

Manchester, England

Abbott Elementary

This is a fairly straightforward work mockumentary, with a will-they-wont-they romance, but the cast, writing and general cuteness makes it stand out. They really nail the characters and interactions from the very first moments in the first episode. Can't wait to see how this develops.

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The White Lotus

A really enjoyable, and in some ways quite traditional, social satire about race and class. This is very much a satire in the ironic and social type sense rather than a laugh out loud funny satire, even if it does have its moments. Because of the closed hotel set it really has a theatrical feel to it, and feels like draws from some of the drawing room social satires written in the early 20th century. But that traditional feel is infused with with a larger cast, and some of the ambivalences and ambiguities of contemporary television that HBO has done so much to develop in the last twenty years. Because of this you don't get the simple moral anarrative pay off that you might have gotten from those plays, but you do get a very interesting exploration about the nature of exploitation, both the environment and of people, without the show explicitly explaining who is exploiting whom. The cast are excellent, but special mention to Jennifer Coolidge who steals every scene she is in.

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