

Manchester, England

Jungle Cruise

All of the things it borrows from are better. It was in desperate need of a Captain Jack over Jack Whitehall to help paper over some of the more generic aspects. The sound design was impressive even if the CGI - so much CGI - was a bit bland. The chemistry between the two leads was fine, but it had been overhyped and it's not as impressive as some of the pre-release chatter had implied. Overall, a decent enough way to kill two hours on a Sunday afternoon but instantly forgettable.

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These motherfuckers went to space in a car. 10 stars.

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Say what you will about the 2016 version, but at least it understood that Ghostbusters is a silly high concept comedy from the funny people from SNL and not a serious, brooding drama with "lore" that needs exploring.

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Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage

Decent enough documentary, with some interesting combination of archive footage and talking heads. It draws quite heavily on the podcast Break Stuff: The Story of Woodstock '99, though I think the podcast does a better job of explaining and examining the broader context and some of the almost criminal negligence that went into organizing the festival.

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Space Jam: A New Legacy

I thought the premise - an algorithm wants to put a Basketball player in a WB project - was funny. That idea had lots of potential, especially given that the original shorts were so good at parodying popular culture of their day. But rather than run with that, all we get is "I got that reference" nods to those properties when it could have been so much smarter while still serving the kids. The original Stupor Duck short, for example, which is referenced here, isn't exactly the harshest satire, but it lands its visual jokes and puns and silliness in a way that Daffy dressing s Superman doesn't get anywhere near. It's such a shame, because it basically reduces the Looney Tune characters to very basic acme slapstick when the premise could have allowed those characters to do some really smart parodying of Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and the rest.

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Bill & Ted Face the Music

This film was everything I needed right now.

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Death to 2020

I loved Brooker's Wipes, which seemed to balance genuine insight about the nature of the news with cutting satire, but this is a highly watered down version of that which almost misses the point of what makes the Wipe series work. The jokes are flat, its targets fairly obvious, with celebrities over-performing their delivery, and it doesn't really move beyond broad brushed stereotypes.

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Dracula 3000

"Did I ever tell you how many times I'd see you and want to ejaculate all over your bazonkas"

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Microwave Massacre

If you've been looking for a bloke doing a poor Rodney Dangerfield impression starring in a sexploitation comedy (?!) about the abduction, sexual assault, murder and disposal of the bodies via cannibalism then you've come to the right place!

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NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 15: Night 1

The opening match and the final two matches were probably as good as anything else you'll see this year, though it doesn't quite hit the heights of New Japan from a few years ago. Lovely to see a big(ish) crowd compared to the empty arenas elsewhere in the world.

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