

Neo Tokyo

The Last Kingdom: 5x06 Episode 6

Now whole ass armies move with lightspeed while Uhtred's horses need food..........

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The Last Kingdom: 5x05 Episode 5

Aethelhelm's men teleport through 3 countries up and down in lightspeed while Uhtred and his men take weeks.. Also, the black priest how come he always has access to information he couldn't have and then get forced scenes to deliver that infornation to Athelhelm's dude, jus to get the plot on going.. And how come Edward not once wants to talk to Uhtred first when the body was found in his village?? Writing at this point is really bad.

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The Last Kingdom: 5x02 Episode 2

I really hate Alfreds family from the bottom of my heart, whenever these fucks are in trouble Uhtreds runs to help them or they force him, but whenever he needs help they deny and insult him. Are you telling me Aethelflaed couldn't even spare 100 or 50 men? Or at least send messengers to the borough men and tell them to help. In this regard, how could Aethelhelms dude be so fast from Winchester and arrive at all the boroughs faster than Uhtreds men (and already be in Rumcofa) when they're already in the area?? Did he teleport or what..

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The Last Kingdom: 5x01 Episode 1

Uhm they have guards who can see from a mile away that not a few ppl but a whole ass army is coming with their man as a prisoner but nobody cares to alert or tell sigtryggr anything and jus open the fuckin gates for them to walk in??

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The Last Kingdom: 4x07 Episode 7

How did the danes take over Wales so easily??

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The Last Kingdom: 4x10 Episode 10

Really don't understand this sieges, like the walls are not that high? How are you not be able to take the town? And another thing which I really don't understand how are they (yes I mean you mfs Edward and Aethelred) all the time so stupid and leave their towns and fortresses basically undefended so that the danes or whoever can jus walk in and take it over? Weak season overall imo.

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The Last Kingdom: 4x09 Episode 9

Edward is so stupid, he wants his mother protected and sends her out with Uhtred and 3! fuckin man? Also, thru the whole finding Mercias new lord thing he acted so dumb all the time and made one stupid decision after another, and in the end he couldn't even see the massive advantage in having his sister as the ruler and how this could help him to fulfil Alfreds vision. Yes hes young and all but still, dudes super annoying.

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The Last Kingdom: 2x08 Episode 8

So for years and years uhtred can accomplish the most impossible tasks but he cant take bebbanburg?

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The Last Kingdom: 2x02 Episode 2

Since his very first scene it was clear guthred is a weak king, but he is also stupid as he showed in this episode. Why would you turn against your commander and one of the best warriors for 200 fucking spears?? He could've conquer bebbanburg with uhtred and then he would've get soldiers and uhtreds thanks and loyalty forever which would've been way more useful in the future. Off course the priest is brainwashing him and he also may really fear that uhtred may challenge him in the future for the whole kingdom, but still it doesn't make sense to me. The way this seasons going on doesn't look promising to me.

Aside all that, I actually like that uhtred basically has to start from zero now.

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Outer Banks: 2x05 The Darkest Hour
  • Ok so Scooters widow came forward to Peterkin, why is is she silent now?

  • It must have gone some days until the first court scene, what was Sarah doing until now? Same with Pope, why is he try to figure out the key thing now and not before? This actually should've been their no. 1 priority since they came back but I guess parties and booze was more important..

  • Even the adults behave like children now lol

  • Another one of this nice lil lucky coincidences, which happen every few mins in this show, so jus when Rafe is on the veranda theres Wheezies phone jus when Sarahs messaging her, and its not even locked, so nice..

  • Aaand again Pope is in his grannys house lookin for the key, wonderin where is it, where is it hmmm then a cars lights from outside shins onto the roof and BOOM, luckyyyyy

  • Omg I won't even go into what JJ tried to do and how unconvincing it was staged..

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Outer Banks: 2x04 Homecoming
  • Yea John b lets jus pose on your boat for everyone to see, not like you're the most wanted man in this show..

  • and you got super-hearing now. Thats awesome, you can hear a car door from god knows how many yards away in your wasted state with music in the background, so cool

  • Also maybe someone should think about Sarahs wound right now and get her some proper treatment or medication or so instead of partyin all night, oor yea lets jus pretend she never had one why not,

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Outer Banks: 2x03 Prayers
  • Never seen so lucky ppl and so many convenient situations ever in a tv show.

  • Limbrey has probaly the worst lackey ever. Dude is useless.

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Outer Banks: 1x09 The Bell Tower

This is one of the worst written and staged tv show episodes I've ever watched. I won't even go into details but almost every scene is beyond ridiculous or utterly stuipid. It's complete absurd that this episode has a rating of 77%!

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Tell Me Something

When they're in Soo-yeons old house and she has the flashbacks and Enyas 'Boadicea' kicks in..

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Apparently it's to hot to do shit during day time but ain't nobody no sweating in this movie..

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Where the Crawdads Sing

Top model, with top hair, top skin, top teeths, no body hair (in the 60es!) tries to convince us she grew up all alone in the marshes.. Also the crawdads didn't even sing.. Also wtf are even crawdads?

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Okkkkk ppl killing and torturing eachother over the control of a, and I shit you not, hentai anime studio might be a stretch but I still like the movie, lots of the themes like capitalism, corporate espionage, dark web, human trafficking, sexism, tech bubble.. hentai cough are more relevant than ever. Although made in the early 2000'es the cinematography, editing feels actually more like a 70'es thriller, with a few glimpses of film-noir. This all sounds more exciting than the movie actually is but nevertheless I liked it enough.

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Invincible: Season 1

Hmm the way Nolan talked about Viltrum I really don't trust him.. I didn't read the comics so I don't know if what he says is verfied by earth.. Could it be that Viltrum is acutally not that cool and all friendly and hes actually preparing earth for some kind of invasion..? And thats why he killed the guardians..?

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The Boys: 2x03 Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men

Seriously why does this show hate marine animals so much..??

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The Boys: 1x07 The Self-Preservation Society

You could really feel for the deep if he wasn't a serial sexual assaulter..

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The Boys: 1x02 Cherry

Pretty sure they could've drowned, gassed, poisoned translucent or whatever, would've been much easier.. Also, if his skin is indestructible why are his pieces all over? The explosion should only effect the insides right?

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It Follows

Basically hentai minus tentacles and rape.

Jokes aside, its a brillant concept. One of the freshest take in horror of the last decade. It has it flaws and is not always well executed and acted but overall good enough.

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I never read the book so cant compare, but the movie is a masterpiece in editing.

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The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

Watching this movie is like taking a class in filmmaking.

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Wheels on Meals

As a Jackie Chan fan rewatching some of his early movies is not a good idea. Basically you can skip almost the whole movie to the end, There are 2-3 comedy scenes which are still nice but there are no really good fight/action scenes until then. But yes the end fight is still one of the best ever. I know how this is still a fan favourite and has a cult following but I think thats cause off it's freshness and success at the time of it's making and mostly cause of the fights in the end. I still like it but like I said most of it didn't aged well for me.

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Squid Game: 1x09 One Lucky Day

Can the writers let this guy be a good father jus for once in his life tf? I mean he could've joined the next game after he met his daughter anyway, this is so lazy writing. I was suspecting someone has to be undercover in the games or a previous winner, cause in shows like this there always is at least one, but never had a solid hint. And this is the one thing which surprised me in the whole show, never thought it would be the host of the game, and that it will be Il-nam.

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Squid Game: 1x08 Front Man

Shout by hriday.
BlockedParent2023-03-11T03:26:20Z— updated 2024-04-24T15:40:59Z

Since the third episode I'm saying the frontman is the cops brother. Shows to predictable. Also, the hosts be like we're showing you our gratitude for making it so far by giving you some cow meat but not treating your big ass wound with a big ass piece of glass sticking out of your belly which also somehow magically Gi-hun never notices, despite she bleeding tons of blood everywhere. Then in the first place why did they even made the glass fuckin explode? Make it make sense.. Whatever idc anymore..

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

Was so clear Ali is just to good for himself, Sang-Woo finally showed his true colors and came up with the most stupid unconvincing story and my beyond naive guy Ali be like "Sure bro what you jus said made totally sense lets win together thumbs up, grin", actually Sang-woo kinda already came out as an ass before the second game, well like I always say never trust a broker. Other than that almost everything was as usual predictable and bad staged. Specially ill-nam and gi-huns last scenes.

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The French Dispatch

Shout by hriday.
BlockedParent2023-01-22T00:43:44Z— updated 2023-03-02T02:36:35Z

Every frame, every note, every word in this movie is a piece of art.

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Westworld: 4x03 Années Folles

Pretty sure the girl that picked up Bernard and Stubbs is Frankie but I don't care anymore..

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