



Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2024-03-11T04:28:23Z— updated 2024-03-18T02:27:21Z

So I guess Ray Winstones interpretation of Lord Bayford comes from the East (London) part of the North?
And Angela Bassets Lady must come from the very, very, very eastern part. Across the Atlantic part North.
And because representation is important I guess the Dragon immigrated to the kingdom of Aurea for the job opportunities as she obviously struggles with English as her first language.
As the first half of the movie was Millie running through badly lit caves I'll have to say I liked the second half better... which is Millie running through slightly better lit caves.

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A true story

It would have been more tasteful to call it based on a true story as they have been pretty heavy handed with regards to what actually happened but I guess that's Hollywood for you.
Excellent acting throughout even by the kids but it felt like the pacing was all over the place which all in all made it a pretty slow burn.

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Casting-wise it is pretty much flawless and every single one delivers stellar performances and Nolans script derived from American Prometheus is spectacular.
However the cinematography is absolutely appalling and I have a hard time believing that an non stroke impaired Van Hoytema followed up Interstellar and Tenet with this absolute mess.
It is constantly switching between different aspect ratios and black and white vs colour all within the same timeframe.
It illustrates nothing. It accomplishes nothing. Just... why?
The sound levels switches seamlessly between barely audible dialogue to EARSPLITTING BOMBASTIC MUSIC enough to actually simulate an atom bomb going of in your eardrums every fifteen minutes worthy of a horror B-movie aiming for a jump scare.
As much as it pains me as a fellow Swede composer Ludwig Göransson completely missed the ball on this with a musical score so out of place it's like he wrote it for a completely different movie than the one I just watched.
As these factors where so extremely palpable throughout the entire film it turns what could have been a great film into a good one simply because Nolan's at his lowest is still ridiculously high.

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It's seems they didn't just settle for hiring a Bollywood actor, they ran the whole script through the Bollywoodomizer as well and what we're left with is this cheesy mess.
Also, I need to get me one of them KTM:s that does 400 miles (640kms) to a 3.8gal (14.5L) tank going full tilt through the desert.

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Fast X

Absolutely terrible in every single way.
These movies are so completely over the top now that it's like a live action cartoon.
They really should go for a PG rating next time as adults will struggle with a plot so juvenile it would not have been out of place in a 60s Batman episode.

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It's like a Finnish mix of Rambo and Mad Max with an aftertaste of spaghetti westerns and Quentin Tarantino sprinkled liberally with graphic splatter killings of nazis.
I loved every minute of it.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

It's kinda silly, a bit predictable but also visually stunning, well acted and funny. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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The Pope's Exorcist

Pretty decent but Crowe carries the whole cast.
I especially liked how Amorth puttered the 2000kms (1200 miles) from Rome to Castille, Spain on his moped wearing a trench coat, sunglasses and a hat.

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This starts out as a standard Lifetime RomCom with some of the absolute worst music I've heard in a long time.
The big names deliver performances way below capacity, the leads have pretty much 0 chemistry and the movie really only ever picks up into "okay" territory.
A solid Meh from me.

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The Menu

The only horror aspect of this is that it's horrendously bad.
It has continuity errors like a 1970s B-movie.
Fiennes (who I otherwise adore) drifts seamlessly between a British and American accent and Anya Taylor-Joy goes from a face covered with blood to fresh out of make-up back to a face covered in blood several times in the second half.
A really shallow made-for-streaming production that is instantly forgettable.

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Crimes of the Future

Future people eating plastic as a societal critique is one thing but the whole thing is just a big mess of quasi philosophical nonsense completely lost by the chock value of the plentiful shots of self mutilation.
None of the leads delivers a performance at their usual level but Kristen Stewarts is absolutely farcical.
It's like she's playing Anna Kendrick parodying Kristen Stewart.
And apparently $27 million gets you props that barely would have been up to par in the 80s.
The whole thing is just spectacularly bad.

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The Snowman

I will never forgive Alfredson for taking one of my favourite books and turning it into a complete disaster.
With this cast and Alfredson directing it had all the makings of a classic thriller.
Alfredsons excuse:

Our shoot time in Norway was way too short. We didn’t get the whole story with us and when we started cutting we discovered that a lot was missing. It’s like when you’re making a big jigsaw puzzle and a few pieces are missing so you don’t see the whole picture.

So a lot of the story didn't even get filmed. They tried to save it in editing. They failed.

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The Power of the Dog

I get why some people would appreciate this for what it is but it definitely wasn't for me.
What I disliked passionately about this is the absolutely horrendous score.
It was like torture throughout the whole thing culminating with the 'hides' scene where the composer obviously couldn't make it any worse himself so he just decided to record a rabid rat running across the keys of a piano.

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The King's Man

As they surprisingly couldn't cast Olivia Colman even though she's in absolutely everything else even remotely British they seem to have cast Gemma Arterton to play Olivia Colman playing Polly Wilkins.

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Now You See Me

I didn't like it at all but what makes me really passionately dislike it is that there is not a single second of it where there isn't some cheesy background music.
It makes it so much worse than it needs to be.
The musical director for this production needs to be slapped in the face with a cold, large halibut.

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They're honestly not trying any more.
This is like they had a fourteen year old write the script for a cartoon.
Or as Dom would have put it: It's family the family of the family and I family hope they family making any family.

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Gunpowder Milkshake

Never once veers from 100% predictability.
The script is so juvenile not even actors way above class for this kind of movie can deliver lines convincingly and the jokes mostly just fall completely flat.
Everybody in Hollywood steals and borrows but in this you can point out the exact feature the scenes are from, it's like they just used cut and paste of the exact same storyboard.
It's not influenced by or an homage to, it's just plagiarism to the point of it being completely ridiculous.
If you intend to watch this, set your expectations really, really low.

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Six Minutes to Midnight

An intriguing story suffering from a weak script and apart from Lady Dench very underwhelming performances.
I love Izzard so I really wanted to like this but I can't oversee that it is riddled with clichés and sub-par acting.

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News of the World

A well told heart-warming story.
Well performed slow burn set to such beautiful scenery you'll loose yourself in it.
A nice western for a rainy day.

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The Limey

Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2021-02-21T23:54:19Z— updated 2021-03-31T03:34:05Z

Oi govnor! 'Ow the 'ell Stamp could deliver 'is lines with a straight face is a bloody mystery innit?
I get it, the completely ridiculous, way over the top slang is supposed to illustrate how he's spent most of his life in prison but I don't think I've ever ever seen a point driven home so blatantly and repeatedly ever and that's saying something as Hollywood rarely leaves anything to chance these days.

The plot is so weak it's laughable, the music in-between actual songs is a mix between daytime drama and 70s porn and the editing, especially in the beginning, is like someone trying to illustrate how it is having epileptic seizures combined with short time memory loss.

I think you either love or hate this and I definably fell into the latter category.

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The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley

A very interesting story prolonged way beyond what the actual events required and disturbingly focused on Holmes' looks.
Like a quarter of the playtime of the entire thing is closeups of her face.

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They took a very difficult subject and made it fucking fabulous.

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A Monster Calls

I was a grown man when I lost my mother to cancer yet this took a firm grip on my heart.
I can't remember the last time I cried this much at all, let alone watching a movie.
And those weren't manly tears, I mean old guy full on blubbering mess kind of crying.
This is one of those rare films I probably will never bring myself to watch again yet I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone.

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Spectacularly good. Timberlake is just shining in this and Ryder Allen's performance is nothing short of amazing, one to look out for in the future for sure.

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Knock Knock

An absolute disaster.
This is a remake of a 70s grindhouse feature which I actually didn't know before watching it.
The grindhouse style over-acting was kept which explains that but he opted for a completely different cinematography which doesn't make any sense as it clashes into a complete shitshow.

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Ari Eldjárn: Pardon My Icelandic

An absolute treasure trove of the prejudices Nordic countries have against each other.
Hilarious stuff and I loved every second of it.

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The Watchmaker's Apprentice

I have absolutely no interest in watch-making whatsoever, yet this is one of the most captivating documentaries I've ever seen.

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I like this a lot more than I reasonably should.
It's by no means a cinematic masterpiece but it's a solid thriller that hold the suspense throughout.
If you wanted to be kind you could call it a homage to Alien as they basically copied the Alien plotline and set it under water.
As an Alien fan I guess that would be reason enough to hate it but I can't since they have done it really well and Kristen Stewart tackles the legacy of Commander Ripley spectacularly well.
Stewart totally nails it as a badass mechanic with a grudge against the world and the rest of the cast delivers as well.
Thoroughly enjoyable.

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Gemini Man

A pretty basic action movie with an interesting pretence basically wasted.
Mary Elizabeth Winsteads character is added purely for decoration into a pretty mindless action driven plot with choreographed sequences that all look extremely unnatural.
There's obviously a shit-ton of CGI put into this but that's no excuse to have movement that look like video game characters on meth.

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The Doorman

A cat goes missing on the 10th floor of an enormous complex.
After OPENING A F***ING CLOSED DOOR to a sealed room to search for it the next move is to go straight down to the basement.
If you have no appreciation for door opening teleporting cats I have bad news for you regarding the rest of the script as it is so bad no one even bothers to act.
There are action scenes and then there are plot holes.
Ali's niece pulls of real number by even giving an appalling performance in non speaking scenes, they must have dug up and resurrected Ed Wood just to direct her.
It is feat unseen since Alanis Morissette completely bombed her non speaking role in Dogma in -99.

The tagline for this is Be careful who you trust.
The only people you really should be doubtful of is anyone who recommends you watch this.

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