Exorcist

Pretty decent but Crowe carries the whole cast.
I especially liked how Amorth puttered the 2000kms (1200 miles) from Rome to Castille, Spain on his moped wearing a trench coat, sunglasses and a hat.

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Gunpowder Milkshake

Never once veers from 100% predictability.
The script is so juvenile not even actors way above class for this kind of movie can deliver lines convincingly and the jokes mostly just fall completely flat.
Everybody in Hollywood steals and borrows but in this you can point out the exact feature the scenes are from, it's like they just used cut and paste of the exact same storyboard.
It's not influenced by or an homage to, it's just plagiarism to the point of it being completely ridiculous.
If you intend to watch this, set your expectations really, really low.

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The Doorman

A cat goes missing on the 10th floor of an enormous complex.
After OPENING A F***ING CLOSED DOOR to a sealed room to search for it the next move is to go straight down to the basement.
If you have no appreciation for door opening teleporting cats I have bad news for you regarding the rest of the script as it is so bad no one even bothers to act.
There are action scenes and then there are plot holes.
Ali's niece pulls of real number by even giving an appalling performance in non speaking scenes, they must have dug up and resurrected Ed Wood just to direct her.
It is feat unseen since Alanis Morissette completely bombed her non speaking role in Dogma in -99.

The tagline for this is Be careful who you trust.
The only people you really should be doubtful of is anyone who recommends you watch this.

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This was so awful it was almost physically painful to suffer through.
The only thing keeping my attention is that is was all so completely absurd that it was unintentionally funny, I have never laughed so much at at horror film in my life and there is not one intentional joke in there.
Watching Pugh give a classy performance throughout this train wreck of a script was like watching a gold medallist swimming through a septic tank.
The fact that they shot most of the film in Hungary would explain the fact that they managed to fuck up any and all reference to Swedish culture and traditions as they could have asked a five year old about some of the things if it'd been actually shot in Sweden.
But shame on me for getting to the point that I didn't think it could get any more ridiculous or stupid because enter blood-sacrifice bingo stage left.
1/10. Have been more scared by Shaun the Sheep episodes.

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Richard Jewell

Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2020-03-10T01:45:33Z— updated 2021-06-09T19:38:43Z

A very interesting and compelling story that is conveyed by a very poorly written script.
It polarises between melodrama with the victimisation of Jewell and his mother and the slutty journalist that sleeps her way to a first page story (for which there is no evidence) and the over zealous FBI agents that will go to any length to convict Jewell (which is not how it went down at all).
So between the shock value (that's made up) and the melodrama there isn't enough to turn a great story into a great film.

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Charlie's Angels

This is so awful it's embarrassing.

Banks has written a script so bad not even Patrick Stewart can deliver his lines convincingly.
Either the costume designer for this had a stroke or Banks simply raided her wardrobe from The Hunger Games franchise and the score is so insufferably dreadful the musical director should be beaten to death with his/her own limbs.
The whole thing is so juvenile I really think they missed the mark rating in at PG13 as that excludes most of the target audience.

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Rapace is holding her own but carrying this script is an impossible task as it's the weakest thing I've seen in a long time.
Plot holes galore and there's not a technical term or item in the entire film that is used correctly.

The door is encrypted

Let's just all take a moment to revel in the stupendous idiocy it took to write that gem of a line.
Or how about this?

Send location.
Location six-seven.

Well that's the location sorted then, with a precise fix like that I'm sure they'll be real easy to find.

Female characters switch seamlessly between determined action heroines and complete hysterics while all men seem to be in rapist mode regardless of circumstance.
I don't know what kind of sex drive it would take to attempt a rape with a knife still embedded to the hilt in your leg?
The only real unpredictability in the whole film is that it's hard to completely predict scriptwriting as bad as this.

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Mission: Impossible - Fallout

Complete mess.
It's like the execs had a wishlist of scenes they wanted in the movie and someone had to write a script to fit.
The plot is so thin it was probably written with invisible ink on transparent paper.
Bring popcorn and set your expectations low.

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Dark Waters

A compelling true story expertly delivered.
It's already a slow burn to begin with and the pace drops considerably as we get closer to the end.
The cast all give excellent performances and the cameos by real life victims of this corporate sanctioned poisoning are a very nice touch.

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A.I. Rising

Not good.
The cinematography is like the director was intent of causing an epileptic seizure and obviously heavily inspired by the movie Sunshine.
It's an interesting concept but both Ex Machina and Morgan did it way better.
The gratuitous nudity throughout gives the whole thing an aura of softcore porn which is obviously enhanced by the fact that they cast Stoya as the droid but if there's one redeeming feature about this it's that she really can act.
Next time she might even get a role where she's dressed for more than 50% of the feature.

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