

Dolgellau, Wales

Serious Charge

A little gem of a film. A powerful morality play that probably deserves more prominence in our "me too", media age.

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The Feminine Touch

This is a pleasant slice of nostalgia. It evokes the origins and ethos of the original NHS. As with all nostalgia they're is also some sadness on what we have become.

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Safety Not Guaranteed

A pleasant romantic comedy. Good characters and dialogue

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Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

This is very dated now, a piece that exemplifies the 1950's. However, it is stlll enjoyable and, if you don't apply our present view of life, quite good fun.

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I now know hype is pink-coloured. I wish I hadn't fallen for it. A kids toy marketing scam dressed as a film for adults

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May Contain: Nuts

This was a low key, low humour comedy in which the middle class patronize the working class and scorn the upper classes.

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Chase a Crooked Shadow

Good old-fashioned thriller with twists and turns

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I Care a Lot

An awful film; pornographic use of violence and cruelty. The people involved in this have no moral compass at all and should feel ashamed. I feel I need a shower after watching this.

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