
1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

Black Mirror: 6x05 Demon 79

Good grief, a "Dead Zone"-ripoff as a Black Mirror episode.
How have the mighty fallen.....

At least it was this season's last episode.

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Black Mirror: 6x03 Beyond the Sea

I'm really starting to dislike "american" Black Mirror.

Yet another story where the technology is not central to the story, with minor changes the plot would work the same without the replica/spaceship angle, that's just a gimmich or "MacGuffin".

And anyway, why are the replicas on earth and the humans in space? Shouldn't this be the other way around?

And where is Mission Control?
Guy had to watch his whole family killed in front of him and nobody cares that there might be a problem down the road?

This is just sloppy/lazy writing.

Performances by the actors were quite good though.

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Black Mirror: 6x02 Loch Henry

Black Mirror used to be about technology and its impact on society.
This was just a horror story with a nice twist at the end. More Twilight Zone than Black Mirror.

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shame that the pilot didn't get picked up, I think the show had potential to get very interesting.

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A Good Day to Die Hard

I found this movie very disappointing, it's just lots of explosions, no plot, no convincing villain and Bruce Willis just phones his performance in. All in all an average action movie, but a really weak entry in the "Die Hard" series.

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Compared to the book a somewhat drastic change of tone. Depending on your outlook this is either a good fantasy movie or hopelessly overblown and overdramatic.

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Men in Black 3

great movie, great villain, great take on the MIB formula. Better then the second one, close to the first one.

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very stereotypical plot and characters, awesome special effects. Typical summer blockbuster material. Recommended if you like movies by Roland Emmerich or Michael Bay.

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very similar setup to "Escape from New York", fun to watch. I still prefer Snake Plissken...

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Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

suffers a bit from sequel-syndrome (bigger, louder, faster) but overall quite enjoyable and for the last twenty minutes it is as good as the first one.

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Underworld: Awakening

Plot: can't remember but Kate Beckinsale is wearing leather and shoots guns. If you liked the first two you will not be disappointed.

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Once Upon a Time

Way better than expected. The premise sounds a bit silly but the execution is good and plot and character development is promising. I'm curious were the show is going.

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unusual but very good thriller with some coming-of-age story thrown in. Highly recommended.

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Cowboys & Aliens

weird but fun. It also got Cowboys and Aliens.

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Captain America: The First Avenger

not bad, but takes itself far too serious

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nothing special but no disaster, I'd say as good as "DOA: Dead or Alive". Of course a must for fans of the video game.

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Kung Fu Panda 2


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Green Lantern

better than expected, a good superhero movie, nothing more nothing less

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X-Men: First Class

excellent, as good as the first one

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Fast Five

one of the better ones in the series

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good action movie

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not exactly Shakespeare, but better than expected

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Game of Thrones

this looks very promising so far

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